Exploring science in a literary way. Think about something new every Friday. Founded by @badri@scholar.social and @ManasaKashi@twitter.com
How much faster could trains go if they could float over the tracks? Well superconductors can make that happen. Join Anirudh as he explains the science behind these fascinating materials. Copy the link below!
#science #tech #discovery #electricity
Oral traditions are all about remembering and remixing. But what happens when someone starts to take the credit? This week, Eesha explores a recent hit song, and its underrepresented origins.
buff.ly/43ot9cJ #Dhrupad #ShivaShiva #PonniyinSelvan #Dagarvani
30.6.2023 07:32Oral traditions are all about remembering and remixing. But what happens when someone starts to take...We're all too familiar with famous pieces of art being on display, or bought by the rich globally. But...are they even originals? Join Rhea as she takes us through the fascinating crime that is Art Fraud. Copy the link below!
Zebra stripes are one of the most fascinating markings in the animal kingdom for one reason—the stripes are white instead of black.
Who has an air fryer they recommend, explicitly for being good at making from-scratch french fries and fried chicken? I don't really need it as a multi-purpose tool, I want it to be very good at those two specific things.
Snipette completes 6 years today! It's a bittersweet moment because we realise this also marks the end of our weekly publishing 🥲
11.6.2023 04:02Snipette completes 6 years today! It's a bittersweet moment because we realise this also marks the e...People are familiar with the gruesome story of Hypatia being burnt to death. But what about all the things before she died? This week, philosopher Fadlan aims to set the record straight on this outstanding scholar 🔥
buff.ly/3BKTVQb #Hypatia #History #LibraryOfAlexandria
9.6.2023 22:54People are familiar with the gruesome story of Hypatia being burnt to death. But what about all the ...[share author='Elizabeth' profile='https://twitter.com/elizabethyorke' avatar='https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1541005402946830336/LKj75pL__400x400.jpg' link='https://twitter.com/elizabethyorke/status/1664952668073218050' posted='2023-06-03 11:10:24']#tbt to late 2018 when I went to look for some really good pizza but ended up feeding my unexpecting food nerd brain with some lessons in crypto.
Thanks Badri @snipettemag for editing & publishing my babble! 🤓
9.6.2023 22:43#tbt to late 2018 when I went to look for some really good pizza but ended up feeding my unexpecting...Where does age-old tradition meet cutting-edge technology? The answer, as food writer and researcher @elizabethyorke discovered, is pizza 🍕
buff.ly/3IomRRX #blockchain #pizza #napoli
2.6.2023 07:32Where does age-old tradition meet cutting-edge technology? The answer, as food writer and researcher...When we think of the first time humanity took flight, we think of the Wright brothers. However, there is an unsung hero in this - @fone41 takes us into the history of the true first flight.