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©-Salim-Medjellekh La nature est tout ce qu'on voit, Tout ce qu'on veut, tout ce qu'on aime, Tout ce qu'on sait, tout ce qu'on croit, Tout ce que l'on...

La nature est tout ce qu'on voit,
Tout ce qu'on veut, tout ce qu'on aime,
Tout ce qu'on sait, tout ce qu'on croit,
Tout ce que l'on sent en soi-même.

Elle est belle pour qui la voit,
Elle est bonne à celui qui l'aime,
Elle est juste quand on y croit
Et qu'on la respecte en soi-même.

Regarde le ciel, il te voit,
Embrasse la terre, elle t'aime.
La vérité c'est ce qu'on croit
En la nature c'est toi-même.
Extrait de: Contes d'une grand'mère (1873)
George Sand
Nature is all we see,
Everything we want, everything we love,
Everything we know, everything we believe,
All that we feel within ourselves.

It is beautiful for those who see it,
It is good for those who love it,
It is right when you believe in it
And when you respect it in yourself.

Look at the sky, it sees you,
Embrace the earth, it loves you.
Truth is what you believe
In nature is yourself.
Excerpt from:
Tales of a Grandmother (1873)
George Sand
#Photography #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #photographie #photographienoiretblanc #noiretblanc #bwphoto #bw #bwphotography #bnw #dramaticsky #landscapephotography #moodyphotography #photographicart #pixelfed #fineart #fineartphotography #trees #tree #doubleexposure #bwlandscape

11.3.2025 18:49©-Salim-Medjellekh La nature est tout ce qu'on voit, Tout ce qu'on veut, tout ce qu'on aime, Tout ce qu'on sait, tout ce qu'on croit, Tout ce que l'on...

I know why the caged bird sings, The free bird hops On the back of the wind And floats downstream Until the momentum ends And dips its wings Into the ...

I know why the caged bird sings,
The free bird hops
On the back of the wind
And floats downstream
Until the momentum ends
And dips its wings
Into the orange rays of the sun
And dares to defy the sky.

But a bird that tramples
in its narrow cage
Can rarely see through
its bars of rage
its wings are shackled and
its legs are bound
so it opens its throat to sing.

The caged bird sings
with a tremolo of fear
of things unknown
but still hopes
and its melody is heard
on the distant hill
because the caged bird
sings of freedom.
Maya Angelou.

Je Sais Pourquoi l'Oiseau en Cage Chante,
L'oiseau libre sautille
Sur le dos du vent
Et flotte en aval
Jusqu'à ce que s'achève cet élan
Et plonge ses ailes
Dans les rayons orange du soleil
Et ose défier le ciel.

Mais un oiseau qui piétine
dans sa cage étroite
peu rarement voir à travers
ses barreaux de rage
ses ailes sont entravées et
ses pattes sont liées
alors il ouvre sa gorge pour chanter.

L’oiseau en cage chante
avec un trémolo de peur
des choses inconnues
mais espérées encore
et sa mélodie se fait entendre
sur la colline lointaine
parce que l’oiseau en cage
chante la liberté.
Maya Angelou.
#Photography #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #photographie #photographienoiretblanc #noiretblanc #bwphoto #bw #bwphotography #bnw #dramaticsky #landscapephotography #moodyphotography #photographicart #pixelfed #fineart #fineartphotography #oiseaux #bird

9.3.2025 20:36I know why the caged bird sings, The free bird hops On the back of the wind And floats downstream Until the momentum ends And dips its wings Into the ...

©-Salim-Medjellekh ODE TELLURIQUE Ce matin les pierres ont vieilli d'une glorieuse parole du monde, lointaine, suspendue régnant au cœur des heures in...

Ce matin les pierres ont vieilli d'une glorieuse
parole du monde, lointaine, suspendue
régnant au cœur des heures incertaines
et des creusets sinueux d'une terre insondable
Yves Renaud.
This morning the stones aged with a glorious word
word of the world, distant, suspended
reigning in the heart of uncertain hours
and the sinuous crucibles of an unfathomable earth.
#Photography #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #photographie #photographienoiretblanc #noiretblanc #bwphoto #bw #bwphotography #bnw #dramaticsky #landscapephotography #moodyphotography #photographicart #pixelfed #fineart #fineartphotography #trees #tree

4.3.2025 21:32©-Salim-Medjellekh ODE TELLURIQUE Ce matin les pierres ont vieilli d'une glorieuse parole du monde, lointaine, suspendue régnant au cœur des heures in...

Frozen Morning ©-Salim-Medjellekh Triumph, immortal nature! To whom the hand full of days Lends immeasurable strength, Times that are always reborn! D...

Frozen Morning
Triumph, immortal nature! To whom the hand full of days
Lends immeasurable strength,
Times that are always reborn!
Death replenishes your power,
Give, delight, restore existence To all that draws it from thee;
Insect hatched from your smile,
I am born, I watch and I expire,
Walk and think no more of me!
Eternity of Nature Brevity of Man
by Alphonse de Lamartine
Triomphe, immortelle nature ! À qui la main pleine de jours
Prête des forces sans mesure,
Des temps qui renaissent toujours !
La mort retrempe ta puissance,
Donne, ravis, rends l'existence À tout ce qui la puise en toi ;
Insecte éclos de ton sourire,
Je nais, je regarde et j'expire,
Marche et ne pense plus à moi !
Éternité de la Nature Brièveté de L'homme.
Alphonse de Lamartine
#bnwlandscape #Photography #photographer #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #photographie #photographienoiretblanc #noiretblanc #bwphoto #bw #bwphotography #bnw #dramaticsky #landscapephotography #moodyphotography #photographicart #pixelfed #fineart #fineartphotography #fog #Foggy #trees #tree #hiver #winter

28.2.2025 22:11Frozen Morning ©-Salim-Medjellekh Triumph, immortal nature! To whom the hand full of days Lends immeasurable strength, Times that are always reborn! D...

©-Salim-Medjellekh My Heart's In The Highlands Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North, The birth-place of Valour, the country of...

My Heart's In The Highlands
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.

Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.
Robert Burns 1759-1796·
#Photography #photographer #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #photographie #photographienoiretblanc #noiretblanc #bwphoto #bw #bwphotography #bnw #dramaticsky #landscapephotography #moodyphotography #photographicart #pixelfed #fineart #fineartphotography #castle #Scotland #scotlandphotography

27.2.2025 17:32©-Salim-Medjellekh My Heart's In The Highlands Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North, The birth-place of Valour, the country of...

©-Salim-Medjellekh Le chat ouvrit les yeux, Le soleil y entra. Le chat ferma les yeux, Le soleil y resta. Voilà pourquoi, le soir, Quand le chat se r...

Le chat ouvrit les yeux,
Le soleil y entra.
Le chat ferma les yeux,
Le soleil y resta.

Voilà pourquoi, le soir,
Quand le chat se réveille,
J'aperçois dans le noir
Deux morceaux de soleil.
Maurice Carême.
The cat opened its eyes,
The sun came in.
The cat closed his eyes,
The sun stayed there.

That's why, in the evening,
When the cat wakes,
I see in the dark
Two pieces of sun.
#Photography #photographer #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #photographie #photographienoiretblanc #noiretblanc #bwphoto #bw #bwphotography #bnw #dramaticsky #landscapephotography #moodyphotography #photographicart #pixelfed #fineart #fineartphotography #chats #cats

26.2.2025 21:55©-Salim-Medjellekh Le chat ouvrit les yeux, Le soleil y entra. Le chat ferma les yeux, Le soleil y resta. Voilà pourquoi, le soir, Quand le chat se r...

The great plain is white, motionless and speechless. ©-Salim-Medjellekh #Photography #photographer #blackandwhi...

The great plain is white, motionless and speechless.
#Photography #photographer #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #photographie #photographienoiretblanc #noiretblanc #bwphoto #bw #bwphotography #bnw #dramaticsky #landscapephotography #moodyphotography #photographicart #pixelfed #neige #hiver #snow #winter #fineart #fineartphotography

25.2.2025 22:31The great plain is white, motionless and speechless. ©-Salim-Medjellekh #Photography #photographer #blackandwhi...

Great rendering, I tried multi-exposure in a crowd. It gives a very interesting.

Great rendering, I tried multi-exposure in a crowd. It gives a very interesting.

25.2.2025 20:50Great rendering, I tried multi-exposure in a crowd. It gives a very interesting.

©-Salim-Medjellekh. -Minolta X500 / Fomapan 400/ D-76. L’isolement Souvent sur la montagne, à l’ombre du vieux chêne, Au coucher du soleil, tristement...

-Minolta X500 / Fomapan 400/ D-76.
Souvent sur la montagne, à l’ombre du vieux chêne,
Au coucher du soleil, tristement je m’assieds ;
Je promène au hasard mes regards sur la plaine,
Dont le tableau changeant se déroule à mes pieds.
Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869)
Méditations poétiques.
Often on the mountain, in the shade of the old oak,
At sunset, sadly I sit;
I gaze at random over the plain,
Whose changing scene unfolds at my feet.
Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869)
Poetic meditations.
#bwphoto #bw #bwphotography #filmisnotdead #selfdevelopedfilm #fomapan400 #Photography #analogphotography #analog #analogue #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #photographie #photographienoiretblanc #noiretblanc #35mm #bnwlandscape #fineartphotography #minolta

21.2.2025 21:57©-Salim-Medjellekh. -Minolta X500 / Fomapan 400/ D-76. L’isolement Souvent sur la montagne, à l’ombre du vieux chêne, Au coucher du soleil, tristement...

The great plain is white, motionless and speechless. ©-Salim-Medjellekh Snow night. The great plain is white, motionless and speechless. Not a noise, ...

The great plain is white, motionless and speechless.
Snow night.
The great plain is white, motionless and speechless. Not a noise, not a sound; all life is extinguished. But we sometimes hear, as a dreary complaint, Some homeless dog howling at the corner of a wood. Guy de Maupassant
#Photography #photographer #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #blackandwhite #photographie #photographienoiretblanc #noiretblanc #bwphoto #bw #bwphotography #bnw #dramaticsky #landscapephotography #moodyphotography #photographicart #pixelfed #neige #hiver #snow #winter #fineart #fineartphotography

20.2.2025 19:14The great plain is white, motionless and speechless. ©-Salim-Medjellekh Snow night. The great plain is white, motionless and speechless. Not a noise, ...


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