Hi, I'm Steve, born and bred in Kent, now living and working in Lancashire. Husband of one, father of two, plus a cat. Into politics, current affairs, science, and comedy. Secretary of Fylde Liberal Democrats and trying to remove as many Tories from public office as possible. He/Him. [url=https://ohai.social/tags/LibDems]#LibDems[/url] [url=https://ohai.social/tags/RejoinEU]#RejoinEU[/url] [url=https://ohai.social/tags/ToriesOut]#ToriesOut[/url] [url=https://ohai.social/tags/UKPolitics]#UKPolitics[/url] [url=https://ohai.social/tags/GTTO]#GTTO[/url] [url=https://ohai.social/tags/Fylde]#Fylde[/url]
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