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Novel Road testing were idea testing, page 2/4: painful character creation

As I look back at my changes in working titles and notes about trying to incorporate some of my ideas like that of the adulthood challenge the service adulthood challenge and the four freedoms movement and the tiny house per person ideas into a novel what a mess. I had an interesting main character in … Continue reading Novel Road testing were idea testing, page 2/4: painful character creation

12.3.2025 08:05Novel Road testing were idea testing, page 2/4: painful character creation

Sihirli Annem 71 (by Birgit)

Episode 71 starts with the sad news that Taji is feeling bad. He is dizzy and tired and tells Dudu that the time has come to gather friends and family to tell them he is soon leaving. Dudu, of course, pretends not to take him seriously and suggests that he just needed more sleep. However, … Continue reading Sihirli Annem 71 (by Birgit)

11.3.2025 09:02Sihirli Annem 71 (by Birgit)

Comment on Revistas De Series Y Tres Novelas/Series Reviews And Three Serious Soaps by Pearl Johnson

In reply to <a href="">Em</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Y por fin hemos comenzado con la seria de los dos hermanos, Corazón Salvaje.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

10.3.2025 12:06Comment on Revistas De Series Y Tres Novelas/Series Reviews And Three Serious Soaps by Pearl Johnson

Comment on Book: L’Île sur l’océan Nuit, & let writers write, please! by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

In reply to <a href="">Agnès</a>. Merci ! Je suis tout a fait d'accord avec vous !!

10.3.2025 10:58Comment on Book: L’Île sur l’océan Nuit, & let writers write, please! by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

In reply to <a href="">Stella, oh, Stella</a>. Je sait pas.

10.3.2025 10:51Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Corazón Salvaje, 1993 T1c2, y los Huerfanos

Un hijo legitimo, un hijo huerfano quien no es considerado legitimo, una mujer casada, legitima esposa del hombre rico, y ella no va a dejar que ese bastardo hereda junto con su hijo. Parece familiar? Como, la historia de Isaac, el pobre Ishmael, y Sarah, esposa legitima de Avraham? Pues, aqui lo tenemos, pero en … Continue reading Corazón Salvaje, 1993 T1c2, y los Huerfanos

10.3.2025 08:05Corazón Salvaje, 1993 T1c2, y los Huerfanos

Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by Stella, oh, Stella

In reply to <a href="">ShiraDestProjectDoBetter</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Et qu'est-ce qu'on dit des Danois? ;-) </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

9.3.2025 21:09Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by Stella, oh, Stella

Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

In reply to <a href="">Stella, oh, Stella</a>. Oui, c'est vrai ! Et on m'avait dit que cetait pour ça que les francophones sont tellement bien pour les mathématiques !

9.3.2025 18:15Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Comment on Book: L’Île sur l’océan Nuit, & let writers write, please! by Agnès

In reply to <a href="">ShiraDestProjectDoBetter</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>C'est vrai . Ce livre était vraiment chouette. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

9.3.2025 17:34Comment on Book: L’Île sur l’océan Nuit, & let writers write, please! by Agnès

Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by Stella, oh, Stella

In reply to <a href="">ShiraDestProjectDoBetter</a>. Et les Francais? Quatre-vingt? C'est le dernier reliquat. Et j'avais oublié, les Danois mème comptent encore en "snes". 60 est "tres" (tre snes), 80 est "firs" (fire snes). 50 est "halvtreds" (troisième snes halv, demi), 70 est "halvfjerds" (quatrième snes halv), 90 est "halvfems" (cinquantième snes halv). C'est très conséquant.

9.3.2025 17:04Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by Stella, oh, Stella

Comment on Review of Dumas’ Histoire d’un Casse Noisette, and Surprising Nuts ! by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

In reply to <a href="">Tulipe</a>. C'est vrai ! <em>Ni</em> (D. Anto<em>ni</em>a, de <strong>ShiraDest</strong> pubs...)

9.3.2025 11:36Comment on Review of Dumas’ Histoire d’un Casse Noisette, and Surprising Nuts ! by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Comment on Éléments d’Euclide: Preface, et les Sctns Coniques by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

In reply to <a href="">Pearl Johnson</a>. Et moi aussi !

9.3.2025 11:16Comment on Éléments d’Euclide: Preface, et les Sctns Coniques by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

In reply to <a href="">Stella, oh, Stella</a>. Ah, bon ? C'est tres interesant de savoir, merci !

9.3.2025 11:15Comment on Números formados com 10, mas, e 20? by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Traduire, c’est intéressant

En 1812, notre traducteur d’edition 1814 d’Euclide disait que: “Le texte grec étant ainsi arrêté , je le traduisis en latin , et je fis à latraduction française les changements exigés par les variantes que j’avaisadoptées.que Ma traduction latine correspond mot pour mot au texte grec, à moinsquelque règle particulière ne m’ait forcé de faire … Continue reading Traduire, c’est intéressant

9.3.2025 08:59Traduire, c’est intéressant

Números formados com 10, mas, e 20?

Nos usamos 10 como base pelos números, mas, os Maya, se lembro-me bem, usarem o sistema de numeração que tem a base no número vinte. O número vinite tem muitas ventagems sobre o número dez. Podes dizer-nos algums? Ni, ShiraDest pubs, Project Do Better , ’25

8.3.2025 08:43Números formados com 10, mas, e 20?

“Penser contre soi-même”

“C’est traquer les illusions, les préjugés…” et, dit l’écrivain philosophe, Nathan Devers, aussi d’explorer la subjectivité, comment l’article de France Inter au titre de Conscience et subjectivité nous invite de faire, publié le vendredi 28 février 2025. Je crois qu’il est important de prendre le temps de penser a nos préjugés sur tout ces jours … Continue reading “Penser contre soi-même”

7.3.2025 08:59“Penser contre soi-même”

Rei Eterno episódio 7: Somos depredadores?

A NASA está a esconder a existência dos UFOs porque temos de destruir o outro mundo?? Nós não podemos viver juntos em Paz? (Também o Liu acha que o universo é um Floresta Sombrio …) “Vocês dois, sentem… Como meninos!!   “Não mata ele, é um servente público.” Que interessante como diferente pode ser a mesma … Continue reading Rei Eterno episódio 7: Somos depredadores?

6.3.2025 08:56Rei Eterno episódio 7: Somos depredadores?

From one working title to another, journaling an abandoned novel, p. 1/4

Found these notes from over a year ago, in July fo ’23: This novel that I had in mind went from being called beds for all, to keep you world, to nest world for the setting, to a place to stay, after going from temporary working title for for all. In the end I realized … Continue reading From one working title to another, journaling an abandoned novel, p. 1/4

5.3.2025 08:03From one working title to another, journaling an abandoned novel, p. 1/4

Sihirli Annem 70 (by Birgit)

Episode 70 starts at Dudu’s castle, where she sets the breakfast table for Taji and even magics a newspaper for him (Dudu???). Taji wants her to join him, but on that occasion, we learn that fairies don’t eat three times a day like humans. The two start their usual bickering, which ends with Dudu making … Continue reading Sihirli Annem 70 (by Birgit)

4.3.2025 12:42Sihirli Annem 70 (by Birgit)

Borges, La Maravilla, y las palabras

El Maestro dice, en su Aleph, pagina 121, que “la maravilla es acaso incomunicable.” Pero me pregunto, en ese caso, para que’ tenemos idiomas, si no es para comunicarnos de las cosas mas maravillosas. Toni Morrison dice que son las palabras que ayudan a las civilizaciones para curarse. Siendo el caso, este, entonces, poder comunicar … Continue reading Borges, La Maravilla, y las palabras

3.3.2025 09:08Borges, La Maravilla, y las palabras

By: ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

In reply to <a href="">denise421win</a>. Thank you, Denise. Sharing it would be most helpful and appreciated.

17.2.2024 14:25By: ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

By: denise421win

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>This information can change our way of life. I hope it will get more attention soon</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

17.2.2024 02:46By: denise421win

By: ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

copyright automatically belongs to the writer, but I've added an updated date at the bottom.

23.5.2023 00:49By: ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

By: ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

In reply to <a href="">Stella, oh, Stella</a>. Thank you!

22.5.2023 22:43By: ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

By: ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

In reply to <a href="">Stella, oh, Stella</a>. Some of them are worse than some of the other, unfortunately. The problem is that our Constitution, having set up The Electoral College, makes it difficult for the majority of the population to actually have a voice, and years of efforts to update (amend) the Constitution in order to abolish the Electoral College have been fruitless, due to the power of individual state legislature in certain states. This seems to be an educative cultural issue, as Americans have been taught to be more and more individualist and selfish since WWII, and we are now seeing the results of about 70 years of 'training' of American culture. But, this is why Project Do Better proposes a 70 year plan focusing on education for empathy and for community cooperation. We can change, and we can Do Better.

22.5.2023 19:34By: ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

By: Stella, oh, Stella

At the moment it looks like development in the US is regressive to before Roosevelt times. Where do politicians get their consultants from, Afghanistan???

22.5.2023 16:32By: Stella, oh, Stella

By: Stella, oh, Stella

In reply to <a href="">ShiraDestProjectDoBetter</a>. Yes we can!

22.5.2023 14:33By: Stella, oh, Stella


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