[url=]#ArchLinux[/url] and general [url=]#opensource[/url] user. Been using [url=]#Linux[/url] since 2001ish. Had a Nokia N800, N950 prior and [url=]#Jolla[/url] with [url=]#SailfishOS[/url] as a mainphone until 2018. I like tech a lot but not as much as I used to. Have become interested in [url=]#Solarpunk[/url]. I like tech that is good for mankind. Was pretty much Google free. Haven't used Facebook or Twitter in decades. I am a father. My work is within health care and psychiatry. My interests are very broad... I cover pretty much all the bases. ;)
Main was at [url=]@shellkr[/url] but it seems to have shutdown.
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