Transplanted New Englander ([url=]#celtics[/url], [url=]#redsox[/url]) living in the East Bay. I [url=]#hike[/url], [url=]#run[/url], [url=]#bake[/url], still watch [url=]#TheSimpsons[/url], play [url=]#ukulele[/url], and make [url=]#GeologicMaps[/url] ([url=]#geology[/url], [url=]#geomorphology[/url], [url=]#tectonics[/url], @geoscience) mostly in the [url=]#Mojave[/url] desert. I also dabble in cosmogenic nuclide [url=]#geochronology[/url] to learn about the timing of [url=]#Pleistocene[/url] [url=]#glacier[/url] retreat and [url=]#LandscapeEvolution[/url]. Earth Science in the Public Service. Toots are my own and not endorsed by any organization. [url=]#BoilerUp[/url]
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Tags: bake boilerup celtics geochronology geologicmaps geology geomorphology glacier hike landscapeevolution mojave pleistocene redsox run tectonics thesimpsons ukulele