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At Intervals

“It wouldn’t be fair to say Counsellor Grerbe was the one that discovered the first signal irregularities. It’s that the emission survey that first showed them wasn’t even looking for planets… Radio, as you put it. It was just trying to refine star spectra, and some scans had irregular peaks.”

“Mind you, there was no way we could get am radio signals at that distance.…

31.1.2025 23:29At Intervals


One of the In-show “exits” Olivia and Aurelia are planning involves a 3 box illusion. A persona will be dragged back on stage, ready to go play tennis after the show – she’s got a racket, and appropriate court attire, which she isn’t wearing yet. Olivia throws the outfit in the boxes, and closes the door on the persona as she walks in.…

14.11.2024 23:32Gags

Future Prospects

The hardware store was open early – though a vigorous walk from the gas station. Nellie left the two requested replacement saw blades in her tiny security locker as she kept track of the usual proceedings.

It was like watching for signs of zombie infection. Aurelia would, theoretically, still be only an inch taller than she was, if she were to try and do whatever she did around the gas station… Unless she were wearing heels.…

12.11.2024 21:35Future Prospects

Don’t Eat at Joe’s

It was no longer Joe Kelsen that ran “Joe’s Magic Emporium and Consignment”. He retired years ago. Decades, by now, according to the framed picture on the wall. One that turned to a skull if illuminated by blacklight.

Darky “Joe” Rouse had opted not to change the name though. He did, after some joking with customers, start to stock an increasing variety of card games.…

11.11.2024 23:06Don’t Eat at Joe’s

Civilized Clothing p1

The whole situation felt like being sent to the principle’s office, Roxy thought. There was a waiting room of sorts – a table, plants in the corners – but nothing to occupy oneself with. No Magazines. No treats – which seemed against policy for Betty Crocker Corp. There was always some sort of sampler. There was even an outline of where they trey would go.…

6.11.2024 22:12Civilized Clothing p1

Liu Going Even More Indy?

Part 1:

[paparazzi-style photo: Hattie is in a baseball cap with her hair down, Standing on the sidewalk, doing somthing (reviewing a script?) as she waits for somthing to happen, perhaps to be picked up in a car. Her ears have several piercings – industrial bars included, to contrast a face so unblemished she usually wears a medical mask in public.…

24.9.2024 18:52Liu Going Even More Indy?

Identity Theft

This is not what inspired this, per se, but popping up independently about the same time probably encouraged wanting to further develop it

Subject is responding to a prompt on a cell phone – “No, I never had a mortgage… Why?”

Cartoon vacumn-cleaner like effect from the phone, separating and overlay of physical attributes from a manequin-like body, sort of like a ghost exiting a body, but more external.…

31.8.2024 21:35Identity Theft

Headless Girl planning

[M] Is a desi girl, now young woman, born without bones.

Dubbed – but not widely acknowledged, as a member of Homo Ruber – a reference to the Indian Rubber Woman.

It was quickly decided that, to better fit into society, she would be fitted with artificial bones – first of lacquered wood, eventually 3d printed. These were not 1:1 matches of bones, but were trial-and-error customized to be used for locomotion without direct attachment, making them easier to replace as [m] grew older, with longer versions appropriate to age and weight.…

30.8.2024 20:15Headless Girl planning

Fitting some pieces together

I think I’ve figured out some of how Peredharna, SAMMANA Transport NPO, and Samvrita Kachwaha tie together

Noncompetitive 2014 is the Usha Yogasana competition debacle. I wish I could write it. I am still afraid of bungling it.

Noncompetitive 2024, Usha has graduated and is one of several secretaries at SAMMANA Transport NPO – Presumably a main office around Kolkata. SAMMANA has to be an NPO, because it has to work across country borders, because it’s clients have no respect for these borders – in many cases, they significantly predate the borders.…

25.7.2024 02:42Fitting some pieces together


I’m slowly consolidating the stuff at and here. I think. has some pictures of OCs, mostly commissioned.

25.7.2024 02:01Foreword

Comment on Time, not Lost, but Used Elsewhere by Anonymous

I loved this, the word choices, the descriptions, and the details that gave me a peek into the world and the scene. Mina and Kayam's interaction was so sweet. Mina recounting her past in the world she lived in along with meeting her one of many past husbands and playing the guitar are always interesting.

16.5.2024 03:08Comment on Time, not Lost, but Used Elsewhere by Anonymous


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