Scrunchy life of a new mom
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Tags: scrunchy
The idea of being a crunchy mom, a mother or caregiver who practices a natural, holistic lifestyle that she incorporates into her parenting, is widely becoming popular across the nation and very strongly in rural areas. The main part of being crunchy is living naturally, this should be a simpler and cheaper way to live […]
14.11.2024 20:53Is it expensive to be crunchy?There is the meme everyone knows, "I am stuck on bandaid brand ..." well we can as Christians replace the words, "I am stuck in Jesus Christ cause Jesus is stuck in me."
11.4.2024 04:02Comment on Break Me Off a Piece of That Kit-Kat Bar by joebradleyjr63Do you need a break? From what? I know I can’t be the only one who started singing that as soon as they read the question. other than that, I feel like the prompts have been very difficult questions lately. What do I need a break from? Any answer would be wrong in society’s eyes […]
8.2.2024 03:14Break Me Off a Piece of That Kit-Kat BarThe most important invention in your lifetime is… The answer to what is the most important invention of my lifetime is an extremely loaded question. For what is any invention but a continuation of some invention before? Some would say the smart phone was the best invention; but where would it be without electricity, computers, […]
7.2.2024 01:32Changing of TimesWhat would you do if you won the lottery? What would I do if I won the lottery? Man, this is a big one! First though, I have to say that I am too risk-averse, so I never play the lottery. My second week back at work from maternity leave, I was let go from […]
29.1.2024 00:40Share the DreamI want to read all of the books! I want to share with the world my love of books! After being let go from my job a few months ago I really started thinking about what I want to do with my life. Do I want to keep working corporate jobs forever that have proven […]
28.1.2024 04:42The Paper Rose BookstoreI've always wanted to go stay in a cabin during winter too. It look like it would be so breathtaking to see it in person.
27.1.2024 00:09Comment on Family Traditions by Rosaly AponteIt's lovely to hear about the traditions you had growing up, like hiking with your dad, making Christmas cookies, and celebrating birthdays at a restaurant of the birthday person's choice. These activities, even if they've changed over time, are precious memories. It's wonderful that you're revisiting hiking with your dad and considering introducing it to your daughter, creating a bridge between past and present.
Starting new traditions with your own family is an exciting journey, and the idea of a winter cabin trip is absolutely charming! It sounds like a perfect way to create a serene and memorable family experience, especially contrasting with the Texas landscape. Have you thought about any special activities you'd like to include in these cabin trips, perhaps something unique to the snowy, mountainous environment? It would be interesting to hear how you envision these trips evolving into a cherished family tradition.
Write about a few of your favorite family traditions. Growing up there were things we always did, I’m not sure if I would call them traditions or not though, especially since growing up a lot of them kinda fell by the wayside. Some examples: me and my dad used to go hiking all the time, […]
26.1.2024 23:32Family TraditionsIf you found this post then you’re either trying to Google, “why won’t my baby sleep?!”, “why is my baby sleeping so much?”, or your totally lost, either way welcome! The answer to both of those questions are the same ; it’s just what babies do and it’ll change a million times (or not if […]
26.1.2024 21:03Really Real Baby SleepWouldn’t it be nice if every night we could cook gourmet 3 course meals? But in reality that rarely happens. I can usually cook at least decent meals but sometimes it’s either dump and go meals or eating out. So below is a list and slight recipes for my favorite easy quick dinner meals! (I […]
18.1.2024 14:30My Go-To Quick MealsIf you could un-invent something, what would it be? For WordPress’ Blog Idea of the Day; if you could un-invent something what would it be? My first thought was this blasted smartphone that I am currently on looking at this. I went to read some other people’s opinion and quite a few say the smartphone […]
18.1.2024 13:30It’s a Love/Hate ThingCan you share a positive example of where you’ve felt loved? I thought I knew what love was until I held her in my arms for the first time. Everyone told me that would happen but it’s still unreal till it happens! While I was pregnant it was so exciting but for me it just […]
17.1.2024 23:19The True Meaning of LoveMy blog here on Wordpress was in facebook jail for years. The only reason I was given, it goes against community standards. For almost 5 years whenever I tried to post a link to my blog I’d get the red notification. Then one day last year my words were deemed worthy again. I even had friends try to post links from my blog to their facebook page because they thought it was nutty. I don’t understand the facebook.
14.1.2024 15:48Comment on The Facebook Prison by vhoskingCongratulations and welcome to blogging. Nice rainbow as well.
8.12.2023 22:01Comment on Hello World! by Abbrah Kahdavver