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Thoughts on God, life and family.

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Daddy, it may be 5 years, but the pain lingers on…


Five years feels like a very small number, especially given how fast the years have passed since you left us. The pain is still strong. The thing is, nothing and no one can replace you. The burdens I’ve had to carry single-handedly after you left have devastated me at times. I never understood how you...
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12.1.2025 17:23Daddy, it may be 5 years, but the pain lingers on…

A place close to my heart


Living in a desert is depressing, to say the least. Especially for nature lovers like me who love to see greenery all around. Everywhere we turn, there’s that melancholic brown. Not a pleasant sight for the eyes. In that vast expanse of brown, we had discovered a green solace for the soul. We visited the...
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6.11.2024 01:52A place close to my heart

Lebanese Hashweh (one pot Arabic rice and meat dish)


Off late, I’ve been cooking on my own with zero help from maids. Cooking has always been a joy, even when I was a young woman. It’s a pleasure to cook for my kids. I’m a huge fan of one pot dishes that are nutrition packed while being delicious. This is because in the morning,...
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3.11.2024 10:59Lebanese Hashweh (one pot Arabic rice and meat dish)

We all wished…


We all hope and wish for one person who could love us unconditionally. Usually, that one person who does love us that way on earth is our mother. I think having our tanks full of love in childhood sets us up to achieve great success in our adult lives. Unfortunately, not everyone gets lucky. I...
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6.8.2024 01:04We all wished…

First Death Anniversary of my Mother


I can’t believe that it’s been a year already. I feel numb and nothing at all. I think when death places its hands on someone close, it affects us only if the person in question truly loved us or we loved them. In my case, it feels like neither was true. I didn’t feel a...
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3.5.2024 03:19First Death Anniversary of my Mother

Comment on Gluten-free Pancakes by Gluten-free Pancakes – Shirley’s Scribbles | My Meals are on Wheels


[…] April 5, 2024 at 7:22 AM | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Gluten-free Pancakes […]

5.4.2024 11:22Comment on Gluten-free Pancakes by Gluten-free Pancakes – Shirley’s Scribbles | My Meals are on Wheels

Gluten-free Pancakes


All kids love pancakes, and I prefer making them at home because firstly, I know what I’m putting in, and secondly, it’s 100% gluten-free. I’ve fine-tuned the ingredients to suit my family. You can reduce or increase quantities to suit yours. INGREDIENTS Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free baking flour – 2 cups Baking powder – 2.75...
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1.4.2024 15:51Gluten-free Pancakes

My Valentine


Let me not paint a false picture for you guys. We’re far from perfect. We’re just like any other ordinary couple. We fight far more than we get cheesy. But I think a relationship that has so many flaws and hurdles and yet survives is one that is worth talking about. To start with, I...
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14.2.2024 15:57My Valentine

Dad’s 4th Death Anniversary


The festive season doesn’t always translate into joy and happiness for everyone. That’s because some of us have sad or tragic memories associated with this season. This December 31st marks 4 years without my daddy. Hence, my heart goes out to all the people who have painful memories attached to this season. In December 2019,...
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2.1.2024 14:00Dad’s 4th Death Anniversary

An Excuse called ‘Busy’


I get so fed up and frustrated when people easily say they couldn’t get back because they were ‘busy’. If I were to tell you the number of things I’m juggling at the moment, you’d be astonished! Yet I’ve never given anyone this excuse ‘I’m busy.’ It may take a while for me to respond,...
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31.12.2023 14:52An Excuse called ‘Busy’

Where should humanity exist?


The present war taking place between Israel and Palestine has put me through waves of varied emotions. Initially, I was infuriated because all my social media feeds were filled with posts, especially on Instagram, which portrayed the sad state of affairs of the Palestinian people. Yes, of course their state is absolutely pathetic, till date....
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26.10.2023 00:31Where should humanity exist?

Comment on Picking up the pieces… by Priti


In reply to <a href="">Shirley Raj Dilip</a>. Welcome! Do visit my blog.😁

26.12.2022 23:55Comment on Picking up the pieces… by Priti

Comment on Picking up the pieces… by Shirley Raj Dilip


In reply to <a href="">Priti</a>. Thank you!

26.12.2022 19:56Comment on Picking up the pieces… by Shirley Raj Dilip

Comment on Picking up the pieces… by Priti


Great article well shared! 👌👌

6.11.2022 14:35Comment on Picking up the pieces… by Priti

Comment on Back to school it is… by Shirley Raj Dilip


In reply to <a href="">The Scribbling Dad</a>. Thanks Scribbling dad, happy to be a part of their journey.

31.8.2022 03:23Comment on Back to school it is… by Shirley Raj Dilip

Comment on Back to school it is… by The Scribbling Dad


Relive with you kids…enjoy the ups and downs of parenting!

30.8.2022 19:13Comment on Back to school it is… by The Scribbling Dad

Comment on Nagercoil Diaries – Day 2 by The Scribbling Dad



18.7.2022 12:35Comment on Nagercoil Diaries – Day 2 by The Scribbling Dad

Comment on Dealing with my Narcissistic Mother and her Toxic, Dysfunctional Family – Part 1 by Shirley R Graceya


In reply to <a href="">Anonymous</a>. I’m sorry. I understand that certain things in life are very painful. When I was going through these things I was always snubbed by everyone around. Only God brought the change. I’m sure your time will come soon too. Never keep yourself emotionally bonded. Release them and free yourself. I pray God helps you.

15.8.2021 14:52Comment on Dealing with my Narcissistic Mother and her Toxic, Dysfunctional Family – Part 1 by Shirley R Graceya

Comment on Dealing with my Narcissistic Mother and her Toxic, Dysfunctional Family – Part 1 by Anonymous


I cried as I read this as I was reminded of my own mother whom I am still stuck with at the moment. I am trying to escape her.

15.8.2021 10:50Comment on Dealing with my Narcissistic Mother and her Toxic, Dysfunctional Family – Part 1 by Anonymous

Comment on A2Z by Shirley R Graceya


In reply to <a href="">YourLastDayOnEarth</a>. Hello there, yes it is very challenging to homeschool. It can wear one out. But it's nice to have the kids at home and they learn good habits. The best part is the flexibility. We are not following someone else's timing.

12.7.2021 06:32Comment on A2Z by Shirley R Graceya


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