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13.3.2025 23:25Comment on 70/365 by Jens ‘twinkelicious’ 📸… liked this!
13.3.2025 20:24Comment on 8. 2. 2024 by rl… liked this!
13.3.2025 20:24Comment on 11. 2. 2024 by rl… liked this!
13.3.2025 20:22Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by rl… liked this!
13.3.2025 17:21Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by SmithChart… liked this!
13.3.2025 15:55Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by darktable… reposted this!
13.3.2025 15:53Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by darktable… liked this!
13.3.2025 12:49Comment on 70/365 by Marcelo… liked this!
13.3.2025 12:48Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by Marcelo… liked this!
13.3.2025 11:12Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by K… liked this!
13.3.2025 10:59Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by parisstroke… liked this!
13.3.2025 10:46Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by Ash Qin 📷… liked this!
13.3.2025 10:20Comment on 70/365 by Ash Qin 📷… liked this!
13.3.2025 07:57Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by Jens ‘twinkelicious’ 📸… liked this!
13.3.2025 07:28Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by ExplorerHH… liked this!
13.3.2025 07:24Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by photos… liked this!
13.3.2025 07:21Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by Thomas Lottermoser… liked this!
13.3.2025 07:17Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by beslownotpro… liked this!
13.3.2025 07:16Comment on Misfired Dreams (71/365) by MKHardy PhotographyPanasonic DMC-GX80, Olympus M.25mm F1.2, f/1,2, 1/60s @ ISO 640
13.3.2025 07:13Misfired Dreams (71/365)… liked this!
13.3.2025 06:33Comment on 70/365 by Frollein Redselig… liked this!
13.3.2025 05:25Comment on 70/365 by heinelo… liked this!
13.3.2025 04:58Comment on 70/365 by Gorobar… liked this!
13.3.2025 04:04Comment on 70/365 by Mimi DeBacco… liked this!
13.3.2025 02:54Comment on 70/365 by Playernotavailable… liked this!
13.3.2025 02:02Comment on 70/365 by Geovanni Salazar… liked this!
13.3.2025 01:42Comment on 70/365 by d… liked this!
13.3.2025 01:08Comment on 70/365 by Daniel Thompson… liked this!
13.3.2025 01:02Comment on 70/365 by Magnesio… reposted this!
13.3.2025 00:58Comment on 70/365 by Arapalla… liked this!
13.3.2025 00:58Comment on 70/365 by ArapallaHetja <3
12.3.2025 21:5670/365… liked this!
12.3.2025 10:12Comment on 69/365 by Ash Qin 📷… liked this!
11.3.2025 23:53Comment on 69/365 by Christian GuerreroNachdem ich frevelhafter Weise nun schon im Fediverse seit ein paar Tagen die Katze aus dem Sack gelassen habe… Post by @stephan View on Mastodon …wird es höchste Zeit, auch hier endlich ein paar Worte zu meinem nächsten Album zu verlieren, und wie es zu dieser Entscheidung kommt. Wie die meisten von euch ja wissen, […]
7.3.2025 11:30Die Würfel sind gefallenBuba, protector of ducks.
6.3.2025 18:5864/365My sweet, sweet Buba <3
5.3.2025 19:1863/365Aurora
3.3.2025 07:1061/365Thore, the cameroon dwarf…
2.3.2025 17:3960/365Dear Mr. Cook, You don’t know me and you will most probably never see this letter. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to write to you because it’s important, and it’s going to be significant for you. First a little background. I’m a musician and record producer, and to compose and produce recordings, I have used a […]
27.2.2025 10:54Open Letter To Tim CookThe Silence Of The Hobby Horses
27.2.2025 07:0257/365Buba <3
26.2.2025 06:1256/365Das Fenster zum Hof Es ist zwar bekannt, aber trotzdem immer wieder erstaunlich, was für einen großen Unterschied es ausmachen kann, wenn sich vergleichsweise kleine Dinge ändern. Wir mochten dieses Fenster nie – denn nicht alles, was man von da aus sehen kann, ist schön. Insbesondere in unseren ersten Jahren hier konnte uns ein Blick […]
25.2.2025 07:3355/365Election Day
24.2.2025 09:4854/365Agathe <3
23.2.2025 17:1853/365Shakira ❤️
22.2.2025 06:2352/365ILCE-7RM2, FE 55mm F1.8 ZA, f/8.0, 1/320s @ ISO200
21.2.2025 06:3551/365ILCE-7RM2, FE 35mm F2.8 ZA, f/2.8, 1/60 @ ISO 4000
20.2.2025 07:0050/365Wendy ILCE-7RM2, Tomioka Cosinon Auto 1.2/55, f/1.2, 1/250s, ISO 12800
19.2.2025 07:1749/365Frau K. spending some quality time With Ludwig, Agathe & Babette ILCE-7RM2, Schneider Kreuznach Radionar 45mm f2.8, f/2.8, 1/1600s @ ISO200 P.S.: Is there anyone else having trouble using the #ActivityPub Plugin? Sometimes my posts get federated, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes federation includes the picture, sometimes it doesn’t include anything at all… I’m not sure […]
18.2.2025 07:2848/365Estrella, Mercedes, Nado & Esme Sony ILCE-7RM2, FE 35mm F2.8 ZA, f/2.8, 1/2500s @ ISO200
17.2.2025 06:4147/365Wendy Sony ILCE-7RM2, Minolta AF 85mm F1.4G (D), f/2.8, 1/400s @ ISO 200
16.2.2025 06:2946/365Josie ❤️ (thx to Kiki & Marie ;-)) Sony ILCE-7RM2, FE 35mm F2.8 ZA, f/2.8, 1/250s @ ISO6400
15.2.2025 08:5345/365Sony ILCE-7RM2, FE 28mm F2, f/2.0, 1/800s @ ISO200
14.2.2025 14:5544/365my girl <3 Sony ILCE-7RM2, FE 55mm F1.8 ZA, f/1.8, 1/250s @ ISO6400
13.2.2025 06:5343/365Siwa, Delilah & Wendy Panasonic DMC-GX80, Lumix G 25/F1.7, f/1.7, 1/60s @ ISO1600
12.2.2025 15:4542/365