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From the computer to the tabletop, this is all about games. Updated each week-end.

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Daily miniature: Plague sorcerer


This miniature came as part of the 2017 Warhammer 40,000 base edition box set. I ordered this from the UK (at UK prices!) and it was delivered to my door … Continue reading

13.3.2025 02:00Daily miniature: Plague sorcerer

Daily miniature: Black Numenoreans


These metal figures were released in three poses from games Workshop. Two of the poses can be seen here.

12.3.2025 02:00Daily miniature: Black Numenoreans

Daily miniature: Blood Bowl trophies


These four metal Blood Bowl trophies were made in the image of Wayne England art from the 1993 and 1994 Blood Bowl books. It’s difficult to get a sense of … Continue reading

11.3.2025 02:00Daily miniature: Blood Bowl trophies

Comment on Daily miniature: Mountain giant by imperialrebelork



10.3.2025 08:32Comment on Daily miniature: Mountain giant by imperialrebelork

Daily miniature: Morgul knights


These are from the original metal model release of Morgul knights. Both rider and steed are metal here, making the models weighty. These days you can buy Morgul knights in … Continue reading

10.3.2025 02:00Daily miniature: Morgul knights

Daily miniature: Plague Marine grenadier


This model comes from the Plague Marine heroes plastic set. These were sold individually, but if you bought a full box you were guaranteed the full squad of 7. I … Continue reading

9.3.2025 02:00Daily miniature: Plague Marine grenadier

Comment on Daily miniature: Mountain giant by John@justneedsvarnish


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>A nice mini, Dave! :-) Looks like a trip to the toenail clinic wouldn't go amiss!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

8.3.2025 08:45Comment on Daily miniature: Mountain giant by John@justneedsvarnish

Daily miniature: Mountain giant


This imposing mountain giant model comes from a non-Games Workshop supplier. To my knowledge it is no longer being produced. However I would not be surprised is very similar .stl … Continue reading

8.3.2025 02:00Daily miniature: Mountain giant

Comment on Daily miniature: Pious Vorne by John@justneedsvarnish


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Nice! :-) That is such an impractically cool weapon!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

7.3.2025 10:17Comment on Daily miniature: Pious Vorne by John@justneedsvarnish

Daily miniature: Pious Vorne


A few of the miniatures from the Blackstone Fortress boxed set have found their way into Warhammer 40,000 armies. Pious Vorne here is one of them, appearing now in the … Continue reading

7.3.2025 02:00Daily miniature: Pious Vorne

Daily miniature: troll drummer


This troll drummer comes from the flexible plastic troll kit from Games Workshop’s Lord of the Rings range. I’m not sure about my experiment with a lilac skin tone, though.

6.3.2025 02:00Daily miniature: troll drummer

Astartes II trailer


At the end of january GW dropped a ‘teaser trailer’ for Astartes II. This project went dark after the launch of Warhammer+ so it’s good to see something. On the … Continue reading

5.3.2025 02:00Astartes II trailer

Daily miniature: Mordor troll


I’m a fan of all the Lord of the Rings plastic sets put out by Games Workshop. The troll set is no exception. This is one of many options for … Continue reading

4.3.2025 02:00Daily miniature: Mordor troll

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay


In reply to <a href="">Kuribo</a>. If 40k titans ever come out in plastic I could be back in!

3.3.2025 10:54Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay


In reply to <a href="">Alex</a>. Thanks Alex!

3.3.2025 10:53Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay


In reply to <a href="">andyskingsofwar</a>. Yes I tried the magnifier at a friend’s house. It had the same effect on me

3.3.2025 10:52Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay


In reply to <a href="">Argentbadger</a>. If the suggestions don’t work I will see it as changing how I interact with the hobby rather than giving up, but I get where you’re coming from

3.3.2025 10:52Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by Kuribo


I hope that some of the advice given here helps, Dave as it would be a shame for you not to enjoy the hobby in the future. At my local show, there are people in their 70's and 80's who still do scale modeling or miniature painting so hopefully with some experimentation and help from an optometrist, might do the trick. You could also try painting larger scale miniatures as well, if that is of interest at all.

3.3.2025 02:58Comment on The eyes don’t have it by Kuribo

New undead terrain for Age of Sigmar


Terrain pieces in Age of Sigmar aren’t just for tabletop decoration. No, they have to work to earn their place on the board. The latest are these crypt pieces for … Continue reading

3.3.2025 02:00New undead terrain for Age of Sigmar

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by Alex


I enjoyed your daily posts. If you continue posting other content I'll give it a read too.

2.3.2025 21:19Comment on The eyes don’t have it by Alex

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by andyskingsofwar


Feel your pain. I tried magnifiers but found them uncomfortable to use. Hope that you work it out

2.3.2025 19:36Comment on The eyes don’t have it by andyskingsofwar

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by Argentbadger


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Good luck! I came here partly to suggest possible solutions but I see that everyone else has been much quicker than me. You should try them out, it would be shame to have to give up on a hobby that you've enjoyed so much over the years.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

2.3.2025 13:44Comment on The eyes don’t have it by Argentbadger

Comment on A format changed by davekay


In reply to <a href="">Tavendale</a>. It’s definitely an issue with lists that aren’t exhaustive to the point of being unworkable - there’s always a powerful deck that fits a bracket or two below where it should

2.3.2025 00:54Comment on A format changed by davekay

Comment on A format changed by Tavendale


I don't think this system works as it places too much focus on staple cards. Looking at decks played regularly in our groups, you have strong decks, like a punchy Ur-Dragon one, that come out as twos, whilst others that are overly swingy, like my dice-rolling Mr House deck that can pop off or not depending on nthe roll of a handful of dice, coke out as 4 because of a handful of named cards. I appreciate that WOTC are trying things, but demonising format staples doesn't feel the way to do it.

2.3.2025 00:42Comment on A format changed by Tavendale

A format changed


Last month, Wizards of the Coast changed the Commander Format. Gone is the old concept of ‘power level’ with a score out of 10. In its place are five deck … Continue reading

2.3.2025 00:18A format changed

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by John@justneedsvarnish


In reply to <a href="">davekay</a>. I really do hope so, Dave! :-)

1.3.2025 13:44Comment on The eyes don’t have it by John@justneedsvarnish

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay


In reply to <a href="">John@justneedsvarnish</a>. I has laser surgery to fix my shortsightedness in 2006, so I haven't seen an optometrist recently. Maybe I can paint a few more figures before I'm done!

1.3.2025 10:57Comment on The eyes don’t have it by davekay

Comment on The eyes don’t have it by John@justneedsvarnish


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I hope you can still enjoy the things you want to, Dave! :-) I'm assuming at some point I'll either not be able to see well enough to paint or I'll not want to, but if I can still see little figures to move about on a table I'll be happy! When I was 10 I was diagnosed as short-sighted, which meant I needed specs but could paint models comfortably. Once I got to about 40 changes in my vision meant that I needed to start using reading specs to paint. In the last 20 years my comfortable unaided vision range has moved further away and I've gone through various prescriptions for specs and now use stronger reading glasses for painting than I used to. But I've also found that I don't really want to paint for more than about an hour now on a regular basis, which I think is a concentration thing. If I'm cleaning up, preparing and basing figures I find that easier to do, maybe because it involves more activities than just painting.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I've waffled on a bit, but the advice the guys have given about seeing an optician is sensible so worth looking into I think.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

1.3.2025 09:53Comment on The eyes don’t have it by John@justneedsvarnish

The eyes don’t have it


This has been a difficult post to write, and I’ve been sitting on it since late last year. As I get older I have to admit it: I can no … Continue reading

1.3.2025 00:18The eyes don’t have it

28 days of art 28: Magali Villeneuve


This art is for the Magic: the Gathering card Liliana, Waker of the Dead This marks the end of 28 days of art – I hope you enjoyed the series. … Continue reading

28.2.2025 02:0028 days of art 28: Magali Villeneuve

28 days of art 27: Erin Vest


This dreamy piece from Erin Vest is not titled by the artist. Coral Queen?

27.2.2025 02:0028 days of art 27: Erin Vest

28 days of art 26: Jenn Ravenna Tran


Godless Shrine is a card with several different illustrations. It’s a popular Magic: the Gathering card, and this art from Jenn Ravenna Tran is my favourite version.

26.2.2025 02:0028 days of art 26: Jenn Ravenna Tran


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