photos / thoughts / cameras / contemplation
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Tags: contemplation thoughts
In reply to <a href="">Noircotic</a>. Yes, for sure. It was very quiet and some of the homes seemed abandoned or on the way to being derelict. The pub was the only place with activity. A few tourists, a few fans going, some music playing. You keep the events in the back of your mind for sure! Still posters around about the missing person all this time later too.
12.3.2025 05:42Comment on Murder in Larrimah by moodywarlockIn reply to <a href="">Noircotic</a>. Thanks. Definitely a moody one with the clouds. That's up in the Coorong area, right near the coast.
12.3.2025 02:39Comment on Two sunsets ~ no pretensions by moodywarlockNoice! I want to be wherever that 2nd one was taken....looks so peaceful.
12.3.2025 00:35Comment on Two sunsets ~ no pretensions by NoircoticIn reply to <a href="">moodywarlock</a>. Well I suppose all that stuff was a while go; makes sense that maybe there'd be new people there now. I didn't really think of that! This is the kind of thing that makes me nervous about these remote Northern places, though. It's as you said; the isolation makes otherwise minor issues into bigger ones. I've lived in small towns before, and people get incredibly petty and insular. I imagine these tiny, remote locations could create an even more intensified 'Small Town Mentality'. Anyway, creepy or not, it must have been an interesting experience visiting this place!
12.3.2025 00:26Comment on Murder in Larrimah by Noircotic[…] aren’t great light conditions for an old CCD-based camera like the Olympus E1 that loves more light, especially when pushing the ISO introduces the type of visible noise that […]
11.3.2025 10:13Comment on Editing Olympus E1 files – What’s happening here? by Two sunsets ~ no pretensions – The Rusty Ruin Journal[…] can alter exposure compensation quickly? It even looks like a mini-DSLR. Along with the clunkier Finepix S7000, I think the S6500fd is one of the best bridge cameras from the 2000s era between film and […]
11.3.2025 10:12Comment on A day out with the Fujifilm Finepix S7000 by Two sunsets ~ no pretensions – The Rusty Ruin Journal[…] from Fujifilm only has a small – 7.44 x 5.58 mm – digital sensor, but it features Fuji’s SuperCCD sensor technology, which seems to have some special sauce about it. Can you believe the electronic veiwfinder even […]
11.3.2025 10:12Comment on A cloudy few hours with the Finepix S6500fd by Two sunsets ~ no pretensions – The Rusty Ruin Journal[…] thoughts of the small web / indieweb / personal web and then followed it up with some murder in the small outback town of Larrimah. It’s fair to say I probably need a sunset or […]
11.3.2025 10:12Comment on Murder in Larrimah by Two sunsets ~ no pretensions – The Rusty Ruin JournalThings have taken a grim turn recently. I’ve been pre-occupied with thoughts of the small web / indieweb / personal web and then followed it up with some murder in the small outback town of Larrimah. It’s fair to say I probably need a sunset or two! This small bridge camera from Fujifilm only has … Continue reading Two sunsets ~ no pretensions
11.3.2025 10:12Two sunsets ~ no pretensionsIn reply to <a href="">Noircotic</a>. Definitely creepy! It was hot and quiet and sleepy. We took a drive just to check out the environs but the only human activity seemed to be in the pub - new owners I think. Looks like most people from that time have moved on.
10.3.2025 21:34Comment on Murder in Larrimah by moodywarlockOoh, I saw that documentary. Creepy. I wouldn't be stopping there too long lest I end up in a pie....but I'll let you brave it and take pics for the rest of us!!
10.3.2025 12:23Comment on Murder in Larrimah by NoircoticWhen you drive through Alice Springs and head further north on the Stuart Highway, the landscape changes not long after leaving town. You see termite mounds on the side of the road, often dressed up in bras, hats, and high-visbility fluorescent vests – something of a cheeky tradition in the Northern Territory. Other things change … Continue reading Murder in Larrimah
10.3.2025 09:36Murder in LarrimahMy interest in rust is, as you might imagine, slightly more than that of the average person down the road. I don’t have data to back this up, but I’m not convinced that the idea of making photos of rusty things is of primary importance to many people as an activity. What I’m quite certain … Continue reading In search of rust and answers ~ what of the future?
9.3.2025 05:30In search of rust and answers ~ what of the future?One warm night on the ourskirts of Darwin, we pulled the car to the side of a busy road. The marina had caught our eyes. I grabbed my camera bag in a hurry, threw open the car door, looked both ways, and made a dash to the other side. I could see the water more … Continue reading A calm night rudely interrupted
7.3.2025 10:39A calm night rudely interruptedHow do you feel about sunsets? What do you think about when you’re watching the sun dip slowly below the horizon line? Are you an avowed opacarophile? I think most of us love a good sunset! How do you go about framing a sunset? What decisions do you make when you compose? The so-called rule … Continue reading Framing the sunset
6.3.2025 08:04Framing the sunsetIn my last post, I discussed the idea of the Indieweb and the state of the World Wide Web. If you have any interest, I urge you to read Olia Lialina’s fantastic essay on the transition from the idea of My to Me on the web. It’s lengthy but contains a wealth of information about … Continue reading Web gnomes and the technocrat hijack
2.3.2025 09:54Web gnomes and the technocrat hijackDo you ever find beauty in everyday things? Seemingly mundane stuff is part of the fabric of our daily lives, existing quietly in the background. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, especially on days when I feel as though I lack photographic inspiration. I can’t help but think that we’re sometimes looking for … Continue reading The small beauty of everyday things
24.2.2025 09:58The small beauty of everyday thingsThis place being something of a journal, I make no promises that the posts will always be about photos or photography. Truthfully, I’ve never been great at organising my interests into neat online siloes. I’m worse still at expanding them into areas where people might actually connect to them. Mostly, I just post into the … Continue reading What happened to the World Wide Web?
22.2.2025 04:47What happened to the World Wide Web?Lately, I’ve been exploring the idea of quiet photography: noticing the quiet corners and seeking the details. When the big moments of inspiration don’t strike, it’s important not to feel the pressure of having to make photos. But if there is the tiniest inkling of wanting to pick up the camera at such times, why … Continue reading In the space between inspiration
19.2.2025 10:18In the space between inspirationIn my previous post, I touched on the idea that not every photo needs to be epic and impactful. Not every moment needs to be recorded. We must always remember that seeing and feeling are at the heart of photographic practice. In cultivating the eye and heeding the pull of emotion, we enable synchronicity with … Continue reading Quiet corners & photos of distinct insignificance
17.2.2025 10:06Quiet corners & photos of distinct insignificance