Autistic Netrunner Corpo Rat by day. Autistic Fixer at :corteximplant: and bouncer at :totentanz: at night. :corteximplant_g: [url=][/url] :lucybz: [url=][/url] :totentanz: [url=][/url] I'm a mid-30 cyberpunk-infused :cyberpunk:, neuro-divergent art and music producer, navigating the chaotic data currents with the enigmatic companionship of two mysterious cyber-feline sidekicks. You might've encountered my soundscapes i made music for notebooksbillger (nbb), Arch Linux Conf Online 2020, Ubisoft, CDPR, THQ Nordic, Peugeot, and some more :revengeday: :cyberheart_green: HIGH TECH - LOW LIFE :blank::hacktheplanet_1::hacktheplanet_2::hacktheplanet_3::hacktheplanet_4: :holoramsi: :hex_transgender: Trans rights are human rights :cyberheart_cyan: Heart-Sync with [url=]@JoMendacium[/url]