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Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by The Blue Wizard

In reply to <a href="">Jeremiah Lee</a>. <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@Jeremiah</a> <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> Thank you for liking my suggestion. As for your question, I shall kindly direct that to <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@thegibson</a> , who knows more than I about it.</p>

26.6.2024 22:10Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by The Blue Wizard

Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah Lee

In reply to <a href="">Perry</a>. <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@perry</a> <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> Thanks for sharing your app! I likely will need to do something similar regarding signalling to use the Willow protocol. My full evaluation of options against my use case requirements is now posted at <a href="" rel="ugc"></a></p>

26.6.2024 13:40Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah Lee

Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah Lee

In reply to <a href="">Mauve 👁💜</a>. <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@mauve</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@lutindiscret</a> <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@VeilidNetwork</a> Thanks for the suggestion! My full evaluation of options against my use case requirements is now posted at <a href="" rel="ugc"></a></p><p>Veilid very much impressed me. It seems to have solved the connectivity part well, but leaves data sync and access control up to apps to figure out. Willow does that stuff exceptionally well, but not connectivity. I am curious if the 2 could complement each other.</p>

26.6.2024 13:35Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah Lee

Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah Lee

In reply to <a href="">DWeb</a>. <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@dweb</a> <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> Thanks for the suggestion! My full evaluation of options against my use case requirements is now posted at <a href="" rel="ugc"></a></p>

26.6.2024 13:29Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah Lee

ADR 1: Peer-to-peer protocol

I spent 2 weeks evaluating peer-to-peer protocols for my app. There are many promising solutions suitable for different use cases. I likely misunderstood something and welcome corrections!

26.6.2024 10:13ADR 1: Peer-to-peer protocol

Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by DWeb

In reply to <a href="">Jeremiah Lee</a>. <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@Jeremiah</a> <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@NGIZero</a> Have you checked out <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@p2panda</a>? </p><p>>> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p>

11.6.2024 20:53Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by DWeb

Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah Lee

<p>What I want when evaluating a peer-to-peer framework:<br />• explanation of how the protocol works<br />• design tradeoff decisions<br />• detailed use case examples<br />• comparison to other technologies</p><p>What I get from peer-to-peer frameworks:<br />• indictments of the Web architecture<br />• misunderstanding of Web 2.0<br />• manifestos for solving all of capitalism’s problems by eliminating servers somehow<br />• aspirations to be everything to everyone all at once<br />• 17 links to similar sounding components they depend on</p><p>😵‍💫</p>

7.6.2024 15:02Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah Lee

Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah

In reply to <a href="">Etam</a>. The same can be said of any app. It’s good to be skeptical about security claims. I aspire to earn people’s trust by having the code be open source with verifiable builds. It also will be self-hostable and probably will work just by opening the HTML from the filesystem. (I will need to check which PWA features work when loaded via file://.)

7.6.2024 13:21Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Jeremiah

Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Etam

<p><a href="" rel="ugc"></a><br>I have a bad feeling about a web app, hosted on some server, using data stored locally. How can I know, that tomorrow the new version of the web app won't send all my data to the server?</p>

7.6.2024 06:38Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by Etam

Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by The Blue Wizard

<p><a href="" rel="ugc"></a> May I suggest Veilid? It is a P2P platform which focuses on privacy using end to end encryption. The flagship program is VeilidChat.</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">#veilid</a></p>

6.6.2024 20:56Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by The Blue Wizard

Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by gwil

In reply to <a href="">Gerrit Niezen</a>. <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@gendor</a> <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> Hello! Heard via NLnet about your search for a p2p/f2f system. I’m one of the co-authors of aforementioned Willow, which is very much designed with the use-case you describe (and, importantly, now has implementations). Happy to talk if that sounds interesting.</p>

6.6.2024 19:16Comment on Peer-to-peer architecture research by gwil

Peer-to-peer architecture research

I need recommendations for a peer-to-peer architecture. I want to build a private social app, not reinvent P2P infrastructure. I wrote about the app’s use case considerations. Please comment if you have knowledge, suggestions, or anything helpful!

6.6.2024 15:09Peer-to-peer architecture research

User research question 3: journal apps, part 2

If you tried and stopped using a journal app: what motivated you to try it? Did you actively decide to stop using it or did your interest/motivation fade? Do you wish you kept journaling, but never developed the habit?

31.3.2024 09:26User research question 3: journal apps, part 2

User research question 3: journal apps, part 1

If you use a journal app: which one? How long have you used it? When do you use it each day? How consistently do you use it (days per week)? Did anything help you form a journaling habit? Did you try other apps? What aspect do you appreciate most about each?

31.3.2024 09:22User research question 3: journal apps, part 1

User research question 2: private group chats

How many private group chats do you regularly engage in? How many private messaging apps (eg WhatsApp, iMessage, Signal, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, et al) do you use regularly? Do you use Discord or Slack for private group chats where you know everyone in the group? Why those over more typical text messaging apps?

26.2.2024 14:00User research question 2: private group chats

User research question 1: morning phone use

What is the first app you use each day? Why? How soon after waking up? How long do you use it? What causes you to stop using your phone and continue with your day? How do you usually feel after?

9.2.2024 12:32User research question 1: morning phone use

Coming soon: Bana

Coming soon: a private, cozy app to share with people you already know and love.

14.11.2023 23:15Coming soon: Bana


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