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Comment on Why apostasy and idolatry will never stop by How to deal with an ex stalking you – Insights on gender, Love, dating, sexuality, and marriag...


[…] will never stop as long as this world exists, the others being apostasy and idolatry like said in https://religionspiritualphilosophy.wordpress.com/2024/12/22/why-apostasy-and-idolatry-will-never-st…, and copyright piracy as discussed in the […]

17.1.2025 20:37Comment on Why apostasy and idolatry will never stop by How to deal with an ex stalking you – Insights on gender, Love, dating, sexuality, and marriag...

True goodness


Just doing what’s right because of the rewards, just avoiding evil because of the consequences… That’s not love. That’s not what being truly good is. Being truly good is doing good just because it’s right, and being willing to pay a cost to do what’s right. And avoiding evil just because it’s wrong, no matter … Continue reading True goodness

29.12.2024 22:16True goodness

Why apostasy and idolatry will never stop


Despite God’s laws against idolatry, and the punishment for turning away from God, people still turn away from God to worship idols. Why? What could be to blame? It’s perhaps God’s fault that people turn away from him to worship idols. It’s because the people are displeased with God and love the idols more. It’s … Continue reading Why apostasy and idolatry will never stop

22.12.2024 22:10Why apostasy and idolatry will never stop

Criticism of religion


Judaism Criticized for some of the same things as Christianity, and also criticized for the Shechita slaughter which evidence suggests can inflict suffering in livestock. Christianity Includes criticism related to things like homosexuality and gender roles. Islam Many of the criticisms of Judaism Christianity also hold true for Islam. There’s also the death penalty. Dhabihah … Continue reading Criticism of religion

15.12.2024 22:12Criticism of religion

My religion and afterlife theories


Validity of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 95% of scientists accept evolution – this does not just include paleontologists and other scientists in field related to evolution, it also includes persons in unrelated professional degrees such as physics, chemistry, computer science, and even business administration (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objections_to_evolution#Atheism). Evolution is also essential to our modern understanding of science. … Continue reading My religion and afterlife theories

1.12.2024 22:07My religion and afterlife theories

Comment on How do we deserve hell? by World Questioner


In reply to <a href="https://religionspiritualphilosophy.wordpress.com/2024/03/08/how-do-we-deserve-hell/comment-page-1/#comment-18">Precepts</a>. Do you believe in soul sleep? Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK_czO9DTL4 (What happens to us after we die by Hope Through Prophecy). What about the thief on the cross? Don’t Hebrews 9:27 and Luke 23:43 disprove the doctrine of soul sleep? Do you believe in annihilationism or eternalism. Also check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrIeCjEvhKQ (five lies about hell), which is rebuked by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikKJHzUy9y0 (Hope Through Prophecy exposed). I know, the robot voice in the latter reminds me of Microsoft Narrator. As said in the latter video, the main problem with the idea that the Rich Man and Lazarus was just a parable is that, not only do neither Jesus nor any other words in the Gospel call it a parable, but the parable calls Lazarus by name, and none of the parables Jesus told call characters by name.

23.10.2024 23:32Comment on How do we deserve hell? by World Questioner

Comment on How do we deserve hell? by Precepts


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>World Questioner,</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>As you may have gathered from some of my posts, I am a proponent of what is called conditional immortality. In other words, the idea that humankind is NOT naturally immortal, that souls are NOT immortal, and that the only way we can achieve immortality is if it is granted by God. Death is real, and no one goes anywhere upon dying except into the state of death and a hole in the ground. Resurrection is God's way of rescuing us from the death that otherwise would wipe us from existence.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>You assume that the doctrine of hell is true, and then try to wrestle with it. There are several problems I have with the doctrine of hell. A few of them are below.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>1. It is not the punishment God announced prior to the crime. Before Adam and his wife ever sinned, God told them that if they sinned, they would surely die. No one whose mind was not clouded by tradition would take this as anything but what we see all around us whenever any creature dies...cessation of existence. There was no reason for Adam and his wife to assume anything but that God was telling them they would return to an uncreated state of non-existence, the same state they were in before God made them. There was no reasonable way for them to take this as a warning that they would suffer eternal, conscious torment.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>2. It is not the punishment held out anywhere in the Old Testament. The Old Testament proclaims that "the soul that sinneth, it shall die," Ezekiel 18:4. That is the same punishment God warned Adam and his wife about. The Old Testament never proclaims that anyone is going to suffer in a place called hell. The word that is translated hell is the Hebrew she'ol, and that word is what everyone in the Old Testament expects to enter after death, both the godly and the wicked. The first time it is used, Jacob expects to go there (Genesis 37:35), and so does everyone else. Our translators have rendered it grave when it refers to righteous people and hell when it refers to wicked people, but that just obscures the truth. It does not mean anything like what we think of with the English word hell. Therefore, over four thousand years of Bible history passed without anyone expecting to go to a place of torment after he died. That means if people were going to hell when they died, they were doing it for thousands of years without ever knowing that that would be their fate after death and without any warning.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>3. The doctrine of hell as taught today is based almost exclusively on a single passage in Luke 16, the rich man and Lazarus. However, this passage that many make so pivotal and use to negate everything else the Bible says about death was spoken by the Lord to His bitter enemies the religious leaders. The Lord never at any other time taught essential doctrine to these His enemies, but only used reproof and rebuke. It does not make sense that He would have waited four thousand years to give His essential teaching on punishment after death, and then have done it while in an argument with His enemies. The whole idea is broken on many levels. Not to mention that, when honestly examined, this "critical passage" teaches many other things repulsive to most, like the idea that rich people go to hell and poor people to Abraham's bosom (not heaven).</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Death is over and over proclaimed in the Bible as being the just punishment for sin. When one rejects God, the source of life, one naturally embraces death. Rejecting God, Who is where life comes from, implies that one expects to get life from another source, or assumes one is naturally immortal. If God withdraws the life He gave, and since there is no other source of life, the one who rejected God will die, and receive the natural consequences of the path he chose. He is proven wrong and God right: he was not naturally immortal, and there is no other source of life. He surely died, just as God said. Embracing sin and embracing death go together. It is only the grace of God that keeps the sinner alive for a time. God is the Savior of sinners, and His grace extended to sinners can save them from sin and death. Yet those who refuse His salvation will eventually lose their opportunity, and there is nothing left for them but death, the outcome and rightful punishment for sin. This is an eternal punishment, for they will never live again. But saying that the sinner will live forever in hell suggests that Satan was right after all when he insisted we will not surely die, but will become like gods, being a source of life in and of ourselves.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Trying to argue how eternal, conscious torment fits the crime of a short lifetime of sin is a useless exercise. The Bible does not say that it does, and in fact it does not. It is death that fits the crimes of a sinner unredeemed.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Of course a criminal caught will always "say" he will do better. God's judgment will be fair and final, however. He will determine who will live and who will die. No one will be able to wheedle a deal out of Him by claiming to be ready to do better next time. Those whom He condemns to death will die and not be around to argue about it later.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I don't think we can worry about if the number of saved and lost is "breakeven" or not. When certain people asked Jesus Christ, "Lord, are there few that be saved?" He answered them, "Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able," Luke 13:23-24. His answer was to worry about yourself and seeing that you enter in. Let God worry about the few or the many. He is a great Savior, and will save whom He can. He does not desire anyone to be lost. But being lost means being gone for good, cessation. It does not mean being stored in a place of unending torment.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thanks for writing and for thinking about these things. But there are no answers to questions that are based on erroneous ideas that are not really taught by the Bible at all.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Nathan</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

23.10.2024 23:05Comment on How do we deserve hell? by Precepts

If I had a million dollars


Very simple. I would give it to a charity. I would also give it to the poor and needy. Edit: I would also buy a server, like a Dell PowerEdge T350 with Windows Server 2022 Standard. Or better yet, a rack of two 2U servers, two 1U switches, and two 3U storage units.

10.10.2024 22:04If I had a million dollars

Comment on How I have been feeling by World Questioner


In reply to <a href="https://religionspiritualphilosophy.wordpress.com/2024/08/29/how-i-have-been-feeling/comment-page-1/#comment-15">Aaron Hodge</a>. I forgot to mention about evolution and the Genesis creation story. I edited the post.

30.8.2024 16:16Comment on How I have been feeling by World Questioner

Comment on How I have been feeling by Aaron Hodge


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I'm not the best when it comes to this topic, but it's okay to explore with which religion suits your morals and seems right for you. Take your time, try not to be too hard on yourself, and it's all going to be alright with whatever path you decide to take (and that can even mean not being religious). <3</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

30.8.2024 01:09Comment on How I have been feeling by Aaron Hodge

How I have been feeling


How are you feeling right now? Anxious about religion. I doubt God. I search for alternative spiritual sources. I thought of following Buddhism, but I realize the religion is pessimistic, negative, or cynical. Next, I thought of Hinduism. I don’t believe in the caste system. Edit: I forgot to mention that evidence seems to be … Continue reading How I have been feeling

29.8.2024 23:48How I have been feeling

Comment on Thoughts about love and sexuality in Heaven by World Questioner


In reply to <a href="https://religionspiritualphilosophy.wordpress.com/2023/05/09/thoughts-about-love-and-sexuality-in-heaven/comment-page-1/#comment-1">Lee</a>. I edited the post and mentioned Mormons. See what else I put in the edit.

21.8.2024 14:57Comment on Thoughts about love and sexuality in Heaven by World Questioner

Joke Hebrew names


Sorry for poor rendering. It’s just that Hebrew is written right to left, and the WordPress admin interface is just too complicated and confusing. Does the Jo- in Jonah, Joseph, and Josiah reference the tetragrammaton? No… Jonah is transliterated from Yonah (יונה) and means “dove.” Joseph is transliterated from Yosef (יוסף) and means “add” or … Continue reading Joke Hebrew names

15.3.2024 00:38Joke Hebrew names

How do we deserve hell?


How do we deserve punishment that severe? Doesn’t it seem extreme and over-the-top? What would you think of the law treating a Class 3 Misdimeanor as a Class A Felony – is that not basically what God is doing? Edit: Let me give an example. Executing a driver (putting the driver to death) for speeding … Continue reading How do we deserve hell?

8.3.2024 23:35How do we deserve hell?

It’s time to let old things die


The Catholic church, the Protestants, the fundamental Baptists, the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Mormons, Islam, paganism, the occult… The communists, the democrats, the alt-right… Silicon Valley, Twitter, Parler, Facebook, Instagram, Google… Hollywood, Disney… Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Putin… Let it all die. We can bring a new order to the World and to God’s people. Not … Continue reading It’s time to let old things die

1.3.2024 18:14It’s time to let old things die

Why God hates witchcraft and sorcery


People like me would think, what’s so wrong with magic? I don’t see anything bad about using supernatural power for things like levitation and telepathy or even flight. I think of it as just fun and cool. What does God not like about it? Does God falsely forbid magic and enchantment? Edit: What could possibly … Continue reading Why God hates witchcraft and sorcery

23.2.2024 01:04Why God hates witchcraft and sorcery

Comment on How to reconcile the Bible with modern science by kingdomcome777


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Sorry I'm responding a year later, life blew up and is just now getting back to normal hectic. You have a fascinating perspective, I'll be reading your other posts. In general people are entrenched in one opinion or the other and refuse to consider alternatives. I'm not looking to have my findings validated but examined for flaws. Feel free if you have the time!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

21.2.2024 11:42Comment on How to reconcile the Bible with modern science by kingdomcome777

Comment on Why young people leave the Church by Archon's Den


<em>"The majority of atheists admit they don’t want there to be a God.'</em> Citation needed! I know a large number of Atheists, and <strong>not one of them</strong> has ever stated that claim. On the contrary, many of them have said that they would happily accept <em>(reality)</em> God, if there were convincing evidence. I would. :roll:

5.6.2023 06:12Comment on Why young people leave the Church by Archon's Den

Comment on Thoughts about love and sexuality in Heaven by Lee


Hi WorldQuestioner, You open the article with this: "Matthew 22:30 and Luke 20:35-36 suggest that there will be no marriage in heaven. Some say that it only means no marriages will be performed, like https://leewoof.org/2017/01/12/didnt-jesus-say-theres-no-marriage-in-heaven/. But the idea that existing marriages will continue but no new marriages will be performed not only seems unfair for perpetual singles, but would defeat the point of Jesus’ response to 'who’s wife will she be?'" That's not at all what I say in the linked article. In fact, one of the articles linked at the end of this one, "Can you Fall in Love in Heaven if you Haven’t Found Someone on Earth?" says very clearly that people who are single on earth, but who long for a partner in marriage, will find that partner in the afterlife. It is the LDS (Mormon) church that apparently teaches that people must be married on earth (by the LDS church, of course) to remain married in heaven. That has never been the teaching of my church.

10.5.2023 10:33Comment on Thoughts about love and sexuality in Heaven by Lee


