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Comment on How Democracy Died. by jonangel


In reply to <a href="">Taran</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The simple fact is, Monarchy and Oligarchy are forms of Authoritarianism, they are methods of CONTROL.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>There can be no doubt, Authoritarianism is on the increase World Wide.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

12.9.2024 19:50Comment on How Democracy Died. by jonangel

Comment on How Democracy Died. by Taran


In reply to <a href="">jonangel</a>. The argument that authoritarianism is on the increase in every country in the world as evidence that it is the only system that can work is vacuous. That same argument could have been made for monarchy. It does not stand an acid test. And, for the record, I could argue that oligarchy is more prevalent than authoritarianism, the latter masking oligarchy.

12.9.2024 12:59Comment on How Democracy Died. by Taran

Comment on How Democracy Died. by jonangel


In reply to <a href="">Taran</a>. Just look around, authoritarianism is on the increase in every country in our world. In the western countries governments know where you shop, work, bank, live and if you own a mobile phone, where you are at any point in time. The day we become a Cashless society, we will have become just a number in the computer.

1.9.2024 19:58Comment on How Democracy Died. by jonangel

Comment on How Democracy Died. by Taran


In reply to <a href="">jonangel</a>. I sincerely doubt the premise that authoritarianism is the only form of government that will work. The sheep do not want the wolves ruling them overtly.

1.9.2024 19:34Comment on How Democracy Died. by Taran

“Welcome To The Colonies”


Yesterday was Independence Day in Trinidad and Tobago, complete with parades and traffic schedules that go along with it. There wasn’t the usual amount of national colors, but when I got my eyes tested near the parade route, there were plenty of young men dressed as trees with automatic weapons stationed on corners. I even … Continue reading “Welcome To The Colonies”

1.9.2024 19:24“Welcome To The Colonies”

Keep Your Secrets.


Some people I trusted lied to me recently, knowing full well that I would find out within a matter of days. I, of course, found out earlier because of the relationships I have built over time, and so it came back to me almost immediately that I had been lied to. Clearly, I’m not going … Continue reading Keep Your Secrets.

14.7.2024 12:49Keep Your Secrets.

Comment on How Democracy Died. by jonangel


Authoritarianism in the coming years is the only form of government that will work. As the world's population grows the less chance there is for any form of government to get a consensus. Failing a massive and I mean MASSIVe catastrophe control is going to be the name of the game. We seem unable to discuss what is becoming more and more obvious, GROWTH is killing us.

8.7.2024 01:50Comment on How Democracy Died. by jonangel

How Democracy Died.


Half watching the world’s rhetoric spinning against it’s axis, I ended up in a conversation with a supporter of the opposition in Trinidad and Tobago. We both agreed that the present leadership of the opposition party, the UNC, should step down, and the argument presented was that ‘we need to support her because…” It’s a … Continue reading How Democracy Died.

7.7.2024 16:59How Democracy Died.

Comment on The Red Dots of Life. by Of Spheres And Shapes | Reality Fragments


[…] It’s something to consider when we assess intelligence, consciousness, or our own lives – and what we’re being sold, or what we’re being told should be important to us. […]

30.6.2024 14:23Comment on The Red Dots of Life. by Of Spheres And Shapes | Reality Fragments

Comment on Persuasion, Manipulation, Oh My. by Of Spheres And Shapes | Reality Fragments


[…] advertising that is contextual to what a person wants or needs at a time is content. Well, maybe, it depends on how the want or need was created. It happens that she was talking about things that I was thinking about and she randomly popped up […]

30.6.2024 14:23Comment on Persuasion, Manipulation, Oh My. by Of Spheres And Shapes | Reality Fragments

Of Spheres And Shapes


There’s a lot to consider these days regarding intelligence and consciousness. I’ve developed my own thoughts over time, as we all have to some degree, but few of us it seems have the time or inclination to really sit and think about such things. What separates us from other forms of life on the planet? … Continue reading Of Spheres And Shapes

30.6.2024 14:22Of Spheres And Shapes

Comment on Of The Caves. by Views From The Cave. | Reality Fragments


[…] some time, beginning to interact with some select people that give me a break from the flat screens within my cave. Most of it has been spent reading and listening to the latest theories on life, evolution, and the […]

23.6.2024 18:51Comment on Of The Caves. by Views From The Cave. | Reality Fragments

Views From The Cave.


It’s been an interesting week researching and, for some time, beginning to interact with some select people that give me a break from the flat screens within my cave. Most of it has been spent reading and listening to the latest theories on life, evolution, and the thing being marketed as artificial intelligence. Interspersed in … Continue reading Views From The Cave.

23.6.2024 18:51Views From The Cave.

Comment on The Red Dots of Life. by Absorbing Silence. | Reality Fragments


[…] it that the red dots of life have replaced the sounds of the outside […]

16.6.2024 11:13Comment on The Red Dots of Life. by Absorbing Silence. | Reality Fragments

Comment on Of The Caves. by Absorbing Silence. | Reality Fragments


[…] we so removed from our world, staring at the flat screens in our caves that we shout complaints at these same screens about things we should know? How is not knowing the […]

16.6.2024 11:13Comment on Of The Caves. by Absorbing Silence. | Reality Fragments

Absorbing Silence.


I had some dalliances with the outside world, some with interesting people, but mostly not. The community I live in is remarkably ignorant and petty. Someone dropped an egg on the stairs and the janitors had not gotten to it, so that was a point of discussion. A security guard had laid on a couch … Continue reading Absorbing Silence.

16.6.2024 11:13Absorbing Silence.

A Day In The Life.


I read the news today, oh boy “A Day In The Life”, The Beatles (John Lennon/Paul McCartney), 1967 Oh, the news. There was a time when I thought mankind as a species had lost it’s way, but longer observation has allowed me to realize that we never had a clear way from the start. We … Continue reading A Day In The Life.

9.6.2024 11:00A Day In The Life.



There’s been so much going on in the world that is disturbing that I disconnected for a while – not out of disdain, but out of the acknowledgement that there’s not much I can do about things I wish I could do something about. The Internet can be like that scene from Clockwork Orange, where … Continue reading Blink.

5.6.2024 14:49Blink.

The LLM Copilot is More of a Companion.


I almost forgot to write something here today. I’ve been knocking out scenes and finding the limitations of the LLM as I go along, which is great. The particular LLM I’m working with is llama3 which I’ve tweaked and saved as I’ve worked with it. It’s fun because it sucks. It can handle about 500-1000 … Continue reading The LLM Copilot is More of a Companion.

29.5.2024 01:37The LLM Copilot is More of a Companion.

Writing With a LLM Co-Pilot


I wouldn’t characterize myself as an advocate for AI. I’m largely skeptical and remain so. Still, with generative AI all over and clogging up self-publishing with it’s slop, it’s impossible to ignore. I’ve embarked on a quest to see whether generative AI that is available can help me in various ways. One of these ways … Continue reading Writing With a LLM Co-Pilot

27.5.2024 10:39Writing With a LLM Co-Pilot


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