I’m going to need to make fun of myself a bit here, because i’m generally soaked in anxiety, and i know my “take a shot every time my paranoia pays off” methodology is largely a symptom of my own eccentricities and assuredly steeped in confirmation bias and psychological cruft. So this is largely about the […]8.2.2025 13:10i don’t trust you: on empirical paranoia https://quix.cafe/i-dont-trust-y...
As soon as i remember, i need to send a message to my doctor, basically “I know this sounds like a joke, but i keep forgetting to request a referral for the memory center, but it’s also possible that i haven’t been. ” I think i’m working on it. Programming tasks, technical video games, efforts […]4.2.2025 14:47with a memory span for panic and sunshine https://quix.cafe/with-a-memory-...
Since 2019, I’ve experienced a rotting sensation when looking at anything related to my interests. Comedy, art, philosophy that I’d agree with — all started giving me this sort of jealous doom, the flip-side of the sheer motivational love I’d previously felt.1.2.2025 14:12Relearning joy, lovingly strangling ego https://quix.cafe/relearning-joy...
Finnish for “Everyone’s Right”, Jokaisenoikeus refers to the radical legal policy of some Nordic nations allowing a person to freely enjoy nature as long as they’re not being malicious. The font you’re reading (if you’re at quix.cafe), “Finlandica”, cites Jokaisenoikeus on it’s github, relating it to the spirit of their open source license. I like […]25.1.2025 13:33Jokaisen Oikeus: On what I have in common with Finland https://quix.cafe/jokaisen-oikeu...