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I’m seeing reports about Kamala Harris reviving the Obama coalition and also engaging various other collections of potential voters and while all of that appears to be true (we can’t know for sure until the polls close in November) I keep thinking that there is something more going on than those reports are capturing. I […]
4.8.2024 02:20The Kamala CoalitionIt’s been over six months since I decided to get this connected to the Fediverse so that my perspective could be seen by a wider audience. I’ve had to migrate to a new host to make that possible but I think I’m nearly there.
25.7.2024 04:29Six long monthsThis is both new and old for me. I wrote consistently on political policy topics for over 10 years but then life happened and I tapered off nearly 10 years ago. I was writing before social media was a thing – back when decentralized personal publishing was the norm rather than everybody using one or […]
17.1.2024 02:54Contributing to the fediverseWho knew that after posting on Friday I would need to update all three of my recent posts before we arrived at Super Tuesday. On my candidate ranking my top two candidates have dropped out. Additionally, while I had Michael Bloomberg ahead of Joe Biden I am considering that I might prefer Biden over Bloomberg […]
3.3.2020 03:20Pre-Super Tuesday RevisionsI’ve mentioned that I have a problem with the ages of most of the presidential candidates. Today a thought struck me that I think would put that problem in perspective. I realized that Elizabeth Warren – the third youngest legitimate candidate still in the race is only three years younger than Bill Clinton – who […]
1.3.2020 05:48An Age ProblemFor the second time today I need to get something published before an approaching deadline. This time it is my take on the chances that the various Democratic candidates have of getting the nomination. I want to make sure that I publish this before we get more data from voters voting. If I had written […]
28.2.2020 03:04Who can win?I’ve been meaning to share my take on the 2020 candidates for some time now. It would be a water not to do so before Super Tuesday so I’ve put it off as long as possible already. At this point in the cycle there are only 6 Democrats and one Republican with even a remote […]
27.2.2020 15:062020 Candidates RankedZero-tolerance is fine if the goal is revenge or punishment. If the goal is real change then something more effective is called for. The focus must be on healing and support for victims alongside change for both perpetrators and potential perpetrators.
30.11.2017 15:15After #MeTooPeople are interested in some assurance that health care won't bankrupt them. Insurance is the most common vehicle for that today, but that's not because people inherently want insurance - just see those young and healthy people who would rather not get insurance because their brain assures them they don't need it.
2.8.2017 05:16Nobody wants more health insuranceWe should all know what it means to “cry wolf” and while pundits across the political spectrum are prone to dong so, those on the liberal end of the spectrum should be kicking themselves right about now that because of the way they demonized a very decent Mitt Romney in 2012 (as well many other […]
2.11.2016 16:17The pundits who cry wolf[…] Strengthening Our Caucus System (pursuit-of-liberty.davidjmiller.org) […]
21.3.2014 22:02Comment on Strengthening Our Caucus System by Snapshot of GOP Caucus Night #OR28[…] Strengthening Our Caucus System (pursuit-of-liberty.davidjmiller.org) […]
18.2.2014 17:27Comment on Strengthening Our Caucus System by To caucus or not to caucus: a CMV v PONE debate [video][Publius Online][…] Strengthening Our Caucus System (pursuit-of-liberty.davidjmiller.org) […]
12.2.2014 23:54Comment on Strengthening Our Caucus System by To caucus or not to caucus: a CMV v PONE debate[…] of Rights Day, the day when the Bill of Rights was ratified 217 years ago. This holiday, along with Independence Day and Constitution Day, represents the real celebration of the great country we should be striving to […]
10.2.2014 17:31Comment on Independence Day by Bill of Rights DayPursuit of Liberty | Pursuit of Liberty[…] Why John Swallow Should Resign Even If He Did Nothing Illegal (pursuit-of-liberty.davidjmiller.org) […]
3.10.2013 20:42Comment on Why John Swallow Should Resign Even If He Did Nothing Illegal by Ending the Swallow Investigation Due to Cost Ignores the Cost to Public Tr...I WANT TO BE A REPRESENTATIVE AT MY SCHOOL
11.10.2012 00:43Comment on What is the Job of a Representative? by DANIKKA[...] of that fact by proactively maintaining open lines of communication with their constituents. I wrote about this a couple of years ago and have been very happy to see multiple candidates speaking to this aspect of holding office. This [...]
6.2.2012 20:10Comment on Legislator as Communicator by Special Election – Senate District 23 | Pursuit of Liberty[...] participation would be akin to our nation experiencing a new birth of freedom. Second, because in lamenting the voter turnout in 2008 – where we actually had fewer people voting than in 2004 despite a larger population of [...]
24.1.2012 23:33Comment on A Step Backwards in Utah by Addressing Abysmal Voter Turnout | Pursuit of Liberty[...] suggested that increasing levels of citizen participation would be akin to our nation experiencing a new birth of freedom. Second, because in lamenting the voter turnout in 2008 – where we actually had fewer people [...]
24.1.2012 23:33Comment on A New Birth of Freedom by Addressing Abysmal Voter Turnout | Pursuit of Liberty[...] suggested that increasing levels of citizen participation would be akin to our nation experiencing a new birth of freedom. Second, because in lamenting the voter turnout in 2008 – where we actually had fewer people [...]
24.1.2012 23:02Comment on A New Birth of Freedom by Addressing Abysmal Voter Turnout | The Zion Chronicle