Racism ain't punk // Global cultural BDS movement since 2011 in support of local DIY & regional campaigns // 2024 Reborn & Ready to Smash Apartheid! // punksagainstapartheid.noblogs.org // IG: @ punksagainstapartheid
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We are proud to announce our endorsement of @dancers_for_palestine and their efforts to boycott the shameless artwashing of the Batsheva Dance Company (BDC), one of the Zionist Entities' favourite cultural ambassadors. We have signed D4P's petition and encourage every individual & collective to do the same!
As we have said before--now is the time to redouble our efforts on every front, link up our communities, and push for the final collapse of the racist, settler colonial regime. These alliances are not temporary-but are part & parcel with all of our fights 'at home' to fundamentally transform our societies which have money to prosecute, aid & abed genocide on the one hand, but not for healthcare, jobs, or education on the other.
We're not fooled, and we're not buying it--nor do we buy the cringe-worthy attempts by choreographer Ohad Naharin to market occupied 1948 Palestine as a 'progressive' bastion for artists with their Gaga dance classes. We know what the cost of this artistic 'dream' from the mis-named 'dream company' of Batsheva is--the brutal, genocidal repression of the Palestinian people for nearly a century.
So we join with Dancers for Palestine & all dance communities around the world trying to reclaim their spaces from the predations of state-sponsored neocolonial art institutions, which make decisions that affect us on our behalf and without our input.
We all know the truth: if they polled the people, the colonisers would never set foot in our communities!
As Emma Goldman (almost) said, "If we can't dance, we don't want your revolution!"
فلسطين حرة!!!!
(04/03/25 IG Repost)
Announcing the Call for Submissions for our next zine, 'Humanity is a Cause' (الانسان هو قضية), from the famous Ghassaan Kanafani quote from Returning to Haifa (عائداً الى حيفا)--which we highly, highly recommend folks read! Get in touch if you need help locating a copy.
The theme for this zine is indeed the concept of a 'cause': we want to push against the late capitalist notion of a cause as just one of many 'hobbies' an individual can have. Instead, we want to explore a 'cause' as something that runs all the way down to the very ethical experience of being human itself, affecting our whole orientation to the world. An unknown horizon towards which we nevertheless must struggle--rather than a given task we just 'spend free time' on--which opens us up to the struggles of others, as Kanafani highlighted.
In that sense, we are looking for submissions from individuals, artists, bands, and anyone in between that link the Palestinian struggle with your own local movements. Write about what you have learned from the tradition of Palestinian resistance, and how it has enriched your understanding of your own 'cause' as a human, artist, or collective. Tell us how it has motivated new connections & alliances in the punk/DIY scene and beyond, or how learning about Palestinian liberation has deepened your commitment to liberation in general.
We would also love to hear from Palestinian friends and other artists and organisers across the Middle East about moments of international solidarity & collaboration that did not feel transactional or restrictive, but truly like expansive, liberatory moments towards the future. Comradely critiques as much as comradely celebrations welcome.
Submit art, song lyrics, photography, or whatever else you feel!
Please e-mail all submissions to punksagainstapartheid@proton.me w/ the subject line 'HUMANITY IS A CAUSE SUBMISSION'. We look forward to all your contributions!
فلسطين حرة!!!
(27/02/25 IG Repost)
We are over the moon to announce that our friend Takeshi Evolstak (@(@takeshi_evolstak ) has joined the Punks Against Apartheid network!
As a member of countless punk crews & active organiser around Palestine solidarity, we are excited to be making connections with more Japanese punks & comrades dedicated to the cause around the world!
Keep your eyes peeled for more international collaborations as we boost BDS everywhere we can!
私たちの友人である Takeshi Evolstak が Punks Against Apartheid ネットワークに参加したことをお知らせできて、とてもうれしく思っています。
私たちはできる限り、あらゆる場所で BDS を後押しするので、国際的なコラボレーションにご注目ください。
(25/02/25 IG Repost)
Cassette pre-order of the Vol II of the UNDER THE BLADE OF A ZIONIST NIGHTMARE series ready to purchase at our bandcamp page! Tape pre-order includes a poster, a sticker and a Punks Against Apartheid fanzine in this first 50 copies limited edition run with marbled white & black cassette!!!
Thanx to everyone involved in the cause, our friends & family Worldwide, the labels and bands and everyone who has shared, buyed or contribuited in any form 🙏You make us feel proud of this awesome community ❤️🖤✊.
(IG tags)
@sound_of_chaos_records @punksagainstapartheid @eastrevrecords @awd_tapes
Special thanx to the bands in this compilation:
#Gempita @saifiko_herli @trenchraid.ssc @golpe.punx #impulsive @lassopunk @meaculpahxc @cleanserband @oolskunrahod_ @visuc.sux @hilerri.raw.punk @inqirad @ultima_generacion83 @animalfarm.hxc @abstinencia1312 @bosetpunx @steph_spills_alot_less @pollute.punx #volk @khassarat @traumerpunk @aftermath_stench @consumed_mx @hongoband @shittax_mtl #kiratxa @inakinkii @algoritmo_01 @ta2reeban.band @contracharge @atruthanarchopunk @taunt.noise @fatalsession
And our friends @violence.paranoia @cristinaenmeukada @takeshi_evolstak for his art
(18/02/25 IG Repost)
PAA stickers spotted in the wild!
Thanks for those who sent these in. Can't wait to see more shots of PAA DIY in its natural habitat!
(13/02/25 IG Repost)
New Welsh version of our Points of Unity! Thank you to @berlinbreathing for helping us out with this. Our sign-up form has also been translated into Welsh, so head on over to the sign-up link in our bio to have a look.
Can you help us translate our PoU & Sign-Up form into your language? Want to sign up? Well get in touch with us already!!
We are proud to announce our endorsement of @demilitarizebklynnavyyard 's campaign to eject genocidal war mongers from the neighbourhood!
Please support their work and take 5 minutes out of your day to make a phone call or send an e-mail. Every single one matters! See the link in our bio for their linktree & e-mail templates/call scripts.
As we say in our statement... There is no 'over there'! We are all in this vortex together, just at different proximities to its necropolitical beating heart. So make no mistake: what is bad for everyday people anywhere is bad for everyday people everywhere!
Do not fall for the war machine's lies about jobs or 'necessity', while they piss away generations of lives through active & slow death all over the world in order to MAKE alternatives impossible. Do not fall for Brooklyn Navy Yard's artwashing or trendy business tourism. Do not fall for Brooklyn Navy Yard's artwashing or trendy business tourism. Do not accept that we must beg the very same organisations which surveil and brutalise our communities to be our benefactors!
Instead, be like DBNY and accept no limitations to your BDS organising: this is intersectional, radical work at its best & we can't wait to celebrate their victory with them when they inevitably win!
We are over the moon to announce our newest signatory, Big Jail Babies (BJB) to the Punks Against Apartheid network!
BJB are anti-war artists and musicians based in Hiroshima. In their own words, "we met while protesting the Palestinian genocide at the Atomic Bomb Dome, the ruins of the nuclear genocide in 1945. We make noise in solidarity with the Palestinian people and all oppressed peoples worldwide!"
Beyond the neoliberal Japan we see on our TV screens, there is another one that has never stopped existing: one which decries war, militarism, imperialism, and indeed genocide, as nuclear bomb survivors Nihon Hidankyou have been saying for 68 years. We are humbled & honoured to be connected to that radical legacy through BJB's artistic & political work, which explicitly links the struggle against nuclear weapons with the Palestinian struggle.
From Hiroshima to Gaza--all walls will fall!
私たちは、アパルトヘイトに対するパンクス(Punks Against Apartheid)のネットワークへの新しい署名者である Big Jail Babies (BJB) を発表できることを大変嬉しく思っています。
(27/01/25 IG Repost)
We've just passed our first 1,000 followers since we relaunched last year!
We want to thank all of you for the amazing momentum we have sustained throughout, and for all the bands & individuals from around the world who have reached out to make PAA a reality in this critical time: the last, dying phase of Zionism!
We have so much more prepared for 2025 and can't WAIT to tell you all about it. Let's keep building and we will grow FROM BOYCOTT TO AUTONOMY!
فلسطين حرة!!
There's been a lot of talk recently because of developments in the heart of the empire about how insecure and politically unsafe major tech platforms like Meta are. So we want to take this opportunity to share some of our other handles on platforms like Pixelfed, Mastodon, and Blue Sky.
We know how hard it can feel to switch to smaller platforms that don't have the mega corporate bucks to fund the same kind of premiere user experience we are often used to on the corporate tech monopoly platforms. But consider this: the trade off for seamless monopoly tech is massive tracking/data mining, privacy invasion, insecurity, political censorship, etc.
The proof is that every time we see another indignity against common sense on major platforms like Twitter, folks who have been building on the 'Fediverse' and elsewhere see a mass influx of new users. So for us it's not a question of 'if' alternative social platforms are necessary...it's just 'when' will they be recognised as such.
Sure, that might take time. And don't get us wrong--we'll be here on IG-land as long as it's productive to be here. But we wanted to share our long term goals with the community to hopefully inspire some mutual best practices.
In the meantime, we aim to have all accounts with full post parity & universal accessible alt text by mid-February. That means all of our posts will be mirrored on all platforms, no matter how janky!
Nothing will stop our organising.
Don't just back up on IG. Back up everywhere!