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In reply to <a href="">jainabee (e/em)</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Wonderful! Thank you! :) (I still owe you an e-mail...soon!)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
16.11.2024 01:01Comment on Upcoming Event! by aediculaantinoi<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>This looks very interesting, indeed! Sharing with some folx who may want to attend.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
15.11.2024 23:56Comment on Upcoming Event! by jainabee (e/em)One of two events you all should know about that will be occurring (or beginning) in the next few weeks… “Embedded Treasures: The Most Useful Medieval Irish Christian Texts for Pagans/Polytheists to Know” Online Lecture (via Zoom) Sunday, November 24th, 9-10:30 AM Pacific Time $10 “Embedded Treasures: The Most Useful Medieval Irish Christian Texts for […]
14.11.2024 09:21Upcoming Event!Look for an interesting (possibly?) set of announcements on this blog in the near future…a one-off presentation, and an ongoing class/study group I will be starting… But in the meantime, the theme of “listening” is an important one in general, for all sorts of reasons. Some of us have been trying to listen, while others […]
7.11.2024 13:58Listening…In reply to <a href="">jainabee (e/em)</a>. Thanks for reading and commenting! Yes, that "one-stop shopping" thing is behind a lot of why monotheism is ostensibly "better" than polytheism: why "waste" all that gas going to six temples when One God will handle everything for you (except, of course, anything that requires results rather than being based in hope, wishful thinking, and being happy with nothing as "true faith"!). I owe you an e-mail...soon! :)
3.11.2024 16:40Comment on What is the greatest barrier to building community for modern polytheists, pagans, magicians, occultists, esotericists, and others in these...<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>This puts together many floating observations I have had over the years, thanks! Cherry pickers and marketing whizzes create a glamour that promotes convenience over dedication to a craft and interdependence. When the cobbler is accessible on your screen 24/7, why get to know the neighborhood cobbler? On that note, I needed new luggage recently and was delighted to find a truly old-school shopkeeper who guarantees his own personal repair and maintenance of each piece that people purchase from him. When he goes, who will take on that endeavor? Especially when things are made to be disposed of and the 24/7 cobbler also offers cheap suitcases? I recognize this same mentality in my attempts to build spiritual community. A friend told me her housemate is an online guru who gets literally dozens of deliveries of sage and bells and other whatnots of his trade from the 24/7 supermarket. When she confronted him, he said, “Think of all the gas I saved not driving around town to all the different shops!” This guy apparently has quite a following. I hope that the Ephesia Grammata finds its way into all the hands and minds that will appreciate what it contains.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
3.11.2024 16:02Comment on What is the greatest barrier to building community for modern polytheists, pagans, magicians, occultists, esotericists, and others in these...I’ll begin by saying that my suggestion here is not universal–I am suspicious of anything which would claim to be universal in any manner whatsoever, and so what I am saying will not apply in all situations, and cannot be taken as any sort of panacea. Further: I am not talking about “you” specifically in […]
3.11.2024 05:05What is the greatest barrier to building community for modern polytheists, pagans, magicians, occultists, esotericists, and others in these areas of r...In reply to <a href="">Richard Norris</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank you for reading and commenting! :)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I will try what you've suggested!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I frequently say the Ephesia Grammata in dreams; They don't usually appear in visual form since They are just written in Greek letters (and letters/written words and numerals are very unpredictable in dreams in general!), but who knows? Though I have the full-length words/names (which are made of letters, after all!) written out, and that is how They are best represented visually, I also have two-letter abbreviations for Them as well. Perhaps eventually, a sigil or some other symbol for each one will also emerge...!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
31.10.2024 07:36Comment on Why aren’t dream divination/incubation practices more reliable than they are? by aediculaantinoi<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>One of the practices that I've come across in terms of lucid dreaming involves symbol. One takes a range of symbols with which one is familiar and makes a determined effort to internalize them in ones astral body. The whole range of symbols can start from the elemental signs to the planetary, and can also involve an entire alphabet. I imagine the Ephesia Grammata would be ideal for this, as would the runes or ogham. One is also to focus on one's neck, specifically on the nape of the neck, and clear out the specific "chakra" so that information can flow freely between the head and the heart/mind. Check out Mark Stavish's work Between the Gates for the specifics if you are interested.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
31.10.2024 06:11Comment on Why aren’t dream divination/incubation practices more reliable than they are? by Richard NorrisIn reply to <a href="">Marybeth</a>. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! That you have some difficulties comparable to mine with some of these specific things and also ADHD strongly suggests to me that this may be one of these "hard limits," as it were, in many cases. Something that spiritual practices of various sorts never seem to take seriously is that one can, and should, be able to "overcome" any such obstacles, and if one can't do so, one isn't serious, is just lazy, and so forth...all ignoring that it's ableist and wrong to expect such results from people who are literally not wired to be able to do certain things. (Not to mention: if leading a guided meditation is all one has for people as far as ritual participation in practice is concerned, then one needs to broaden one's options for such things!) This might be something worth writing about somewhere...who knows? It is also interesting that one might have fascinating or insightful dreams after a ritual that doesn't have much within which to directly inspire a dream in it, but somehow otherwise feeds the experiences one has had into the richness of imagery and materials to draw upon for dreams. It's always funny, even, to see what bit of one's life the sensorium pulls from to construct such things. To use that film metaphor (or perhaps theatre instead!), it's like the props and sets and costumes come from a big warehouse that the mind fills with things from the day, but also older and/or other things, and then some intrepid producer or director goes through that warehouse and goes "Okay, looks like a murder mystery in the 1980s featuring Martians and your Grandma for our production this week, folks!" ;)
31.10.2024 01:50Comment on Why aren’t dream divination/incubation practices more reliable than they are? by aediculaantinoi<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>It's interesting to hear you connect ADHD with struggles with guided visualization, because I'm also ADHD and have also really struggled with feeling any sort of benefit from guided visualization, except for a small handful of significant times (once also in a Chris Penczak class, and two or three others through online rituals with several people - I wonder if it was a "rising tide lifting all boats" situation, but generally that doesn't happen with in-person groups). It didn't occur to me that this might be why it's always been such a struggle. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>My results with dream incubation have been pretty spotty too, though I haven't done it too many times. When I get dreams of significance, it's usually connected to more regular devotional rituals, but not always one particular ritual.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
31.10.2024 01:02Comment on Why aren’t dream divination/incubation practices more reliable than they are? by MarybethIn reply to <a href="">suzmuse</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Excellent! So glad this is an appealing topic for you! :)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I think the Trophonios ritual is extremely interesting, though I don't know if I could do the cave stuff involved in it, just on a physical level...and squeezing through small tight spaces (and I'm talking like things that are 3' x 3' freak me out!) would also be a problem...! But, I would love to know how you did it, if that's something you're comfortable sharing about!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>If I get good sleep, I often dream; but that's the problem, I so very rarely have truly good sleep these days. I can get into REM pretty quickly, though, and am likely to remember a dream from a sleep period of less than 30 minutes than I am from one of longer than that...but, I rarely sleep longer than 90 minutes without coming to full consciousness, and sometimes these days, that's all I get in a night. Anyway...</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I have Hypnos and Somnus icons next to my bed; Oneiros would be a good one to get as well, certainly...!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I am always happy to talk about dreams, and also to hear what others have to say about them! I was frequently consulted to interpret dreams during my first year of college (and occasionally otherwise), so it's very welcome here anytime you like! :)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
30.10.2024 21:09Comment on Why aren’t dream divination/incubation practices more reliable than they are? by aediculaantinoi<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I love this topic and am so glad you brought it up. I've had a very, very few dreams in which the <br>Theoi revealed something important for me to know. I've done many guided meditations and, in a few, learned something about myself. I've attempted the Trophonios or Asklepios experience a few times, which is much deeper and harder, and although it didn't seem at the time as if much happened after all my prep, the results of these were good.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I'm almost certainly neurodivergent in several areas, although never diagnosed. Intense focus is a challenge for me. My brain is a butterfly.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I've recently included Oneiros in the Nyx/Hypnos/Mnemosyne corner of my cultus. Haven't noticed anything significant, but am so happy to be paying regular cultus to Him, as I dream vividly every night. Mostly processing and rubbish, but even the bullshit dreams feel very real and compelling.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>And this is my scattered, unfocused response to your post. Thanks for kicking me of down yet another spiral pathway!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>:D Suz</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
30.10.2024 13:00Comment on Why aren’t dream divination/incubation practices more reliable than they are? by suzmuseThe following topic came up in a post by Sarenth on communicating with distant Ancestors (in order to get around more difficult or problematic ones), and Sarenth suggested various forms of communicating with Ancestors, including seeking “dream omens (I say even because this is both my least favorite and least used/skilled way of receiving messages).” […]
30.10.2024 05:06Why aren’t dream divination/incubation practices more reliable than they are?[Note: I started writing this post on Tuesday the 24th of September, 2024, before I heard on the morning of Friday the 27th that Dame Maggie Smith had died that day. My condolences to her family and all of her fans–of which I am certainly one–and though on the remembrance I linked to above, it […]
2.10.2024 12:11Can modern films, fiction, and other texts be “sacred texts”?Though I will be updating it again in the near future (if all goes well!), I have just updated my Publications page with a few things that either just came out in the last week, or that came out…two years ago…!?! (Yeah, it’s been quite the time since then, needless to say, unfortunately…) You’ll find […]
4.8.2024 09:04Updated Publications!In a word: no. If you’re only interested enough to spend thirty seconds (that you’re eager to see elapsing as quickly as possible!) at a half-attention’s amount of effort to take in regarding my religion, then you’re probably neither prepared for the full weight of what you might hear, nor are you sufficiently interested in […]
23.7.2024 08:16Can You Give Me An “Elevator Speech” Version of Your Religion?I suspect even asking this question will not make this a very popular blog post amongst many people, and yet I think the underlying question does need to be asked. Having established that, I also freely admit that I have avoided writing this post for the past few days, partially because I have been extremely […]
16.5.2024 06:31Is the idea of a worldwide pan-polytheism itself “perennialist”?Some of you reading this may recall my article on Antinous and Glykon in Abraxas volume 5 from 2014. Well, like many things I’ve theorized or had insights over in relation to my devotional involvements with Antinous, it looks like I might have had some precognitions on this matter as well! A few friends and […]
1.4.2024 22:46AMAZING NEWS! New Discovery from Egypt Proves the Antinoan Roots of the Cult of Glykon!I am happy to announce that, for the first time, there will be an online public lecture next week on Sunday, March 17th, 2024–and not surprisingly, given the day it will be held, the subject is Irish-related! [Detail of Sun Window, at Loafers in Cork, Ireland, by Michael J. “Mick” McCoy (a.k.a. Tighernmas Mac Goibnenn), […]
11.3.2024 02:44Irish Medieval Magic from the Manuscripts; Or, “How Do You Spell That?”–Public Lectures on March 17, 2024