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Comment on Scan to follow us on TikTok by Anonymous


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7.8.2024 02:43Comment on Scan to follow us on TikTok by Anonymous

Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Damien Layne


In reply to <a href="">Presta Blogs</a>. Most definitely! Who knows how many realities and dimensions are truly out there? If you check out my post about quantum immortality I explain just that idea!

19.6.2024 23:15Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Damien Layne

Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Presta Blogs


In reply to <a href="">Damien Layne</a>. Very correct your enemy' can be your friend in another version lol 😆

19.6.2024 08:43Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Presta Blogs

Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Damien Layne


In reply to <a href="">Presta Blogs</a>. Most definitely, and that person may die in that version of reality according to this theory which makes it even crazier, that means you have control over who dies and who lives with your mind. Gives a new perspective on how you see your enemy’s huh?

19.6.2024 08:18Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Damien Layne

Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Presta Blogs


Thats crazy its like when you cut off someone in your life , your brain forgets that person as if he /she never existed , thats crazy for real

19.6.2024 07:53Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Presta Blogs

Quantum Immortality Theory Explained


Yesterday I posted an explanation about a very intriguing and interesting conspiracy theory called The “Everyone Is Dead Theory”, and while this theory most definitely argues a very good point, I’ve always been a Quantum Immortality guy myself. So I know what your probably thinking, what exactly is this so called “Quantum Immortality” this guysContinue reading "Quantum Immortality Theory Explained"

18.6.2024 06:23Quantum Immortality Theory Explained

Comment on Elder Futhark: Raidho Rune & Its Meaning by Damien Layne


In reply to <a href="">Zeal4living</a>. No problem! I have posted the previous 4 elder futhark runes along with their meanings also if you’d like to give them a read! Thanks for your comment! It’s great to hear feedback from my readers! :)

17.6.2024 14:15Comment on Elder Futhark: Raidho Rune & Its Meaning by Damien Layne

Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Damien Layne


In reply to <a href="">Zeal4living</a>. also thank you for your feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the read :)

17.6.2024 14:14Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Damien Layne

Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Damien Layne


In reply to <a href="">Zeal4living</a>. It is most definitely an interesting thought! However I’m more of a quantum immortality guy myself(which I will probably write about soon also) but I love this idea also. And of course I reply from the other side of the grave as well. I hope your imagination keeps me alive for as long as possible my friend! 😂

17.6.2024 14:13Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Damien Layne

Comment on Elder Futhark: Raidho Rune & Its Meaning by Zeal4living


Thanks for your explanation of Reidho

17.6.2024 08:00Comment on Elder Futhark: Raidho Rune & Its Meaning by Zeal4living

Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Zeal4living


An interesting thought, I reply of course from the other side of the grave.

17.6.2024 07:58Comment on Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024! by Zeal4living

Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024!


Who do you spend the most time with? If you had to think of the most crazy conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard, which one would you choose as the craziest? What makes it the craziest? These are both very important questions, because as they say ‘All rules are written in blood’ and I believe theContinue reading "Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024!"

17.6.2024 06:12Everyone Is Dead Theory; the craziest theory of 2024!

Project Blue Beam Explained.


What is project blue beam? That’s the question in everyone’s mind in 2024. We all know the government is up to no good, they always have been, and probably always will be. The government always has one project or another jeopardizing the safety and security of the people, and that’s exactly what “Project Blue Beam”Continue reading "Project Blue Beam Explained."

16.6.2024 19:45Project Blue Beam Explained.

Elder Futhark: Raidho Rune & Its Meaning


Raidho Sound: “r” Stands for: “Riding” (or “Wheel”) Color: Blue (black) Casting Meaning: If you Have a specific Goal in mind that you are looking to reach, Or your Just trying to reach your short/long term goals in general this Rune is for you! Because Raidho helps us to reach out goals! The only catch?Continue reading "Elder Futhark: Raidho Rune & Its Meaning"

16.6.2024 17:02Elder Futhark: Raidho Rune & Its Meaning

Visiting Loch-Ness & The Scottish Highlands


The Scottish Highlands are famously known for many, many things. Whether that be normal things, or highly weird, creepy unknown and even scary things depends on where you go, who you talk to, and what you’re looking for! For example, one of my favorite facts about the Scottish Highlands that surprisingly not a lot ofContinue reading "Visiting Loch-Ness & The Scottish Highlands"

16.6.2024 16:28Visiting Loch-Ness & The Scottish Highlands

Elder Futhark: Ansuz Rune & Its Meaning


Ansuz Sound: “aa” as in “aah” Stands for: “God” (or “Divine Breath”) Color: Purple Casting Meaning: Ansuz Is a Rune that Keeps stability in the world, and in our lives! It’s known for giving people a sense of order as well. Ansuz will help you in all Intellectual Pursuits, and will be the guiding light.Continue reading "Elder Futhark: Ansuz Rune & Its Meaning"

15.6.2024 20:20Elder Futhark: Ansuz Rune & Its Meaning

My Experience At The Salem Witch Trial Reenactments!


I can Clearly Remember one of my favorite moments ever, even though I was MUCH younger than I am now, very much younger. I couldn’t of been more than 10 years old, and I went to Salem Mass. to visit all the historical landmarks and the highlight of the trip was nothing other than… OfContinue reading "My Experience At The Salem Witch Trial Reenactments!"

15.6.2024 02:38My Experience At The Salem Witch Trial Reenactments!

Elder Futhark: Thurisaz Rune & Its Meaning


Thurisaz Sound: “Th” Stands for: “Giant” (or “thorn”) Color: White Casting Meaning: Thurisaz Is a great Rune for those who have a slight edge of anger with them, As it Stands for our ability to handle Unwelcome or surprise Conflicts without anger or getting angry. Thurisaz can also be used as a defense against enemiesContinue reading "Elder Futhark: Thurisaz Rune & Its Meaning"

14.6.2024 02:25Elder Futhark: Thurisaz Rune & Its Meaning

Warren’s Ghosts: My Favorite Historical Figure’s


Everybody knows the Warren’s, Right? If your interested in Ghost hunting, or Ghost hunters, Or even simply just haunted locations, Im sure you’ve heard of the infamous Ed and Lorraine Warren and their Occult Museum! If you’ve watched any of the Conjuring movies, or the Annabelle Movies, or even any Amittyville horror house movies, yourContinue reading "Warren’s Ghosts: My Favorite Historical Figure’s"

12.6.2024 06:14Warren’s Ghosts: My Favorite Historical Figure’s

The Thrill of the Chase: My Passion For The Unknown


This Very Blog itself, Goes to testimony, Just to prove my point to you, That I think we can all agree my strongest passion is simply for the unknown! I started this blog way back in 2022, But then as it sometimes does, Life got in the way and I ended up dropping it, butContinue reading "The Thrill of the Chase: My Passion For The Unknown"

12.6.2024 04:37The Thrill of the Chase: My Passion For The Unknown


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