Spring is here and so all the beautiful flowers and colors. I like it very much to explore the environment and photograph all the new life.,
#Photography #Nature #Projekt1zu1 #Project1to1 #Squared #Natur #Flowers #Blumen #NaturePhotography #Naturfotografie #macro #macrophotography #Makro #Makrofotografie
What a wonderful place full of erika. I love the springtime when all flowers coming out and everything is so colorful.
#Photography #Nature #Projekt1zu1 #Project1to1 #Squared #Natur #Flowers #Blumen #NaturePhotography #Naturfotografie #Hiking #Wandern #Wanderlust
I do not photograph architecture that often. But it is a lot of fun trying something new.
#Photography #Nature #Projekt1zu1 #Project1to1 #Squared #Architecture #ArchitecturePhotography
Tulips are very beautiful flowers. Here is a yellow one in front of a dark background.
#Photography #Nature #Projekt1zu1 #Project1to1 #Squared #Flowers #Blumen #Tulpe #Tulip
These are the last autumn colors of this year. Had a nice walk trough the forest.
#Photography #Nature #Projekt1zu1 #Project1to1 #Squared #Wood #Autumn #Fotografie #Naturfotografie #Natur #Wald #Herbst
These are the whiskers of a 15 years old tomcat I rescued from an animal shelter to give him a beautiful home for the rest of his life.
#project1to1 #animal #cat #malecat #blackandwhite #photography #squared #katze #kater #schwarzweiss
Mist is coming in the morning - love that so much
#wood #mist #photography #project1to1 #squared #fotografie #NaturFotografie #NaturePhotography #nebel #wald
Detailed dandelion
#dandelion #photography #project1to1 #squared #fotografie #NaturFotografie #NaturePhotography #macro #macrophotography
This is a detail of snow, I made during the winter.
#snow #winter #photography #project1to1 #squared #fotografie #NaturFotografie #NaturePhotography #macro
Abstract lampshade
#lamp #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #project1to1 #squared