What is Solarpunk? Why does it matter? In this series we discuss Solarpunk as a movement within art, literature, and activism. We explore its themes and talk about what separates it from its genre peers. Each episode explores a writing prompt set in a Solarpunk aesthetic with examples and inspirations from our world today. Based upon story prompts created by Paweł Ngei. Episode transcripts available here New logo and cover image by Natalia Vish (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
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The Tailors
A new tailor joins a community with different ideas from the previous one. How will the community react? What sort of role will they fill in a future of sustainability and harmony with the local environment?
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Tailors
Links mentioned:
Music in this episode is: At The End Of All Things by Scott Buckley (CC-BY 4.0) and Lo-Fi Ambient by Nver Avetyan (CC-BY 3.0)
Illustration CC-BY-SA 4.0 The Lemonaut - https://www.tumblr.com/the-lemonaut
14.9.2024 18:21The TailorsThe Tower
Displaced people are moved into a new sustainable climate-controlled tower designed to help them find community. For some it’s a dream come true, for others a culture shock. How will this setting come to life as a vision for a Solarpunk future? How can we envision a better way of living by focusing on their humanity?
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Tower
Links mentioned:
Music in this episode is: ‘Moonlight’ and ‘A Kind of Hope’ by Scott Buckley (CC-BY 4.0)
Illustration CC-BY-SA 4.0 The Lemonaut & Scan101 - https://www.tumblr.com/the-lemonaut
7.2.2024 11:18The TowerThe Epidemiologists
How will a Solarpunk future address community distrust in public health? How will we restore faith in vaccines or heal the long history of abuse of minority and indiginous peoples? Is it hopeless? Today’s episode of Solarpunk Prompts takes a look at difficult themes and finding a better future.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Epidemiologists
Links mentioned:
Music in this episode is: Suspension and Homage by Kjartan Abel (CC BY-SA 4.0)
15.12.2023 10:19The EpidemiologistsThe Miners
Rare earth metals are essential for our modern life, whether in EV motors, cell phones, or in electronics in general. Mining these metals is notoriously difficult and dirty. How might a Solarpunk future address this issue? How might we get there from where we are today? Through this prompt we explore the realities of rare earth mining today and a few ways it might evolve into a sustainable future.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Miners
Links mentioned:
Music in this episode is: “Golden” and “Kelp Grooves” by Little Glass Men (CC BY)
1.12.2023 09:00The MinersThe Pharmacists
How will access to pharmaceuticals impact the Solarpunk future? In this prompt we explore data miners seeking to liberate the data buried by intellectual property to find new cures and hopes for their communities. We also discuss the state of the pharma industry in the global south and how the reality of today shapes the futures of tomorrow.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Pharmacists
Links mentioned:
Music in this episode is: “$50 to Breathe”, “It Will Make You Feel Better If You Put It In the Right Place”, and “I Refuse to Accept That There’s Nothing I Can Do About It” from Angie’s Sunday Service by Chris Zabriskie (CC BY 3.0 Deed)
24.11.2023 09:00The PharmacistsThe Disabled Community
How will our Solarpunk future be shaped by the tenacity and activism of the disabled community? What role does inclusivity and accessibility play in creating that future vision? What new challenges await us all?
Special thanks to Martyna Lysiakiewicz for a sensitivity read.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Disabled-Community
Links mentioned:
Music from:
‘Adrift Among Infinite Stars’ and ‘Bring Me The Sky’ by Scott Buckley, released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
Illustration CC-BY-SA 4.0 The Lemonaut - https://www.tumblr.com/the-lemonaut
17.11.2023 09:00The Disabled CommunityHow can Solarpunk address the problems of a massive project, like travel to the moon? Will the genre crumble under the need for macro-level power and industry? Come explore the latest story prompt and dream of a future together.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Moonshot
‘Last And First Light’ and ‘Artemis’ by Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au (CC-BY 4.0)
10.11.2023 09:00The MoonshotSeason 2 Introduction
Welcome back to season two of Solarpunk Prompts. In this brief introduction to the season we talk about the “punk” in Solarpunk, and the need for continuity between our world today and the good place to come.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---Season-2-Introduction
Links mentioned:
Music from: The Roche Limit by State Azure - https://stateazure.bandcamp.com/track/the-roche-limit (CC-BY-SA)
3.11.2023 09:00Season 2 IntroductionThe Dirigible
In this episode we take the skies and travel between distant settlements with an anarchist crew on our beautiful balloon.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Dirigible
Links mentioned:
Music from:
Jean Toba - really beautiful my mambo
3.12.2022 13:00The DirigibleThe Ship
In this episode we set sail on a cargoship of the future. What does a trade mission look like in Solarpunk?
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Ship
Links mentioned:
Music from:
Levantaran el vuelo by Circus Marcus
21.11.2022 17:41The ShipThe Henchmen
In this episode a group of henchmen hired to work for a billionare on his post-apocalyptic stronghold inherit the keys from their former boss. They explore their options at community building and outreach with the surrounding towns as communities collide.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Henchmen
Links mentioned:
Music from:
taiyou hikou by Yago Omoikane - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
16.11.2022 15:49The HenchmenThe Beekeepers
In this episode we explore the relationships between humans and machines, discuss some of the ethical dangers of AI, and how a balanced relationship with technology might present itself in a Solarpunk setting.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Beekeepers
Links mentioned:
Music from:
ステム88 - Biofield - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
13.11.2022 14:00The BeekeepersThe Expedition
In this episode we journey from the Global South, the starting place of Solarpunk, to help a suffering North facing the Great InterneT Collapse. What unique qualities can they bring to the situation?
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Expedition
Links mentioned:
Music from:
S O A R E R - Esoteric Eye - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
12.11.2022 19:31The ExpeditionThe Fire Brigade
In this episode we muse about the role of the military in a world without war. What comes next for these highly trained individuals and groups? How might they turn those skills toward new types of community service?
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Fire-Brigade
Links mentioned:
Music from:
Dyamur - Sun Syndicate - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
11.11.2022 14:00The Fire BrigadeThe Chefs
In this episode we explore a world facing a meat shortage and discuss the sustainability of food practices. You also get to hear me try to phoenetically speak Korean.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Chefs
Links mentioned:
Music from:
loving memory 영원히 안녕 - 태양이 내 얼굴에 입맞 (Bye forever – the sun is kissing my face)
Illustration CC-BY-SA 4.0 The Lemonaut - https://www.tumblr.com/the-lemonaut
10.11.2022 12:14The ChefsThe Archivists
Today’s episode explores the loss of cultural history, local and indigenous knowledge. How can a Solarpunk perspective help us see past Western colonialism and find value in new, old places.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Archivists
Links mentioned:
Music from:
Cyber Surfer 3D - Skyforest - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
8.11.2022 14:00The ArchivistsThe Electronics Graveyard
In today’s episode: Reduce, reuse, recycle. What does that look like in a Solarpunk world? How does the trash of one age become a resource for the next? And how realistic are our expectations for that type of lifestyle?
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Electronics-Graveyard
Links mentioned:
Music from:
Bubble Keiki - Unlatching The Escape Pod’s Lid - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
7.11.2022 14:21The Electronics GraveyardThe Great Infrastructure Project
Maintaining infrastructure is hard even when your governments are stable. In this episode we explore the reality of crumbling infrastructure on a small town and envision an optimistic future where collaboration overcomes the challenges.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Great-Infrastructural-Project
Links mentioned:
Music from:
Bathroom Plants - New Unity Dawning - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
6.11.2022 14:00The Great Infrastructure ProjectThe Experts
In this episode we discuss isolation and its toll. We also talk about a different kind of community and the power and freedom it brings to the lonely.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Experts
Links mentioned:
Music from:
Twin Dragoon - Hidden in brightness - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
5.11.2022 14:00The ExpertsThe Hackerspace
In this episode we discuss hackers, hacker culture, and hackerspaces before using this setting for the basis of our latest writing prompt. What does playful discovery have to do with Solarpunk? Can we find a modal for the future in these communities of today?
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Hackerspace
Links mentioned:
Music from:
yourdiscovery - astrobotany - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
Illustration CC-BY-SA 4.0 The Lemonaut - https://www.tumblr.com/the-lemonaut
4.11.2022 14:00The HackerspaceThe Canteen
In this episode our writing prompt brings us to the mess hall of an isolated scientific community surrounded by difficult conditions. We explore the justaposition of these challenges in their mission with the everyday humanity of their unique culture.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Canteen
Links mentioned:
Episode illustration by The Lemonaut - https://www.tumblr.com/the-lemonaut/755198344755904512/did-an-illustration-on-one-episode-of-the
Music from:
nikodimov - weeds - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
3.11.2022 14:00The CanteenThe Community Center
In this episode our writing prompt explores the transformative power of libraries and community centers. With the power to train communities and empower them with knowledge, what would happen if such a place grew into a place sought by pilgrims for inner truth?
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Community-Center
Links mentioned in the video:
Music from:
Andy McDade - Ylid - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
Episode illustration by The Lemonaut - https://www.tumblr.com/the-lemonaut/755198344755904512/did-an-illustration-on-one-episode-of-the
#solarpunk #writing #podcast
2.11.2022 14:00The Community CenterThe Refugee Camp
In this episode our writing prompt takes us to a near-future town that has grown out of a refugee camp. We discuss refugee camps today, community organizations, makers, and the creation that comes from them. We also discuss creole languages and the truths they reveal about a community.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---The-Refugee-Camp
Links mentioned in the video:
Music from:
ExMemory - Solar Grid - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com/album/solarpunk-a-brighter-perspective
#solarpunk #writing #podcast
1.11.2022 14:00The Refugee CampWhat is Solarpunk and why should we care? Why would I want to write Solarpunk stories?
In this introduction video I talk briefly about what Solarpunk is and why it is important to create new stories with its unique optimistic framing. This video sets the stage for a series of videos with individual writing prompts, and grounds the writer firmly in the genre with guidelines to follow.
Transcript: https://wiki.tomasino.org/writing/Solarpunk-Prompts---Introduction
Links mentioned in the video:
HOPE 2020: Technological Narratives - https://bit.ly/3sKsB0g Coindesk Solarpunk - https://bit.ly/3TShfTx Chobani Commercial - https://youtu.be/z-Ng5ZvrDm4 Story Hooks - https://bit.ly/3zu6QW6
Music from: float oat - how we found it
31.10.2022 01:06An Introduction