Mobile and platform development at League - Previously 🦖 [url=]#Mozilla[/url], Quartett Mobile, 1&1/GMX/WEB.DE/, Jimdo and others. Interests: 📱[url=]#Mobile[/url] development, 🤖 [url=]#AndroidDev[/url], 📚 [url=]#MachineLearning[/url], 🍻 [url=]#HomeBrewing[/url], 🌱 [url=]#Plants[/url] and 🌳 [url=]#trees[/url], ⚙️ [url=]#THW[/url] volunteer, 🐈 cats and 🐕 dogs, sometimes ♟️ [url=]#chess[/url], not often enough 🧗♂️ [url=]#bouldering[/url], tried but never learned 🎸 [url=]#guitar[/url] or [url=]#ukulele[/url] Always looking for the next thing to hyperfocus on.
Tags: androiddev bouldering chess guitar homebrewing machinelearning mobile mozilla plants thw trees ukulele