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Tags: impressions
Alright, it’s finally Trapezium time! I spoke about this film briefly when it was announced, and it’s been the film I’ve been waiting for more than any other, to the point where I’ve lamented my inability to watch it on release multiple times. As past me once wrote in my ‘Looking Forward to 2024’ segment: […]
12.3.2025 22:01Thoughts On: TrapeziumI’m late to the show, but Ave Mujica is airing. I’m an impatient sort, so consider this an evolving post for as long as the show is airing. Be sure to check out my MyGO!!!!! analysis first; I’ll reference some things here and there. 1: Character Writing – Misumi & Sakiko “The pitiful doll once […]
4.3.2025 02:57Ave Mujica, or A Live AnalysisIn reply to <a href="">名前のないシステム</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Particularly with both Shoushimin Series and Sakurada Reset, I fundamentally disagree with their thesis, or the logic behind their philosophical questioning. Shoushimin's conceptualization of normality (whether aligning with or subverting it) and Sakurada Reset's questioning of humanity are both pure nonsense to me, and I disagree with their evolving thought processes on each and every step.<br>Ideally, I'd be nodding along with the process, not retorting "What? No, that's dumb" to every idea a character posits. The philosophising doesn't feel justified to me.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>When it comes to TV animation, I prefer stories that are led by visuals rather than dialogue. If I wanted dialogue-based storytelling, I'd go to a medium that better suits it, such as, of course, novels. At least there the author can preach uninterrupted, without a director chopping out important scenes or needlessly shuffling the arc order around.<br><br>There's potential for anime adaptations to do something worthwhile with these kinds of stories, but precedent has shown me that it simply doesn't happen. Staff aren't capable of translating these novels to animation effectively. The most recent work that come to mind as counter to that belief is the Haruhi movie... but that was 15 years ago, so maybe I'd be harsher on it if I saw it today.<br>I respect that Shoushimin Series—with its quirky cuts and SHAFTisms—tries to take advantage of the medium, but the frantic pace of it simply isn't what I want from anime. I can imagine it suiting a TV drama or an artsy movie pretty well though.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
23.2.2025 02:26Comment on ~SPOILER FREE~ FINAL THOUGHTS: SUMMER 2024 by fumigami<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>>sagrada reset slander</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Low iq detected.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Anyway Shoshimin is fun, it just takes a bit to adjust yourself to its rhythm. I thought cutting to scenic vistas during monologues was a cool technique and I'd like to see it implemented in a live-action project.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
20.2.2025 00:57Comment on ~SPOILER FREE~ FINAL THOUGHTS: SUMMER 2024 by 名前のないシステムKAMiBAKO A Brief Review It’s hard to get a grasp on what KAMiBAKO is at a cursory glance – it looks like a different game in each screenshot! It feels like a game that would’ve been released on the DS or 3DS. A series of systems and gimmicks that come together to form a […]
19.2.2025 13:38I Played KAMiBAKOThere’s a first time for everything, and boy was 2024 a first! I’ve never seen a year of anime so packed with things I want to watch. Even though I watched just as much anime as usual, I didn’t come close to watching everything I was interested in, so for the first time ever, I’m […]
10.2.2025 23:50~SPOILER FREE~ Even More 2024![…] category. I was inspired to add a best cast category byreading Takafumi of Pls no Hate (see it in his 2024 year-end review). Whereas my best character awards focus on individual characters, the best cast award rewards […]
1.2.2025 07:09Comment on ~SPOILER FREE~ SUMMARIZING THE YEAR! 2024 by 2024 TV Anime Category Awards · The New Leaf Journal[…] at Pls No Hate: ~SPOILER FREE~ SUMMARIZING THE YEAR! 2024I am a big fan of Takafumi’s blog. He talks about a number of shows that I did not watch at […]
1.2.2025 04:51Comment on ~SPOILER FREE~ SUMMARIZING THE YEAR! 2024 by The Best TV Anime of 2024 · The New Leaf JournalIn reply to <a href="">Gaz</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thanks for reading! I'm glad we could enjoy that same kind of nostalgia.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
4.1.2025 03:02Comment on C-pia! Magazine Volume 6 by fumigami<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Just discovered your C-Pia magazine and I have to say it is wonderful work! Truly brings me back to a time where it was one new discovery after another (and the certain mystique on Japan-only VNs that I couldn't read at the time)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
4.1.2025 01:20Comment on C-pia! Magazine Volume 6 by Gaz2024! What. A. Year!I dunno what happened to reality this year, but I feel like somehow, miraculously, existence warped around my preferences. The stuff I like normally isn’t popular, so companies don’t usually pander to my tastes, but every once in a while something I like will be a hit. Sorayori mo Tooi Basho or […]
2.1.2025 23:31Talking about 2024Well… the best year of anime is officially over. I feel I don’t have enough time to even bid it farewell, because 2025 is coming out of the gates swinging. So before we all start getting excited about the new shiny shows, here’re my awards for 2024. But if you wanna hear about my year […]
2.1.2025 23:23~SPOILER FREE~ SUMMARIZING THE YEAR! 2024Oh boy, it’s the final season of 2024, and unlike last season, there’s no fear in me here. I looked at the chart this season and got as giddy as Charlie finding a golden ticket. We’ve got representation from the staple genres of these write-ups: isekai, villainess, romance for men and for women, drama of […]
31.12.2024 12:09~SPOILER FREE~ FINAL THOUGHTS: FALL 2024It’s the end of 2024, so in a special volume of C-pia! Magazine, we tackle various topics already covered throughout 2024, but this time, we do so from a different angle. There are quite a lot of articles this time, so I’ll leave describing them all to the contents list. The website also underwent some […]
14.12.2024 00:02C-pia! Magazine Volume 6It’s been 10 years since I opened up this blog to post my reviews to, and boy have a lot of reviews been written in the time since. To celebrate, I thought it’d be fun to collate some of my most positive (and most negative) reviews that’ve hit the site. These aren’t my highest-rated shows, […]
5.11.2024 12:47My Most Positive Reviews of the Decade!It’s been 10 years since I opened up this blog to post my reviews to, and boy have a lot of reviews been written in the time since. To celebrate, I thought it’d be fun to collate some of my most negative (and most positive) reviews that’ve hit the site. These aren’t my lowest-rated shows, […]
5.11.2024 12:47My Most Negative Reviews of the Decade![…] ~SPOILER FREE~ FINAL THOUGHTS: SUMMER 2024 by fumigami (Please, no hate.) Maybe I could get through [Nanare Hananare] on a binge watch, but I doubt I’d like it, so I’m just not going to bother. Also Anna is god awful. […]
3.10.2024 15:23Comment on ~SPOILER FREE~ FINAL THOUGHTS: SUMMER 2024 by The Annoying Anna Aviero in Narenare · The Emu Café Social[…] on the camerawork, animation, and background music. For a quick idea – I recommend watching a short (about 10 minute) video analysis of the animation work in the first few episodes by Takafumi of the Please no Hate […]
12.8.2024 12:32Comment on Video Analysis: Gimai Seikatsu by Aesthetics and Hair Color in Gimai Seikatsu · The New Leaf JournalIn reply to <a href="">a7845</a>. They aren't.
16.3.2024 17:14Comment on Ultimate Voice Patch for Kanon by fumigami<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Are Kanon's H-scenes voiced?</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
16.3.2024 10:28Comment on Ultimate Voice Patch for Kanon by a7845