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Hand-made musical products from the time of Napster, around 2001. The CD case was hand-made out of sawed plexiglass with tin foil glued on for decoration and text hand-written with […]
23.1.2025 20:49Resisting Bits in the Time of NapsterASTOMATOUS by Playing in Tongues
21.1.2025 00:55ASTOMATOUS track dropPhotos from my Saturday night gig…
20.1.2025 17:39Philipstown Depot TheatreI’ve been using a few different names inconsistently – “Lucas Gonze”, “Playing in Tongues”, and “there is only”. I going to standardize on “Playing in Tongues.” I like that it’s […]
16.1.2025 00:15Playing in TonguesUpdate Jan 13 Video of the set by Heidi Rice Chuck: Another live recording from this set, shot (and posted) by Sam, who is part of the Never Ending Books […]
5.1.2025 18:25New Haven gig Jan 11It was fun to make this. I used the image generator in the Gemini mobile app. This prompt was “ambient music in a spacey dreamy bookstore on an alien planet.” […]
18.10.2024 00:32Brooklyn gig Saturday nightSuch a fun gig. The smokiest room I’ve ever played in. Pitch black except for a clip-on light for my pedalboard. The crowd was listening so closely that at one […]
10.10.2024 01:28Present Sounds Brooklyn Oct 3 2024We were at Mayor’s Park in Cold Spring NY, next to the train tracks along the Hudson River. Dedicated site for the project with Ben: smallworldelectronics.com
27.9.2024 14:3130 seconds on August 30, 2XI’ll be playing 8:30-10:00 at lightandsound.design, 249 Huron St, Brooklyn NY. https://www.eventcreate.com/e/exwiishlucas
23.9.2024 19:30Oct 3 gig w/ Ex WiishA real actual actively maintained blog for a real actual band, on BLOGSPOT no less: http://WET TUNA A 60 second Youtube of Fishkill Creek in Beacon NY by the Beacon […]
16.9.2024 14:18Loose Links Sep 16[…] This is something on the order of a remix of https://playingintongues.com/2024/08/11/at-least-im-trying-to-forgive-grandma-for-being-a-maniac/ […]
24.8.2024 22:41Comment on I’m at least trying to forgive grandma for being a maniac by 2nd version: I am at least trying to forgive – Lucas Gonze quiet music[…] in Armenia Junto 0635 round the bend August 11, […]
11.8.2024 21:32Comment on Junto 0635 round the bend by Իդա up – music by Lucas Gonze[…] Famous in Armenia Junto 0635 round the bend August 11, 2024 […]
11.8.2024 21:30Comment on Meanwhile far away by Իդա up – music by Lucas Gonze<p>This is my third playlist pickup. Eventually the algorithm kicks in and starts working for me, but I'm not sure what the threshold is. Maybe ten. </p><p>In my music marketing time tonight I'll tackle the lounge+world genree. Also, adding Apple Music to my Spotify marketing might be fruitful.</p><p>/cc <a href="https://playingintongues.com/author/playingintongues_jqxldo/" rel="ugc">@playingintongues_jqxldo</a></p>
15.7.2024 21:16Comment on “World” confirmed via new playlist add by Lucas Gonze (OSS topics)[…] a world music playlist on Spotify picked up “For My Wife” it was a clue that the slot to pitch my music into was *world*, not ambient, Americana, or ambient […]
15.7.2024 21:08Comment on I’ll be danged, I’m WORLD by “World” confirmed via new playlist add – music by Lucas Gonze[…] don’t know what my tiny-scrap miniatures will be good for. One possibility is bumpers in between segments of a podcast, radio show, or film. […]
26.6.2024 18:19Comment on Soundtrack for a GIF by How is very short music useful? – music by Lucas Gonze[…] tell you they dislike a piece by ignoring it. Reactions to release of my ultra-short music video yesterday were non-existent, and I promoted it pretty […]
26.6.2024 14:09Comment on Soundtrack for a GIF by If nothing else, learn – music by Lucas Gonze<p>Why jazz vocals are and always will be cringe. Also a general Jazz Theory of Everything.</p><p><a href="https://playingintongues.com/2024/06/05/why-jazz-vocals-are-cringe/" rel="ugc">https://playingintongues.com/2024/06/05/why-jazz-vocals-are-cringe/</a></p><p>/cc <a href="https://playingintongues.com/author/playingintongues_jqxldo/" rel="ugc">@playingintongues_jqxldo</a></p>
5.6.2024 13:52Comment on Why jazz vocals are cringe by Lucas Gonze (OSS topics)[…] Jazz bass has an even better record. 95% rad. Even this rando journeyman makes me happy. […]
5.6.2024 13:51Comment on this bass playing makes me happy by Why jazz vocals are cringe – music by Lucas Gonze[…] My most recent Disquiet piece is part of a really good dance production in Turkey, check it out at 9:42 (and again over the closing). […]
4.6.2024 17:47Comment on Junto 0635 round the bend by Famous in Turkey – music by Lucas Gonze