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from O.R.C.A. Date: 2025/03/16 18:15 `The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’ brings together a new, rough translation of L’Ospite Inatteso, written by Sicilian insurrectionary anarchist Alfredo Bonanno, with mostly previously untranslated sections from his book Palestina, Mon Amour. Diary-like, it’s a remembrance of his deadly armed struggle during the 60s and…
9.3.2025 06:52Book Release and Film Screeningfrom Mastodon “Abolish ICE” Pasteup spotted in Philadelphia
8.3.2025 06:17“Abolish ICE” Pasteupfrom It’s Going Down [This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.] In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays.…
8.3.2025 06:03In Contempt #50: National Guard Sent in to New York Prisons, Leonard Peltier Comes Homefrom Never Sleep PDF: APEM 2025-02 Anarchists are going to make explosives. In Greece and Russia it is regular, but a lot of the recipes easily available online are either quite dangerous (like TATP) or outdated (like most of the US Army Improvised Munitions Manual). The recipes I have compiled are found with a little…
3.3.2025 06:41Anarchist Primary Explosives Manual (February 2025)Submission
3.3.2025 06:31Gay Anarcho Anti-Future Futurist Grimoirefrom O.R.C.A. Date: 2025/03/06 19:00 – 21:00 The cutty slutty queer anarcho spellbook you’ve been seeking is accepting submissions through mid-March 🔮 This thursday from 7-9pm we’ll gather to talk a little bit about this upcoming zine and enjoy some leisurely open writing time. Optional prompts including the chaos magic of militancy and the 5-year-plan of…
3.3.2025 06:07Zine Prep + Open Writefrom Philly Metro Area WSA By Philly Metro and Greater Chicago WSA Among many reports and conversations at our November 40th Anniversary Congress, two that stand out are a renewed excitement about working-class journalism, and how our WSA Branches are trying to orient our work to our worksites and co-workers. What this has meant in…
26.2.2025 06:47Earliest Days of This Trump Attackfrom Making Worlds Books This panel event and discussion brings together several anarchists and other individuals who’ve caught charges in Philadelphia and beyond from 2017 to the present. We’ll go over the charges, legal process, and outcomes of each case; discuss how local support for the defendants worked; and reflect on the trauma and hardships…
23.2.2025 06:32Caught: Stories About Criminalization and Repressionfrom Unravel February 9, 2025 There were 10 arrests and 29 summons for disorderly conduct issued by Philadelphia Police during the raucous celebration of the Eagles’ Super Bowl win Sunday night, police said. Six people were arrested for six assaults on police officers, said department spokesperson Sgt. Eric Gripp. There were four other arrests: one…
22.2.2025 06:59Super Bowl Celebration – Philadelphia, PAfrom Making Worlds Books This is a presentation based discussion about the necessity of radical circles to move away from digital technology in our current political moment. We argue that social media, cell phones and digital technology play an active role in harming our movements and capacities for resistance. Digital technology surveils us, de-skills us,…
22.2.2025 06:14Against Smartphones, Social Media, and the Tech Dystopia: A Provocation and Discussion on Shifting Culture in Anarchist and Black Radical Spaces Away ...Submission 🤖🐶 It is unclear what the struggle for Palestinian liberation will look like in the coming days. At the time of this writing a ceasefire has just been reached between Hamas and the Zionist entity, at the same time the Zionist entity continues to devastate Gaza and the West Bank. Last year a specific…
22.2.2025 06:06Zine: The Struggle Against Ghost Roboticsfrom Reeking Thickets Press Join us on March 16th at 6:15pm at ORCA for the release of the book `The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’, the pamphlet “A Mano Armata (Excerpts)”, and a screening of the film ¡G.A.R.I! (2013, 1h 23 min, French with English subtitles), by Nicolas Réglat, followed by…
19.2.2025 06:59`The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’ Book Release Event and Screening of ¡G.A.R.I! (2013) – March 16from Instagram FEB 23rd 3pm at Clark park chess tables !! 2nd monthly zine fest pop out distro ur sketchy zines cool art work maybe they’ll be food , this event is made possible by all who come out and do their thing , all who assemble their skills and get together to share and…
19.2.2025 06:24Philly Monthly Zine Festfrom O.R.C.A. O.R.C.A. has officially circled the sun! We’re celebrating a year of aquatic anarchy by hanging out, and screening a fun feminist deep cut, Girls Town (1996). It’s been an interesting journey running the space for a year and we’ve learned a lot, feared a lot, and felt immense joy! Thanks to everyone who…
19.2.2025 06:09One Year Of O.R.C.A.!from Dreaming Freedom, Practicing Abolition On 2-7-25, I sat before the PA Parole Board. Correction: I sat before one member of the Board and a hearing examiner. In PA, imprisoned people don’t see the entire Board which consists of nine members. We see only one member. From the start, the interview was contentious. I didn’t…
19.2.2025 06:05Retaliation for dreaming freedom and striving to actualize itSad as it is, if he didn't commit a crime, no matter how politically disagreeable I find him, he doesn't meet the standard of "moral turpitude" which is about the only cause ASD has. Or budget or incompetence. Free speech applies to only government BUT it should apply more broadly to employment or we will further slide down the slope of thought control. And sadly, the thought police are more prevalent on the Democrat side. The ASD is a government agency, so the plaintiff does have broader rights than a corporate or non-profit employee. What we need to do is teach in schools how to deal with people with different, even fringe, beliefs. God knows gay people and people of color were of those who teachers dare not speak of in other-than-allowable terms. You'd think we'd evolve and accept more, not less, no matter how despicable the deplorable is. When our employers get to set the bar on our outside-of-work lives, we all descend into a hard-to-control spiral. Unless he committed a crime, e.g., actually stormed the Capital, assaulted someone, he should continue teaching.
11.2.2021 04:55Comment on Jason Moorehead: Social Studies Teacher on the Wrong Side of History by AnonymousThis thread exposes some of the tankie nonsense which pervades PSL: https://twitter.com/JakeSymbol/status/1341006201623068678
22.12.2020 16:04Comment on Gentrifying Activist Spaces – PSL Philly by EspecifistaPSL brands itself as militant and puts organizers of color behind the bullhorn. This doesn't change the reality that they are marcyists who endorse the anti-Imperialism of Fools and various authoritarian tendencies. They are as bad as the Workers' World Party from whence they came, maybe just a bit younger. There are many good people who joined up for sincere motivations- let's hope they leave soon and get involved with better things!
18.12.2020 14:22Comment on Gentrifying Activist Spaces – PSL Philly by EspecifistaTHIS IS FOR JAMAL AL-AMIN Please have someone type this out big enough so that Jamal can read it. I’m anonymous because I was around Jamal in the 60s and when I saw what the evil ones did and have done to him I knew worst for me if I surfaced. Over the past several years I’ve dreamed of communicating to Jamal but waited on the signs of the ayats of life to do it.Yes physically invisible but Jamal’s spirit will realize and synthesize!!! I know this is a long email but having first studied the Quran in prison over 40 years ago I know Jamal has the time. As a 76 year old survivor, who in my youth in the 60s fought the police, was thrown in the hole and told the FBI to their faces as I was sent to prison, ‘We are at war’ I believe with the civil war and the break up of the US. We can free Jamal and take over our areas! All below is real and I don’t expect any of you young ones to understand for even in my 60s and 70s I’ve done hard, physical work because of what I learned that I put at the end of this email I want Jamal to read. The following is a true experience of an FOI back in the 70s under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad: He was in top physical shape jogging several miles weekly, eating one meal a day and fasting 3 days a month. While jogging one day a white devil drove his vehicle to scare and buzz him off the road. The Fruit enraged, paused and being in his godlike state, “..the energy left like a bolt of lightning and hit the back of the..” The rear tires of the devil’s vehicle bounced crazily from the force of the Fruit’s natural, unwilled for, pineal gland emanation and he crashed off the side of the road. Back then there were no mobile phones so a passerby in a car went and got an ambulance. As the Fruit passed his writhing body, he said ‘was it worth it’ The white devil died from a broken neck. 1. Strangely I just found out from a Sister who mentioned on a blogtalk radio show how the UFOs came over a prison over 25 years ago I was in at the time. It cleared up a personal mystery. All the FOI brothers I was in the prison with at the time of the huge riot stuck together and survived but I never understood why the white officrs ran away from the prison and the authorities then sent in the National Guard and a Stars Wars like dressed group of Special Ops to quell the prison riot. The UFOs had terrorized the white bastards prison guards and officials and they ran like hell to get out of there. If you don’t ask for their help, you won’t get it! 2. Min.Farrakhans security and driver Arvence Muhammad on The Wheel aka UFOs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7C-DRNxteM&t=3s 3. I’ve sent this to a few members of the Nation of Islam as to why The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was given a police escort in Washington, DC in 1959 – the evil rulers knew the reality of Master Fard Muhammad’s Wheels like Carolos Diaz’s Ships of Light but don’t want anyone else to know!!!!! http://ufoproletariat.blogspot.com/2014/05/forgotten-war.html Excerpt from UFOs: Exopolitics & New World Disorder Page 73 “Timothy Good tells me that in his revised paperback version of his book, ‘Need To Know,’ that the U.S. Defense Dept. Statistics record, in just four years, 1952-56, the U.S. AF and Navy had lost in crashes, a total of 18,662 aircraft of which 1,773 were caused by ‘Unknown Factors’ ‘Destruction’ or ‘Disappearance’ of military aircraft during interceptions of UFO’s continued apace.” General Benjamin Chidlaw, former commanding general of Air Defense Command, told Robert C, Gardner (ex-USAF) in 1953: ‘‘We have stacks of reports of flying saucers. We take them seriously, when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them!” Furthermore, the former Air Force intelligence officer and UFO researcher, Leonard Stringfield, was told by a reliable source in the 1950’s, that the Air Force was losing about a plane a day to UFO’s.” Through those reported 205 accident incidents, 200, yes two-hundred, fighter pilots and radar operators were killed, including our missing airmen! Twenty of those pilots killed are known to be skilled fighter combat veterans of Korea and or World War II, so no fools, they! All twenty of those combat veterans died over the United States between 1951 and 1956, including two pilots who vanished in 1954. Flag down, reader! During those reported 205 accident incidents, twenty-six fighter aircraft just VANISHED! Nineteen superbly maintained fighters and crew simply dematerialized over the United States remaining unfound! Let that sink in. Sixteen fighter jets just gone 4. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan - UFOs And Our Second Reconstruction! June 13, 2013 - UNITED STATES - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has described the future economic rise of Black people in America as our “Second Reconstruction.” At the 2011 Saviours' Day convention the Minister convened a group of experts and scientists who presented to the world a workshop called “The Truth about the Existence of UFOs.” These UFOs may hold the keys to the success of our “Second Reconstruction” on two very important counts: defense and new energy technology. You cannot have a sustainable business unless you can protect it against thieves and robbers. In America there is a justice system designed to protect White businesses and wealth which has proven itself inadequate or unwilling to protect the lives and property of Black people. Some argue that slavery destroyed the ability of Black people to organize and do business. However information found in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume Two (TSRV2) shows that during the period of Reconstruction after the Civil War, but before the Compromise of 1877, Blacks coming up out of slavery for eleven years did just that: they organized, ran businesses, bought farmland and even established 60 small towns. Then after 1877 and the Northern troops were pulled out of the South, Black people lost those businesses and communities—not because of a lack of business acumen, mismanagement or laziness, but because of acts of state and individual (KKK) terrorism, murder and confiscation of properties by Whites. Southern states set up laws called “Black Codes,” which made it illegal for Blacks to buy and sell commodities, testify against White people in court or even have weapons to protect themselves against White violence. And all along Black people prayed to the god that White people taught them to believe and trust in. Of course this “mystery god” did not answer or protect. This fear of White aggression subliminally and sometimes overtly affects the political and economic choices that Black people make today. TSRV2 reveals a history of open hostility by Gentile Whites and the deceitful duplicity of Jewish Whites that have destroyed attempts at economic development by America's former slaves and that have left the Black community both poor and shell-shocked. Consequently, when The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad offered to Black people the same solution that the Moses of the Bible offered the Children of Israel when faced with similar affliction from the Biblical Pharaoh, many Black people rejected such a drastic step. The solution is still separation into a territory of our own. The first argument that Negroes present is that “we can't do without the White man,” as though he is so much smarter than Black people. But after we present the history of our people before, during and after slavery which proves that we can in fact take care of ourselves and even took care of White folk during slavery: we built the homes for the slave master and shacks for ourselves; we made the clothes for the slave master and clothes for ourselves; we even fed the slave master and then had to grow the food to feed ourselves. We also found out that White Jews were advertising the sale of Black “engineers,” which proves that we had knowledge of mathematics and engineering even during slavery times. However, after we destroy the myth of Black incompetency, the next argument that the Negro mind suggests is “If we set up our own nation, all the Whites are going to do is bomb us.” This type of thinking proves that Negroes believe that the White man is such a devil that he would not allow us to live in peace by ourselves and that the god Negroes say that they believe in cannot protect us against the aggression of the White man. To illustrate this point I was on a panel at the 12th National Black Land Loss Summit on April 9, 2011 in North Carolina discussing the Black farmer class action lawsuit. I made the point that Black farmers did not go to court against the USDA to get $50,000 each, but to stop the foreclosures on their land and get their land back from the U.S. government. Another panelist argued that the lawyers for the Black farmers accepted this $50,000 compromise because “If Jesus came back, He could not get your land back.” Therefore, what the panelist just admitted was that the god that she believed in did not have any power over the White man to make him do right by Black people. What is the use in believing in such a weak “god”? We in the Nation of Islam do not believe in such a weak “god”. We believe in the God of the Universe Who can build and commandeer a set of weapons in the sky that the White man's technology is a million years behind. In fact, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that these “UFOs” are not some “unidentified flying objects” operated by aliens from another planet, but are the fulfillment of Ezekiel's vision of a “wheel within a wheel,”, built in 1929 under the direction of Master Fard Muhammad and manned by humans like ourselves. Furthermore, He taught us that the purpose of these wheels is not to destroy Black people, but to protect them against their constant and historical enemy. The presenters in the UFO workshop bore witness that the beings that operate these flying objects have the same DNA as humans; therefore, they are not big insects or lizards, the way Hollywood would present aliens from out of space—they are human and will not “eat us”. Thus, we believe that we will have divine protection by a Being with superior technology and weapons that can run circles around the fastest jets that our enemies possess. However, just as important, a look at the video of the UFO workshop reveals that these beings have some type of energy source that is more powerful than the technology of this world. And this may be why America, unlike other countries like Brazil, is unwilling to open her secret UFO files. She is afraid to let her people know that there is a civilization much more highly advanced and, therefore, infinitely more powerful than her “bully” self. Specifically, the object that made its appearance at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem the night of January 28, 2011 reveals a physical object ascending at a speed, which according to the known physics of this world, is impossible. Gravity is a strong force and as you look at the lift off of rockets in America's space program, you will see an almost imperceptibly slow upward movement in the seconds after each rocket's engine is engaged. However, the object at the Dome of the Rock gave a flash of noiseless light and an upward speed of ascent resembling light itself. Furthermore, there was no sonic boom, wind turbulence or perceptible heat generated, as would have been the case with such a high speed of conventional aircraft. Indeed, we are dealing with technology, according to the UFO workshop panelists, that is a million years ahead of what this world has. Right now America is engaged in fighting wars to secure oil reserves to produce the energy to keep her industry, agriculture and transportation moving. Even if America secures all the oil reserves on our planet, oil is a limited non-renewable source of energy that will soon be depleted anyway. Now Japan has just experienced the deadly effects of nuclear energy as a source of reliable power to energize her modern economy. What if, instead of fearing these “UFOs” or trying to produce weapons to fight them, we would have a dialogue with them and ask them to share some of their technology with us? Furthermore, these flying objects have not shown any aggression towards humans and therefore can be expected to be willing to help us instead of harm us, in the way that this 6,000-year-old race of white “aliens” has killed the indigenous people of our planet. Add to this the fact that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has said that he believes that The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is on one of those wheels with power. Be sure to view the DVD of this historic UFO workshop and make a decision to either go with Farrakhan and his God and that God's technology or stick with your open enemy, who will take you to a fiery hell with him when he attacks us and the Wheel. Choose life and let us get busy building a new and better reality for ourselves and the world of the righteous. With God's (Allah's) help the Second Reconstruction will not be compromised or defeated. - The Final Call. Subhana Llah! As a 76 year old Black man born and raised in the US I drove through and lived in Third World countries as well the ghettoes of Oakland and other US cities in addition to being a victim and survivor of the US prison-industrial complex or 21st century slavery. I applied as often as possible over the past 45 years. ‘How To Eat To Live’ 1 & 2 by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. When I was 16 I had two bouts of rheumatic fever and with the second bout bronchitis so severe I heard the doctor tell my mother I may die. Well here it is March 24, 2020 and I’m alive and kicking. I’m working hard to kill all vestiges of my white/Indian/Arabic/Chinese cultural negative eating habits to eventually only eat several African Dr. Sebi type meals a week as a habit to maybe meet you in our new Black nation in the deep South ten years from now if we survive the upcoming World War 3/Armageddon/Malhama. A big reason I’m still alive is that I lived while working eating only 3 meals a week several times in my youth to test and verify what The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught. I always wished I could stay in that state of eating one meal every 72 hours like the Messsgner did for over a year or more. It’s not really fasting but optimizing the power of the two brains –cerebral and enteric - by allowing our spiritual/godlike powers to be turned on more fully since it’s not burdened with managing the digestive/eliminative systems. This is what Jamal I hope you will practice. Next is a critically important explanation of the necessity of therapeutic fasting. I was lead to this by practicing ‘How To Eat To Live’ by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad when I was in prison. I pray to the Divine Supreme Being you learn to eat and fast in a way to tap into your unstoppable, cosmic/terrestrial military bodily invisible weapon powers and if you’re healthy enough to do this it’s a wonderful tool to teach your children so they won’t fear all the evils so scientifically delineated by Dr. Wesley Muhammad and deceased Dr. Sebi combined with the illuminating extension of the Messenger’s Teachings by Brother Minister Louis Farrakhan. “..Physician within Autolysis from fasting During fasting, your body will "autolyze", or self-digest, its most inferior and impure materials and metabolic wastes, including: fat deposits, abcesses, dead and dying cells, bumps and protuberances, damaged tissue, calluses, furuncles (small skin abscesses, or boils), morbid accumulations, growths, and amazingly, various kinds of neoplasms (abnormal growths of tissue, or tumors). “Fasting releases the physician within. Fasting breaks the cycle of unconscious eating and living. Fasting naturally detoxifies the body and enhances the mind” Dr. Mark Laursen M.D. (quote from his book, Start Living Stop Dying) 1.The purifying Calcining Fast lasts at least five days and causes the metabolic fires to attack one’s fat and tissues in a kind of ouroboric feeding. Such fasting can produce profound changes in the body and mind in a short time. Dr. Otto Buchinger describes the entire process of fasting, as burning rubbish. He calls autolysis ‘refuse disposal’ Autolysis, as it relates to fasting, is one of the most significant, compelling and encouraging scientific healing discoveries ever made! During a fast, the body in its instinctual wisdom begins to slowly burn all non-essential matter (impurities) in the body before it ever touches the vital muscles, organs and tissues. Autolysis is fire, an extension of body heat, normally 98. 6 degrees. Since the body receives no food during a fast, the body will begin to search for nourishment and autolysis ensues, burning aged, morbid, damaged, or dead cells, fat, toxins, poisons, skin spots, calcium and mineral deposits in joints, superfluous fluids and mucous, reserve protein, undigested food, purines, metabolic wastes, abscesses, tumors,vitamins, free radicals, uric acid and all unhealthy and reserve tissue in the body. Are you excited yet? A human body is brilliantly designed to live on its own resources, as are other creatures such as bears and insects. In all seriousness PEACE!!!!!!
26.11.2020 14:17Comment on Monday November 23rd: Letter-writing for Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin by Frank MarrSocial media giant Facebook today banned dozens of anarchist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist pages after announcing a new crackdown against “anarchist groups that support violent acts”.
27.8.2020 02:17Comment on August Anarchist bazaar and reading discussion by AnonymousThis report totally lacks reflection on why this action did not succeed or how it could have been done better. It's way self-congratulatory and uncritical.
2.7.2020 14:47Comment on Report on Attempted Occupation of Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia by AnonymousMe Knarr has convinced some in the local community that he was hacked and that he is not a racist and these posts aren’t his. Is this a hack? Or is he a monster?
6.6.2020 12:14Comment on Doxx: Joshua Knarr, Right Wing Death Squad Member in Norristown PA by Nazi tearsWhoever sent this in, could you resend it? We will host it on the site.
5.5.2020 03:36Comment on Constellar Corp Tenants Rent strike update video by Philly Anti-CapDead link
4.5.2020 17:21Comment on Constellar Corp Tenants Rent strike update video by mastressComing from the crew who busted out millcreek’s windows, definitely if you can get a small hole in it, the next hit will likely spider crack it, and a SOLID 3rd if not 4th will take it out. I like working w hammers best, but anything realsplid cast iron will work just as well to spider it. Depending on the windows, aiming at corners can be more effective,but generally if you can crack it you can break it. I also have dreams about experiments where we take out cameras w BB guns or some shit equivalent. Muuuuuuch love !
31.3.2020 03:18Comment on studies in breaking glass by Faggotsome media coverage with photos. http://www.westphillylocal.com/2020/01/03/millcreek-tavern-vandalized-on-new-years-day/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/philly-restaurant-owner-accuses-antifa-of-vandalism-after-proud-boys-allegation
5.1.2020 06:54Comment on New Year’s Eve reportback by AnonymousYO THIS FUCKING RULES BIG LOVE
29.11.2019 04:44Comment on Technophobic Queers by AnonymousHella dig the dangerous spaces zine. Was flippingthru my paper copy early that njghr. . Lot of juicy inspiration fr insurrectionary violence against gender as a whole
24.11.2019 05:38Comment on Fuckin up the proudboy hangout by AnonymousThis is reminiscent of another communique called "From Tea Lights To Torches Delinquent Alternatives To Transgender Day Of Remembrance And The Trans Attacks To Come". It can be read in this zine https://itsgoingdown.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/dangerous_spaces_read.pdf
23.11.2019 07:34Comment on Fuckin up the proudboy hangout by AnonymousBut fascism is on the rise today only because capitalism is failing. In the 19 and 19 the ruling class tried desperately to halt falling profits and slowing growth — and the radical struggles that were shaking capital’s foundations: the global, overlapping, radical struggles of people of color, women, LGBTQ communities, indigenous people, and workers. The bourgeoisie used every economic and state weapon it could to restore profitability. It murdered and imprisoned members of radical struggles and invented mass incarceration to pacify Black community struggle. Over the next few decades, women, immigrants, and people of color were targeted for increasingly brutal control, rolling back the historic legal, political, and economic gains those groups had won through struggle. The state, managers, and capitalists attacked strikes, moved manufacturing away from unionized workers (inside and outside the country), and shattered unions. Bosses froze wages for the next forty years. They automate to cut jobs, shorten breaks, increase hours, eliminate pensions and full-time positions, and push workers ever faster and harder to maximize profit. And through a wave of deregulation, corporate and financial firms could unleash their blind, catastrophic drive to expand. It is no surprise that in the 19 and 19 profits jumped and the income and wealth of the ruling class skyrocketed while the working class languished. This model—freeze wages, decimate unions and radical struggles, strengthen white supremacist and patriarchal social structures, deregulate capital—is called “neoliberalism.” It means class war. It is a program of regression. The ruling class tries to destroy what radical struggles have won over the past hundred years and concentrate more and more power and wealth in the hands of the white supremacist patriarchal bourgeoisie. This development was uneven. Feminist, LGBTQ, worker, student, and anti-police and anti-prison movements have mounted important and powerful resistance—though often fitfully and often in a disconnected way. All the while, the ruling class’ neoliberal project has continued to crush working people and the environment. The radical left has been left shattered and weakened by the violent onslaught of recent decades.
21.11.2019 06:17Comment on “Power to disrupt: limits and possibilities of campus sit-ins” [Part 3 of the Campus Power Project] (JK) by Solomon