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Tags: lovingly maintained neglected probably
In reply to <a href="">shawn</a>. It’s on my to read lisst
11.3.2025 13:20Comment on We by Yevgeny Zamyatin by Rose LaMontI read this book for a book club. It’s a solid survey of Black literature, art, and music. It’s strength is in the way the author ties her life and family history to the works she writes about. She writes about writers who are already quite well known (many of which I’d already read, like … Continue reading "Read Until You Understand: The Profound Wisdom of Black Life and Literature by Farah Jasmine Griffin"
11.3.2025 04:39Read Until You Understand: The Profound Wisdom of Black Life and Literature by Farah Jasmine GriffinIn reply to <a href="">Rose LaMont</a>. It's more subtle than that, in my reading of it, anyway
11.3.2025 04:29Comment on We by Yevgeny Zamyatin by shawnIf it was written by a Russian and then censored by the Soviet review board , it seems like it would be a critique of communism
3.3.2025 05:07Comment on We by Yevgeny Zamyatin by Rose LaMontWe is a dystopian science fiction novel that almost certainly inspired 1984 and Brave New World. Written by a Russian author in the early 20th centuries, it has the distinct honor of being the first novel censored by the Soviet literary review board. We presents a society that is rigorously controlled and observed, with everything … Continue reading "We by Yevgeny Zamyatin"
2.3.2025 22:52We by Yevgeny ZamyatinJust following along on my history kick. (This one, like the Venice book, recommended by this Contraptions newsletter.) I didn’t know very much about horses before I read this book, but I learned a lot about them from reading this book. Nor did I know that people were using horse-drawn chariots before they rode horses, … Continue reading "Raiders, Rulers, and Traders: The Horse and the Rise of Empires by David Chaffetz"
20.2.2025 05:59Raiders, Rulers, and Traders: The Horse and the Rise of Empires by David ChaffetzOne of the things I like about books is if there’s something I’m interested in learning more about, there’s always a book to read. A while back (this was months ago) I realized I didn’t know much about the history of Istanbul. This is the book I found. The scope of this book is pretty … Continue reading "Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities by Bettany Hughes"
14.2.2025 05:10Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities by Bettany HughesI often prefer The Odyssey to The Iliad. The former is more interesting structurally, with a greater variety of things and characters within it. The latter often feels like bros broing out. That being said, I appreciate the epic quality of the story and the terrifying ways in which the gods meddle in people’s lives. … Continue reading "War Music: An Account of Homer’s Iliad by Christopher Logue"
13.2.2025 01:41War Music: An Account of Homer’s Iliad by Christopher LogueThis 1948 novel by Sylvia Townsend Warner tells the story of an English nunnery from the 12th through the 14th century. Characters come and go, the nunnery drifts into various states of disrepair, and the nuns live their lives. It’s the story of a religious institution and the ways that it affects the women and … Continue reading "The Corner That Held Them by Sylvia Townsend Warner"
12.2.2025 05:41The Corner That Held Them by Sylvia Townsend WarnerA book of Irish myths with lovely illustrations by P. J. Lynch. I especially liked “The Birth of Cuchulainn”, “Bricriu’s Feast”, and “The Enchanted Deer”. Cuchulainn was born as Setanta, but he killed Chulainn’s dog and took the dog’s place, becoming the cu (or hound) of Chulainn. There are lovely little dodges and half turns … Continue reading "The Names Upon the Harp by Marie Heaney"
2.2.2025 05:54The Names Upon the Harp by Marie HeaneyI’ll try it
30.1.2025 17:35Comment on City of Fortune: How Venice Ruled the Seas by Roger Crowley by Rose LaMontI read this book on the history Venice based on the recommendation of Venkatesh Rao, a writer I like. It tracks the history of Venice from its very beginnings to the height of its imperial trade network to its eventual downfall and marginalization. This has a lot of what I look for in a history … Continue reading "City of Fortune: How Venice Ruled the Seas by Roger Crowley"
29.1.2025 02:52City of Fortune: How Venice Ruled the Seas by Roger CrowleyI first ran into Jennifer Government by Max Barry through his web-based videogame, NationStates, but never got around to reading it until a couple days ago. It’s a dystopian science fiction novel where corporations rule the roost. People have corporations as their last names (John Nike, Frank Microsoft) to let people know who they work … Continue reading "Jennifer Government by Max Barry"
22.1.2025 05:02Jennifer Government by Max BarryRed Rabbit never went where I expected it to go, delightfully so. It’s a spooky, supernatural Western with witches, ghosts, cannibals, demons, and lazy sheriffs (well, just one). There’s a lot of gore and violence in this one, so it may not be for everyone, but there’s a core of kindly compassion in it that … Continue reading "Red Rabbit by Alex Grecian"
22.1.2025 04:53Red Rabbit by Alex GrecianIn reply to <a href="">Ben</a>. Thanks!
3.12.2023 20:03Comment on Another time, perhaps by kilburnLovely. Susie says so, too.
3.12.2023 19:21Comment on Another time, perhaps by BenAhhh….yes times marches on. Once I longed for it and ran ahead, then ran with it and ran to keep up. Now drifting in the wake of it. Til one day letting go and floating ever on
16.9.2023 11:06Comment on So many years of things by MomVery wordy….hahaha
16.9.2023 11:00Comment on It’s all fun and games until someone pokes their eye out by Mom:)
29.4.2023 03:16Comment on Complications by MomSounds like you’re having lots of fun with the new kitty:)
28.2.2023 04:12Comment on Only a kitten by Rose LaMont