Organization Studies Innsbruck Community
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Tags: community innsbruck organization
[…] and Practices (SAP), which is also a transnational Interest Group at the Academy of Management, had met for a first regional meeting in Innsbruck. Today, we convened for a second time at the Open Innovation Center at Johannes Kepler University […]
18.2.2025 21:47Comment on The Austrian Strategizing Activities & Practices Community met in Innsbruck by The Austrian Strategizing Activities & Practices Community m...About two years ago, Austrian scholars researching Strategizing Activities and Practices (SAP), which is also a transnational Interest Group at the Academy of Management, had met for a first regional meeting in Innsbruck. Today, we convened for a second time at the Open Innovation Center at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz. Milena Leybold, previously PhD … Continue reading The Austrian Strategizing Activities & Practices Community met at Johannes Kepler Uni Linz
18.2.2025 21:47The Austrian Strategizing Activities & Practices Community met at Johannes Kepler Uni LinzDigital platforms, like Instagram, offer various ways for self-expression, support, and community building, but their content moderation practices reveal deep-rooted biases that affect who gets to participate platform organizing. In our recent paper “‘Your Very Existence Goes Against Our Community Guidelines’: Interrogating norms of contributorship through poetic speech acts on Instagram” in Organization Studies, we … Continue reading New Paper: “‘Your Very Existence Goes Against Our Community Guidelines’: Interrogating norms of contributorship through poetic speech acts on Instagram”
22.10.2024 06:41New Paper: “‘Your Very Existence Goes Against Our Community Guidelines’: Interrogating norms of contributorship through poetic speech acts on Instagra...Dear all, we are delighted to extend a warm invitation to the eight Organization Studies ConJunction Day “Organizing (In)transparency” which will take place on November 22, 2024, at 3 p.m. Our event offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with your fellow students and alumni from the Organization Studies master’s programme. This occasion is designed to facilitate sharing … Continue reading OS ConJunction 2024
10.10.2024 13:16OS ConJunction 2024International Research Project: “Local Journalism and Municipal Communication in digital Transformation” (from left to right: Urs Dahinden, Matthias Künzler, Ulla Autenrieth, Simon Gadras, Alwin Baumhöver, Johanna Burger, Caroline Dalmus, Malte Meyer) The international research project “Local Journalism and Municipal Communication in Digital Transformation” brought together researchers from Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, and Austria to explore the digital transformation of local journalism and municipal communication. Our … Continue reading
10.10.2024 12:00International Research Project: “Local Journalism and Municipal Communication in digital Transformation” (from left to right: Urs...We are hiring: Please do not hesitate to contact me in advance in case any questions arise.
10.9.2024 10:56Call for Applications: PhD Position and Student Assistant Position in Organization StudiesI – Ellen, Milena, Monica – wrote toget-her, becoming the Collective I. It is not just a paper. It’s love, pain, struggle, courage, connection and togetherness, navigating the challenges of academic writing as early career scholars. It’s an intimate, personal encounter of my vulnerabilities, embraced in and through a collective letter diary. And it’s open access, open … Continue reading New Paper: “Dear vulnerability … writing toget-her to escape and resist the neoliberal university”
5.9.2024 13:39New Paper: “Dear vulnerability … writing toget-her to escape and resist the neoliberal university”Together with my sister Laura and Katharina Kreissl, we were given the opportunity to contribute a chapter to “The Handbook of Organizing Economic, Ecological and Societal Transformation”, edited by Elke Weik, Chris Land and Ronald Hartz. In our contribution entitled “Searching for Transformative Potential: Comparing Conceptualizations of Open, Inclusive and Alternative Organizations”, we analyze scholarly … Continue reading New Book Chapter: »Searching for Transformative Potential: Comparing Conceptualizations of Open, Inclusive and Alternative Organizations«
7.8.2024 06:52New Book Chapter: »Searching for Transformative Potential: Comparing Conceptualizations of Open, Inclusive and Alternative Organizations«[…] before attending the EGOS Colloquium in Milano, University of Zurich’s David Seidl hosted an international workshop on Open Strategy […]
6.8.2024 20:55Comment on Researching Together: Innsbruck Organization Scholars convene at the 40th EGOS Colloquium in Milan by »Taking Stock of Open Strategy«: Pane...Right before attending the EGOS Colloquium in Milano, University of Zurich’s David Seidl hosted an international workshop on Open Strategy (co-organized with Richard Whittington, Oxford University). Thanks to the great organizing team, the panel as well as the other plenary sessions were streamed and the video recordings are online available. I had the honor to … Continue reading »Taking Stock of Open Strategy«: Opening Panel at Oxford & Zurich Open Strategy Workshop
6.8.2024 20:55»Taking Stock of Open Strategy«: Opening Panel at Oxford & Zurich Open Strategy WorkshopAuch wenn ich seit meiner Promotion in meiner Forschung immer wieder rechtswissenschaftliche Themen, vor allem im Bereich des Immaterialgüterreechts, bearbeitet hatte, habe ich kaum in rechtswissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften publiziert. Umso mehr freut es mich, dass kürzlich ein gemeinsam mit Jakob Sturn (Momentum Institut) verfasster, rechtswissenschaftlicher Beitrag in der Zeitschrift juridikum über “rechtspolitische Fragen und Ableitungen aus … Continue reading Neuer juridikum-Aufsatz: »Hört die Signa(le): rechtspolitische Fragen und Ableitungen aus dem Fall der Signa-Gruppe«
24.7.2024 14:51Neuer juridikum-Aufsatz: »Hört die Signa(le): rechtspolitische Fragen und Ableitungen aus dem Fall der Signa-Gruppe«[…] none of us did win an award this year (as opposed to EGOS 2023), it was probably the largest Innsbruck delegation ever contributing to an EGOS Colloquium. And […]
8.7.2024 07:46Comment on Inspiring input, exhausting heat, and dolce vita! A short summary of the 39th EGOS Colloquium 2023 in Cagliari by Researching Together: Inn...The motto of the 40th Colloquium of the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) in Milan was “Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space and People.” To some degree, the group photo above is exactly the result of organizing time and space at a crossroads to gather all participants related to University of Innsbruck’s Department of Organization … Continue reading Researching Together: Innsbruck Organization Scholars convene at the 40th EGOS Colloquium in Milan
8.7.2024 07:46Researching Together: Innsbruck Organization Scholars convene at the 40th EGOS Colloquium in Milan[…] For my other activities and talks during this year’s re:publica, please check out my (German) blog post over at […]
10.6.2024 20:55Comment on Re:publica 2024: Von »Engaged Scholarship« zum Vortrag über »Boom, Bust & Benko« by Bordercrossing Talk at re:publica 2024: “Public Domain ...[…] ansässigen Signa Holding sowie deren weitverzweigtem Geflecht an Unternehmensbeteiligungen ist meine Forschung zu finanzialisierten Geschäftsmodellen im Immobiliensektor. Anlässlich der jüngsten wirtschaftlichen Turbulenzen der Signa-Gruppe, habe ich im Moment […]
7.11.2023 08:39Comment on New Publication: »Financialization as Strategy« in Accounting, Organizations and Society by Medieninterviews und Erklärstück zur Krise von ...[…] We headed home to get some sleep – in anticipation to what was planned for Saturday morning: The first ‘Unconferencing’ session in the history of the AOM, co-organized by Leonhard, Madalina Pop, and Seray Ergene. Leonhard has already blogged about this energetic experience here. […]
18.8.2023 09:27Comment on Unconferencing SAP and Beyond: Impressions of the First Barcamp at the AoM Annual Meeting by Innsbruck goes Boston – the Academy of Managem...It was one of the best sessions I attended as everyone was participating and engaged. A staple for sure. Thanks for proposing it. One more reason why SAP is the place for community:)
11.8.2023 15:18Comment on Unconferencing SAP and Beyond: Impressions of the First Barcamp at the AoM Annual Meeting by Krista Pettit[…] This research essay is authored by Max Heusgen, student in the master course Open Organizations and Organizing Openness at University of Innsbruck. […]
25.7.2023 09:45Comment on New Category at the ConJunction Blog: Student Research Essays by Agile practices in Open Strategy: A new approach to overcoming Open Strate...[…] research essay is authored by Eva-Maria Schillinger, student in the master course Open Organizations and […]
25.7.2023 09:30Comment on New Category at the ConJunction Blog: Student Research Essays by The Excluding Effects of Boundaries in the Case of English Wikipedia – Con...[…] 2021: “Openness as an Organizing Principle: Revisiting Diversity and Inclusion in Strategy, Innovati… […]
5.1.2023 15:41Comment on EGOS 2021 Call »Openness as an Organizing Principle: Revisiting Diversity and Inclusion in Strategy, Innovation, and Beyond« by New Special...