Spiritual, Cultural, and Political Action - Brotherhood Above All!
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A man the FBI knew was innocent and railroaded him anyway has been released. It’s time to lend a helping hand. In 2022 shocking documents surfaced and were published by the Gateway Pundit in THIS ARTICLE. In the leaked transcript, of the informant’s debriefing, which can be read HERE, we see the echoes of theContinue reading "Fight Injustice and Help a Railroaded Patriot"
4.8.2024 14:02Fight Injustice and Help a Railroaded PatriotA casual scroll through the popular social media apps will give you an ever increasing number of scantily clad and suggestively posed women, with added filters and effects designed to give maximum sexuality to the post. The same women making these posts will complain there are no good men, proclaim that men just want sex,Continue reading "Feminism, The Real Misogynist"
20.6.2024 18:54Feminism, The Real MisogynistIn October 2022 we faced down Columbus GA police in a parking garage who tried to protect a child sex ring from Proud Boys intervention. They deployed snipers and armored vehicles to intimidate us. We targeted Columbus, the hub of a large and well established child trafficking operation that includes businessmen, law enforcement, and PentagonContinue reading "Columbus Pride Leader Arrested With Date Rape and Other Drugs"
13.6.2024 18:42Columbus Pride Leader Arrested With Date Rape and Other Drugs12.6.2024 12:54Proud Boys Patrol Ginnie Springs in Wake of Shootings
“No political solution” is a cop out at best, and could even be construed as enemy propaganda. The problem with the black pill is that we are here because constant pressure and use of the system absolutely works. The 100 year plan hatched in the Frankfurt School has come to fruition, and to claim thatContinue reading "Choking on the Black Pill"
9.3.2024 14:52Choking on the Black PillWhile Z2 recognized the J6 Rally as a setup and barred our members from attending, we still set the standard for POW support. Anthony Sargent is our brother, and his courage and honor inspires us all. During the J6 time period he was with a chapter that was led by a man who later admittedContinue reading "Z2 POW Report"
9.3.2024 13:56Z2 POW ReportFrom where I sit, the Proud Boys of North Florida genuinely care about kids.
25.1.2023 17:13Op-Ed: Proud Boys Of North Florida Protect Kids From Drag Queen Predatory Entertainment[…] Proud Boys disclaimer posted on their web site First Coast Information (FCN) [Hate group threatens holiday drag show in Jacksonville] article […]
9.1.2023 03:50Comment on The Problem With Kolbey Criss and Tepey’s, Part 1 by Proud Boys of North Florida Shield Youngsters from Drag Queen Predatory Leisure – Th...[…] native Proud Boys posted a rebuttal on his web site to First Coast Information (FCN) [Hate group threatens holiday drag show in Jacksonville] article […]
5.1.2023 15:05Comment on The Problem With Kolbey Criss and Tepey’s, Part 1 by Proud Boys of North Florida Shield Youngsters From Drag Queen Predatory Leisure – ...[…] youngsters of the realm They posted a disclaimer on their web site. To First Coast Information (FCN) [Hate group threatens holiday drag show in Jacksonville] An […]
5.1.2023 07:34Comment on The Problem With Kolbey Criss and Tepey’s, Part 1 by Proud Boys of North Florida Shield Youngsters From Drag Queen Predatory Leisure – The ...[…] proud boys posted a rebuttal on his web site at First Coast Information (FCN) [Hate group threatens holiday drag show in Jacksonville] an […]
4.1.2023 13:44Comment on The Problem With Kolbey Criss and Tepey’s, Part 1 by Proud North Florida Boys Defend Kids From Drag Queens' Predatory Leisure - The Reveale...[…] local Proud Boys posted a rebuttal on their website to a First Coast News (FCN) [Hate group threatens holiday drag show in Jacksonville] article […]
3.1.2023 21:06Comment on The Problem With Kolbey Criss and Tepey’s, Part 1 by Proud Boys of North Florida Protect Kids From Drag Queen Predatory Entertainment – The...[…] local Proud Boys posted a rebuttal on their website to a First Coast News (FCN) [Hate group threatens holiday drag show in Jacksonville] article […]
3.1.2023 20:45Comment on The Problem With Kolbey Criss and Tepey’s, Part 1 by Op-Ed: Proud Boys of North Florida Protect Kids From Drag Queen Predatory Entertainmen...When Nobody Else Stands Up, Proud Boys are There Expect to hear more from us all across the world in 2023. They wiped us down the memory hole and banned us from every platform. They say whatever they want about us, and what can we do? The only way the FBI and Marxist GloboChomos canContinue reading "Global Dissident Voices — Anti-Groomer Action in Jax"
19.12.2022 18:56Global Dissident Voices — Anti-Groomer Action in JaxWe must educate the community and discuss the red flags all over Tepey’s Why are we doing these protests? It is a question we are only asked by the ignorant, unaware of the size and scope of the issue, and the frightening movement Tepey’s is supporting. As of July 1, 2021, there were 164.38Continue reading "Red Flags and Dog Whistles, We Knew Before We Knew"
17.12.2022 22:26Red Flags and Dog Whistles, We Knew Before We KnewAcross the US a dark shadow creeps. There is a growing cult of sadistic pedophiles who operate grooming rackets to procure more victims and make contact with vulnerable youth right out in the open. They do so under the guise of “All Ages Drag Shows” or “Drag Queen Story Hour”. This cult dedicated to destroyingContinue reading "The Problem With Kolbey Criss and Tepey’s, Part 1"
14.12.2022 12:40The Problem With Kolbey Criss and Tepey’s, Part 1