Aspiring Screenwriter who writes military and national security dramas. Pancake aficionado. Hawaii is my happy place. Navy Veteran. Post and Toots are my own personal opinion. Favorite TV shows ever: [url=]#Matlock[/url] [url=]#Psych[/url] [url=]#TheVampireDiaries[/url] [url=]#GoldenGirls[/url] #227 [url=]#NCIS[/url] anything… [url=]#CSI[/url] Las Vegas and Miami [url=]#Dateline[/url] [url=]#Scandal[/url] — or anything Shonda Rhimes writes [url=]#Breaking[/url] Bad [url=]#TheAmericans[/url] [url=]#Portlandia[/url] [url=]#TrueBlood[/url] [url=]#AmericanHorrorStory[/url]
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Tags: americanhorrorstory breaking csi dateline goldengirls matlock ncis portlandia psych scandal theamericans thevampirediaries trueblood