Aspiring fantasy author and geek, with a bunch of chronic illnesses.
The Last Philosopher is my first book under the subtitle, Nothing is Everything.
It's been called imaginative, funny, and unique. People have even gone so far as to compare it to [url=]#DouglasAdams[/url] and [url=]#TerryPratchett[/url].
My response to that comparison, is to go hide under the covers for a week with embarrassment.
Posts about writing, reading, books, libraries, and geekstuff.
[url=]#Writing[/url] [url=]#Author[/url] [url=]#Indie[/url] [url=]#Fantasy[/url] [url=]#Comedy[/url] [url=]#Satire[/url] [url=]#NoAI[/url]
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