[22f] I'm Natalie(-lia) now. You can find me in other platforms with the new username: "NataliaTheDrowned2" Proud anti-Puritan, pedophobe, genophile, anti-hysteria My bug: weaknesses to "no nsfw/lewd" and/or "no flirting" Hide my posts (and boosts) from home first if u want me to accept ur follow request, then D.M. me Can speak 🤍💙🤍RU*/EN (coming soon: LDN, CEB/FIL (for [url=https://c.im/@hankskyjames777]@hankskyjames777[/url]), ES) ~~(needs recovery: KZ)~~ This profile has an old username. [url=https://mastodon.xyz/tags/AboutMe]#AboutMe[/url]: [url=http://mastodon.xyz/@nautilathedrowned2/110905679217453141]http://mastodon.xyz/@nautilathedrowned2/110905679217453141[/url]
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