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Wuppertal, philological conference on sources: discovery and use in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Philological conference in Wuppertal, Germany, on classical sources in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

28.2.2025 14:19Wuppertal, philological conference on sources: discovery and use in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Comment on Rebecca Harding Davis: «Una legge tutta sua» by Ella Sola

… liked this!

1.2.2025 20:31Comment on Rebecca Harding Davis: «Una legge tutta sua» by Ella Sola

Comment on “Surf”ing with Flipboard’s New and Exciting Platform by Salvo Micciché

… liked this!

4.1.2025 08:57Comment on “Surf”ing with Flipboard’s New and Exciting Platform by Salvo Micciché

Comment on “Surf”ing with Flipboard’s New and Exciting Platform by Salvo Micciché

… reposted this!

4.1.2025 08:57Comment on “Surf”ing with Flipboard’s New and Exciting Platform by Salvo Micciché

“Surf”ing with Flipboard’s New and Exciting Platform

Yes, I saw it, tried it, and was sold on it! Flipboard can accomplish many functions, not to mention drive traffic to your website. What could be better? Flipboard recently introduced its newest addition, Surf, and I was invited to beta-test it.

3.1.2025 22:53“Surf”ing with Flipboard’s New and Exciting Platform

Rebecca Harding Davis: «Una legge tutta sua»

La traduzione italiana a cura di Aldo Setaioli. Il libro anticipa il cinema progressista degli anni Trenta e Quaranta L’inizio è all’apparenza quello di un romanzo gotico, con una seduta spiritica ben presto smascherata. Segue un intermezzo con quadri di genere che combinano curiosamente realismo e aspetti quasi idilliaci. Lo sviluppo successivo ricorda invece il […]

26.11.2024 15:02Rebecca Harding Davis: «Una legge tutta sua»

Comment on How to Use Flipboard Magazine Formats to Boost Traffic by Janette Speyer

In reply to <a href="">Mikayla Scotlynd Littrell</a>. Hi @Mikayla. To grow your presence you need to share your Flipboard magazines on social media and join groups.

14.11.2024 02:31Comment on How to Use Flipboard Magazine Formats to Boost Traffic by Janette Speyer

A Travel Publisher’s Guide to Flipboard

There are many ways to position your Flipboard magazines for traffic. Take a hard look at your publication(s). What are you offering? You might have a lot of content on Asia travel. You have covered a vast region that includes not only countries but also culture, food, transport, and more. Turn these categories into a collection of elegant, sharable Flipboard magazines.

10.11.2024 00:02A Travel Publisher’s Guide to Flipboard

Embrace the Fediverse: Benefits of Flipboard and Mastodon

This article is not about singing the “Bird” Blues but about embracing the Purple Elephant! Yes, for those of you who are on Mastodon, you know what I am talking about. Those that aren’t, welcome onboard! You are going to experience an intimate “SAFE” crowd willing to engage and enjoy mutual experiences.

9.11.2024 23:59Embrace the Fediverse: Benefits of Flipboard and Mastodon

Flipboard Readers: Why They Matter and How They Drive Engagement

Your flips matter more than you realize. Your objective is to build your community of readers. Now that search engines are changing the way we consume content. It’s more important than ever to understand Flipboard readers. Content for Flipboard is very different from a keyword-rich blog written for search. On this platform, your followers dictate what you write, what you share, and what you flip.

9.11.2024 23:50Flipboard Readers: Why They Matter and How They Drive Engagement

Ta Wilġa (Malta): riprende la missione archeologica dell’Università della Calabria

A Malta, nel sito archeologico di Ta Wilġa, riprende l’attività della missione italo-maltese in sinergia tra Università della Calabria e Soprintendenza per il patrimonio culturale di Malta (diretta da Kurt Farrugia, con Kevin Borda). Sarà a Malta un team di archeologi, architetti e storici siciliani e calabresi: Giovanni Di Stefano, Maurizio Paoletti, Domenico Buzzone, Salvo […]

4.11.2024 13:57Ta Wilġa (Malta): riprende la missione archeologica dell’Università della Calabria

Comment on Can I Really Take That Picture? Understanding Street Photography and Image Rights by OTR Links 10/25/2024 – doug — off the record

[…] Can I Really Take That Picture? Understanding Street Photography and Image Rights – myONDA […]

25.10.2024 05:31Comment on Can I Really Take That Picture? Understanding Street Photography and Image Rights by OTR Links 10/25/2024 – doug — off the record

Can I Really Take That Picture? Understanding Street Photography and Image Rights

As a street photographer, one of the most common questions I receive is: Can you actually take that picture? This morning, I woke up early to find an interesting question under one of my street photographs. My friend Marina asked, “Ma allora, fammi capire, si può fotografare la gente e pubblicare lo scatto?” (trad. So, […]

23.10.2024 11:45Can I Really Take That Picture? Understanding Street Photography and Image Rights

How to Boost Traffic Using Flipboard’s Popular Topics

Traffic is imperative! To keep your readers interested, you have to think outside the box. Keeping up with the trends requires using imagination and all the tools available. Flipboard is no different. You must create content that resonates with the platform’s engaged audience to stay on top of emerging trends.

10.10.2024 06:59How to Boost Traffic Using Flipboard’s Popular Topics

La Danza delle streghe. Cunti e credenze dell’arcipelago eoliano

Macrina Marilena Maffei , La Danza delle streghe, Cunti e credenze dell’arcipelago eoliano, Armando Editore In libreria dal 24 ottobre In un’epoca di incantamento del mondo, dove gli scogli parlano, le creature sognate escono dai sogni ed entrano nella realtà, e le serpi compaiono con i capelli pettinati a treccia, a crocchia, a tuppo, si rivela […]

8.10.2024 15:33La Danza delle streghe. Cunti e credenze dell’arcipelago eoliano

Comment on How to Use Flipboard Magazine Formats to Boost Traffic by Mikayla Scotlynd Littrell

Hi! Trying to grow my blog. Follow for follow back? Sincerely, Mikayla Scotlynd Littrell (MetsMadness the blog)😄

24.9.2024 23:06Comment on How to Use Flipboard Magazine Formats to Boost Traffic by Mikayla Scotlynd Littrell


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