Gone for good. Have fun ripping each others throat out once 10Tails choose the next instance to bully Some emotes to describe me: :neocat_floof::neofox_floof: :fedora: :celeste_hearts_trans: :celeste_hearts_adhd: :celeste_hearts_catgender: :queerpotion_lesbian: :EpicKitty_Pixel_Flop_Left: :CucoiGanon: :DK_T_Pose::duckdance: :misskey_loading: Also generally not smart. Not even close. But still making [url=https://gitlab.com/mstarongitlab/linstrom]Linstrom[/url], a social media server with ActivityPub support. Still (or rather because of it) a professional ActivityPub hater. And most of the time, my posts just end up in the void, unseen, unnoticed. Wants to move to the Netherlands eventually My pronouns page: [url=https://en.pronouns.page/@m_evil]https://en.pronouns.page/@m_evil[/url] E-versary: 12-11-24 Follow requests from empty profiles will be rejected unless I knyow you from somewhere else beforehand. Rest will be vibe checked beforehand [url=https://woem.men/tags/nobot]#nobot[/url]
Tags: celeste_hearts_adhd celeste_hearts_catgender celeste_hearts_trans epickitty_pixel_flop_left misskey_loading neocat_floof neofox_floof nobot professional queerpotion_lesbian