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Comment on by Sonu Sharma


Thanks for wrriting

5.7.2023 11:38Comment on by Sonu Sharma

Love vs. money


I am cautiously excited about the fediverse, of which mastodon is most prominent example currently. I haven’t been excited about anything happening on the Internet for a while. Fifty years of neoliberalism has blinded us to the power of what people can achieve for love rather than money. Schoolteachers aren’t in it for the bucks. […]

28.11.2022 17:32Love vs. money

“Moby-Dick” harpooned me


The novel Moby-Dick started surfacing in my media consumption a few months ago—first, the “Hugo Girl” podcast did an episode about the book, and later I saw this brief Twitter thread about how Ishmael’s mood at the beginning of the novel is relatable to today’s Gen Z. So I decided to re-read Moby-Dick, after reading […]

3.11.2022 17:13“Moby-Dick” harpooned me

Minnie and I saw this guy at the park. Such a shayna punim.


26.9.2022 02:32Minnie and I saw this guy at the park. Such a shayna punim.

Reading Moby-Dick


I read “Moby-Dick” in high school, and then again in college, but that was a long time ago. It’s hard to enjoy the books you read in school, because you did not choose them yourself, and often they require adult perspective that you lack. Also, for me at least, I think the school process required […]

1.9.2022 21:12Reading Moby-Dick

More blogging and social media experiments


I realized this morning that I want to keep this blog——for my own writing and photos, and post found media and links elsewhere, on Facebook, Twitter, and my Tumblr blog, Atomic Robot Live. So that’s what I’m going to do, and over time I’m going to actually start deleting the ephemera posts from here. But […]

23.8.2022 18:53More blogging and social media experiments

Ephemera XCI: Bite into a Jellygrill Sandwich


Gmail will call the cops on you based on the content of your emails. By Cory Doctorow. Google falsely told the police a father was molesting his son. The boy had a painful, swollen penis, and the doctor asked the man to send a photo. The man emailed the photo—and Google intercepted the mail, decided […]

23.8.2022 04:57Ephemera XCI: Bite into a Jellygrill Sandwich

Ephemera XC: Shetland ponies in sweaters


The Ghost of Workshops Past: How Communism, Conservatism, and the Cold War Still Mold Our Paths Into SFF Writing. By S.L. Huang at The classic method of teaching writing workshops dates back to the 1930s, and was popularized at the University of Iowa in the 1950s, with CIA support, as a method of opposing […]

22.8.2022 14:05Ephemera XC: Shetland ponies in sweaters

Ephemera LXXXIX: “Never Gonna Give You Up,” but with a velociraptor


House Flippers and Landlords Have Taken Over American Interiors By Amanda Mull at The Atlantic. “If you, like me, have frittered away a frankly embarrassing proportion of your one wild and precious life watching women with perfect blowouts and annoying husbands gut-reno houses on HGTV, or idly scrolling through Zillow listings you have no intention […]

21.8.2022 14:18Ephemera LXXXIX: “Never Gonna Give You Up,” but with a velociraptor

Ephemera LXXXVII: Violence! Drugs! Unnatural sex acts!


The Business Roundtable’s climate plan was killed by its arch-rival, the Business Roundtable Cory Doctorow: The Business Roundtable, whose membership includes 200 CEOs and some of the biggest companies in the world, unveiled an ambitious climate plan three years ago—and then spent millions of dollars lobbying to kill it. The Roundtable bills itself as “an […]

20.8.2022 14:23Ephemera LXXXVII: Violence! Drugs! Unnatural sex acts!

Ephemera LXXXVI: Fuck u ice cream man


Japan urges its young people to drink more to boost the economy. Newsmax points out that Trump can run for President from prison. Mood

19.8.2022 16:54Ephemera LXXXVI: Fuck u ice cream man



We watched the entirety of the first season of “Succession.” It’s a great show, and we enjoyed it, I guess. But I think we’ll take a break a few weeks before diving in to season 2. It’s intense. We’re currently watching “Succession,” “The Old Man,” “Grantchester,” and “Sandman.” That is a dark lineup of entertainment. […]

19.8.2022 04:52Succession

Ephemera LXXXV: This is the future socialists want


18.8.2022 14:21Ephemera LXXXV: This is the future socialists want

Ephemera LXXXIV: FDR’s post-presidency


Overheard: l asked an EOD guy once about the stress of bomb defusing. He shrugged & said “It’s not. I’m either right, or suddenly it’s not my problem any more.” I try to stick to that perspective. One day I tried googling the word “woke” with the names of one or two of my favorite […]

17.8.2022 14:26Ephemera LXXXIV: FDR’s post-presidency



Sandman is not clicking for me. I fear we may not be the target audience. I was looking forward to seeing Jenna Coleman as Johanna Constantine, because I have a mad crush on her. I would gladly watch her in anything, even reading the end user license agreement for Microsoft Office. But after seeing her […]

17.8.2022 13:32Sandman

Liz Cheney


For today, I admire Liz Cheney as a hero. But I also see a scenario where she makes a Churchillian comeback, gets elected President, and proceeds to enact Trump’s entire agenda. She voted with him more than 90% of the time. Since 2016, progressives have been warning about the risk of someone coming along who […]

17.8.2022 13:29Liz Cheney

Ephemera LXXXIII: World’s largest female mouth gape


How Democrats could win more elections “Do stuff. Make it timely. Tell people about it.” [Cory Doctorow/Boing Boing] If Democrats want to win more elections, they should try: Enacting popular policies, preferably ones that materially improve the lives of potential voters;Making sure those policies take effect before the next election; andTelling people about them. As […]

16.8.2022 21:45Ephemera LXXXIII: World’s largest female mouth gape

Ephemera LXXXII: Absolute unit of a snapping turtle


Anthony Bourdain travel tips. “… provoke nerd fury online. Go to a number of foodie websites with discussion boards. Let’s say you’re going to Kuala Lumpur — just post on the Malaysia board that you recently returned and had the best rendang in the universe, and give the name of a place, and all these […]

15.8.2022 23:34Ephemera LXXXII: Absolute unit of a snapping turtle

Comment on I am strongly conflicted about this photo by Mitch Wagner


In reply to <a href="">empoprises</a>. He was also an Indian chief in that movie. Luzzim gayn!

15.8.2022 17:14Comment on I am strongly conflicted about this photo by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I am strongly conflicted about this photo by Mitch Wagner


In reply to <a href="">Dashdrum</a>. After posting that photo, it was pointed out to me that's not a cowboy hat. I was fooled in part because I was in Texas when I took the photo. Also, I realize I have a hat like it. I wear it in cold weather. Not a lot of opportunity here in San Diego, but I pack it when I travel east in winter.

15.8.2022 17:09Comment on I am strongly conflicted about this photo by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I am strongly conflicted about this photo by Dashdrum


I have a similar hat, but I never considered it "cowboy". It's my "Hey! It's snowing" hat.

15.8.2022 15:16Comment on I am strongly conflicted about this photo by Dashdrum



A 1989 essay by Bruce Sterling: In a recent remarkable interview in New Pathways #11, Carter Scholz alludes with pained resignation to the ongoing brain-death of science fiction. In the 60s and 70s, Scholz opines, SF had a chance to become a worthy literature; now that chance has passed. Why? Because other writers have now […]

14.8.2022 19:45Slipstream

Ephemera LXXXI: Goth lasagna


The Train Not Taken. [Addison Del Mastro] Car dependence makes the world smaller. Superyacht things [jwz] Golden Girls pop-up restaurant opens in Beverly Hills [Rusty Blazenhoff / Boing Boing] I never clicked with the show, but this looks cute. If she needs to wear a Space Helmet, shouldn’t she also wear Space Long Pants? Invasion […]

14.8.2022 18:45Ephemera LXXXI: Goth lasagna

Ephemera LXXX: Harem Queen Glamour-Jamas


Automated hiring systems could be making the worker shortage worse Ooh, oh, ooh, oh – Heart of Glass – Blondie (1979

14.8.2022 13:23Ephemera LXXX: Harem Queen Glamour-Jamas

Ephemera LXXIX: Nothing will stop the funk


A typhoon named “Pelosi” [Ryan Broderick at Garbage Day] Taiwanese social media is not taking the visit by Nancy Pelosi, and concomitant threat of annihilation by China, seriously. The island nation is frequently threatened by typhoons, and memes are tracking Pelosi as if she were an oncoming storm. Taiwan has been threatened with obliteration by […]

13.8.2022 13:38Ephemera LXXIX: Nothing will stop the funk

Ephemera LXXVIII: Fugitive from a circus


A dark money group is lying about Medicare cuts. Cory Doctorow: A dark money group called the American Prosperity Alliance, with unknown backers, is spreading lies that the Democrats cut $300 billion from Medicare. In reality, the Democrat-backed bill will allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, saving $300 billion without cutting benefits. That’s just a […]

12.8.2022 13:38Ephemera LXXVIII: Fugitive from a circus

Comment on I am strongly conflicted about this photo by empoprises


If Mel Brooks can direct Blazing Saddles, you can wear a cowboy hat.

27.7.2022 23:38Comment on I am strongly conflicted about this photo by empoprises

I am strongly conflicted about this photo


I found this photo of me from 2016 in my camera roll. I am strongly conflicted about it. To be clear, this is a gag photo. I tried on the hat with a friend at Austin airport. The only people who should wear cowboy hats are people from Texas and contiguous states. New York Jews […]

27.7.2022 20:18I am strongly conflicted about this photo

This is your brain on social media


Social media has been a big part of my life for half my life. It doesn’t seem to be working as well for me as it once did. Now what? I took a month break from social media in June. I’ve been using social media in various forms for more than thirty years, beginning with […]

26.7.2022 14:43This is your brain on social media

“As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.” “All Systems Red,” book 1 of the Murderbot Diaries, by Martha Wells


Everybody who has read this series loves it … except me. I tried this book once before two years ago, and bounced off it. This time I liked it. I guess I was in the right mood for it this time around. I’ll read the next book in the series, but it probably won’t be […]

13.7.2022 16:48“As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.” “All Systems Red,” book 1 of the Murderbot Diaries, by Martha Wells

Minnie has a minor mishap


When we brought Minnie home from adoption in 2013 as a four month old pup, she was terrified, and she retreated to a big wingback chair in the kitchen, where she felt reasonably safe and from which vantage point she could keep an eye on much of the house. That chair has continued to be […]

12.7.2022 16:41Minnie has a minor mishap

Bosch: Legacy


Bosch: Legacy continues the TV series Bosch, which ran multiple seasons on Amazon Prime, starring Titus Welliver as LAPD Det. Hieronymous “Harry” Bosch. In Bosch: Legacy, Harry has gotten fed up with the police department, retired, and gone into business as a private detective. Meanwhile, Bosch’s daughter, Maddy, is now starting out on patrol, fresh […]

11.7.2022 16:43Bosch: Legacy

Rewatching “The Office” and “M*A*S*H”


Julie was out of town for a month, and I rewatched the first couple of seasons of “The Office” and “M*A*S*H.” When people talk about a classic old comedy, they will often say, “You couldn’t make that today!” These people are referring to the comedy’s offensiveness to contemporary sensibilities. Primarily racism and sexism. I have […]

5.7.2022 14:42Rewatching “The Office” and “M*A*S*H”

Things Minnie and I saw on our walk


El Paso St., La Mesa, California.

5.7.2022 00:07Things Minnie and I saw on our walk

Julie and I had a fine day at the zoo, though the charismatic megafauna were absent.


4.7.2022 15:45Julie and I had a fine day at the zoo, though the charismatic megafauna were absent.

I saw this van with an antenna on the roof and a mannikin forearm on the antenna. That’s totally a thing normal people who aren’t serial killers do, r...


3.7.2022 15:18I saw this van with an antenna on the roof and a mannikin forearm on the antenna. That’s totally a thing normal people who aren’t serial killers do, r...

Social media detox


I spend too much time on Facebook, Tumblr, and other social media, so I’m taking a break, for at least a month. But I do plan to post occasional updates here.

31.5.2022 20:48Social media detox

Minnie and I walked the Father Junipero Serra Trail at Mission Trails Regional Park today


31.5.2022 02:14Minnie and I walked the Father Junipero Serra Trail at Mission Trails Regional Park today

Daily goslings


18.5.2022 03:31Daily goslings



“Diet culture is a fear of death disguised as transformation. But the transformation is a fantasy. If, through some heroic act of will, you do manage to heave yourself into a new place, it is still you who did the heaving. It is you who stands in the new place. You will still be you.” […]

16.5.2022 13:48Weight



Men and women very much like me are taking up arms in the Ukraine and fighting against the invader. It’s one thing to see that kind of thing happening in the undeveloped parts of Africa or Asia and know intellectually that these are people just like me. Quite another thing to see it happening in […]

26.2.2022 19:37Courage

Yes, I think I am going to go back to linkblogging and microblogging on Tumblr—a day after loudly proclaiming the opposite—because...


Yes, I think I am going to go back to linkblogging and microblogging on Tumblr—a day after loudly proclaiming the opposite—because WordPress is too heavyweight and too much of a pain in the ass for that kind of thing. I have been married—happily—to the same woman for more than 25 years. Lived in the same […]

24.2.2022 01:12Yes, I think I am going to go back to linkblogging and microblogging on Tumblr—a day after loudly proclaiming the opposite—because...

February 2020


Here’s what I was doing in February, 2020, two years ago this month. Two years ago at about this time I was in discussion to work on a freelance project in early March that would have required overnight business travel. Soon after agreeing to take the gig, I remember thinking maybe travel wouldn’t be a […]

18.2.2022 16:23February 2020

I was talking for several minutes on a Zoom meeting before I realized I was on mute. It took me that long to figure it out because other...


I was talking for several minutes on a Zoom meeting before I realized I was on mute. It took me that long to figure it out because other people were talking occasionally in ways that seemed like they were responding to me (“Yes, Mitch?” “OK, let’s look at that,” etc.), but they were not hearing […]

18.2.2022 15:47I was talking for several minutes on a Zoom meeting before I realized I was on mute. It took me that long to figure it out because other...

This morning, I talked with a 25-year-old who didn’t care for “Dune” because she thought it was too much like “Star...


This morning, I talked with a 25-year-old who didn’t care for “Dune” because she thought it was too much like “Star Wars.”

17.2.2022 16:39This morning, I talked with a 25-year-old who didn’t care for “Dune” because she thought it was too much like “Star...

I‘m pretty sure I fixed my e-mail problem! Email is flowing again!


I received so many messages in my 1.5 days without email access. Maybe I should have just left it broken.

16.2.2022 06:00I‘m pretty sure I fixed my e-mail problem! Email is flowing again!

I may have fixed my email problems.


I found instructions for upgrading MX records, and followed them as best as I could. They did not precisely fit my situation. I improvised. Instructions say email should begin within 4-6 hours, but can take up to 48 hours. So what I should do now is simply wait. Check again tonight or tomorrow morning. If […]

15.2.2022 22:45I may have fixed my email problems.

Comment on I am very unhappy with WestHost web hosting. by Mitch Wagner


At this point I am tempted to hire someone to fix this for me. cPanel makes emacs look simple.

15.2.2022 14:15Comment on I am very unhappy with WestHost web hosting. by Mitch Wagner

I am very unhappy with WestHost web hosting.


I have been trying to change plans for months and am getting zero support. Now my email is broken. cPanel is incomprehensible. The fact that they have not updated their Twitter since 2020 does not fill me with confidence this problem will be resolved. This is my primary personal email, If this problem does […]

15.2.2022 13:39I am very unhappy with WestHost web hosting.

I think it’s my destiny to die by tripping over a speeding cat.


I think it’s my destiny to die by tripping over a speeding cat.

14.2.2022 06:30I think it’s my destiny to die by tripping over a speeding cat.

In this week’s episode of “The Gilded Age,” Agnes warns another character that a man who seems nice is actually an...


In this week’s episode of “The Gilded Age,” Agnes warns another character that a man who seems nice is actually an “adventurer.” The meaning is clear enough from context: He’s no good. Watch out. But I vaguely remembered that “adventurer” had a specific meaning in the Gilded Age, and it’s been bugging me since we […]

11.2.2022 17:11In this week’s episode of “The Gilded Age,” Agnes warns another character that a man who seems nice is actually an...

I woke up early this morning, fizzy with ideas and energy, and when I got to my desk my Mac said, “Oh, good, you’re here—shut down...


I woke up early this morning, fizzy with ideas and energy, and when I got to my desk my Mac said, “Oh, good, you’re here—shut down Word so I can reboot and update the operating system. That’ll take a half hour. You’re good not doing anything useful for a half hour, right?” Then my fingers […]

10.2.2022 16:03I woke up early this morning, fizzy with ideas and energy, and when I got to my desk my Mac said, “Oh, good, you’re here—shut down...

Metaverse games like Upland and Spotselfie are selling real-world addresses, meaning a total stranger might own your house in cyberspace.


Is there an virtual layer to real-world property rights? If I own property in the real world, does that extend to its metaverse equivalent? Upland was inspired by the Upside Down in “Stranger Things.” What could go wrong? (Protocol)

7.2.2022 19:55Metaverse games like Upland and Spotselfie are selling real-world addresses, meaning a total stranger might own your house in cyberspace.

Rock paper scissors bus


The $20 million game of rock-paper-scissors. Also: A San Francisco bus driver critiques the San Francisco bus fight in the superhero movie “Shang-Chi.” (99% Invisible)

7.2.2022 19:37Rock paper scissors bus

AI-generated science fiction convention panel names


7.2.2022 19:29AI-generated science fiction convention panel names

Public domain mythology


Last year I read “Lonesome Dove,” by Larry McMurtry. It took me much of the year. It’s a looooooong book. Then we watched the series. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed many Westerns. After finishing my mini-Lonesome Dove binge, I got to thinking about shared mythology and folklore. 75 years ago, the US had Westerns, and […]

7.2.2022 18:26Public domain mythology

Comment on Furries bare their claws against censorship by Soatok


Hiya. My fursona's actually a dhole (Cuon Alpinus) but I'm okay with "wolf-like creature" XD Thanks for blogging about this

6.2.2022 21:10Comment on Furries bare their claws against censorship by Soatok

Comment on by Mitch Wagner


In reply to <a href="">Keith Dawson (@kdawson)</a>. I read and enjoyed that. As I recall, Cline's conclusion about why the civilizations fell is that it was a clusterfuck.

2.8.2021 23:31Comment on by Mitch Wagner

Comment on by Keith Dawson (@kdawson)


For a good synopsis of what is known and/or surmised about the fall of the Bronze Age civilizations, I recommend "1177 B.C., the Year Civilization Collapsed" by Eric H. Cline.

2.8.2021 17:33Comment on by Keith Dawson (@kdawson)

Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">fahrni</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> Happy Birthday! 🥳 Hope you enjoyed your 4PM dinner! 😂 <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

25.7.2021 22:10Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">MitchWagner</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@pimoore</a> Thank you! <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

25.7.2021 18:42Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">MitchWagner</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@maique</a> Thanks! <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

25.7.2021 18:41Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">MitchWagner</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@odd</a> Thanks! <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

25.7.2021 18:40Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">maique</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> Congratulations 🎉 <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

25.7.2021 05:56Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">pimoore</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> Happy Milestone Birthday, Mitch! 🥳 🎂 <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

25.7.2021 03:21Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">odd</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> Belated happy birthday!🎈 I probably wouldn’t have reacted to that statement either, because people are different. 😅. Hope the day was memorable and ended on a high note. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

25.7.2021 03:14Comment on Another revolution around the Sun by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Rethinking breakthrough COVID by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">pimoore</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> Great post, I agree with both your thoughts and the quote. Forcing ourselves past our own personal risk factor and back into normality will definitely be a challenge, but like you said the risk of ICU and death is what the vaccine is <em>especially</em> meant to prevent. I personally can’t wait to not wear a mask anymore once the regulations are dropped, but I have no problem wearing one either should the need or request arise on occasion. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

22.7.2021 22:31Comment on Rethinking breakthrough COVID by Mitch Wagner

Comment on “I’m sorry, but it’s too late” by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">MitchWagner</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@annahavron</a> And senseless. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

22.7.2021 21:28Comment on “I’m sorry, but it’s too late” by Mitch Wagner

Comment on “I’m sorry, but it’s too late” by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">annahavron</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> heartbreaking. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

21.7.2021 21:43Comment on “I’m sorry, but it’s too late” by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">jack</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@Pilchuck</a> Yeah, the '70s version was definitely cooler. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 09:11Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">odd</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> 😃👍 <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@pilchuck</a> told me. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 02:54Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">odd</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@jack</a> Nice ride! Too bad you crashed it. Hope you didn’t get hurt much! <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 02:52Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">MitchWagner</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@hjalm</a> I didn’t look closely. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 02:41Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">MitchWagner</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@cliffordbeshers</a> The car doesn’t have a lighter. It is the lighter. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 02:41Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">MitchWagner</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@odd</a> Ford Pinto. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 02:41Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">MitchWagner</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@jack</a> Nice! <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 02:40Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">jack</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@Pilchuck</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@Odd</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> Here's a photo of my Mercury Capri from (I think) 1984. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 01:33Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Pilchuck</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@jack</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@odd</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> The ‘70s Capri was sourced from Germany and used Ford of Germany engines, including a sweet V6. The ‘80s Capri was based on the Fox-bodied Mustang, and was a more mainstream (for the U.S.) domestic product. Same name on entirely different vehicles. You could get a V8 (5.0L) in the 80s version. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 01:33Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">cliffordbeshers</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> Did you tap the bumper to see if it was authentic? <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 00:23Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">odd</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@Pilchuck</a> I didn’t know that. When I was a kid in the ‘70s, we boys thought the Capri was one of the coolest (European) cars made. That, and the <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Volkswagen Scirrocco</a>. But American cars was of course much cooler. I remember especially liking the car that <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Cannon</a> had. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 00:21Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">hjalm</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> I love the classic slotted wheels! Please tell me the paint was metalflake? <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

20.7.2021 00:05Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Pilchuck</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@odd</a> The Capri was sold in the US as a “Mercury”, rather than a Ford. Mercury was an upscale division. The Capri was the nicer and more powerful of the two, in U.S. trim. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

19.7.2021 23:54Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">odd</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@Pilchuck</a> It looks a <em>little</em> bit like the <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Ford Capri</a> we had over here in Europe. Although it had an older look, and probably a much less powerful motor. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

19.7.2021 23:49Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Pilchuck</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@odd</a> Ford Pinto. Around ‘74-76. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

19.7.2021 23:34Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">odd</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> Is it a AMC-someting? <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

19.7.2021 22:46Comment on I saw this car at Lake Murray this morning. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Dogecoin creator Jackson Palmer says cryptocurrency is a scam by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Phil Stevens</a>: mentioned this in <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">It only ever was a scam.…</a>. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

19.7.2021 21:12Comment on Dogecoin creator Jackson Palmer says cryptocurrency is a scam by Mitch Wagner

Comment on I finished rereading “The Shining,” by Stephen King. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">artkavanagh</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> When did time start moving so quickly? It was earlier than 2013, I’m pretty sure, but because it’s accelerating, it always seems as if it started moving more quickly more recently. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

19.7.2021 14:31Comment on I finished rereading “The Shining,” by Stephen King. by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Ephemera 38 — Cat sleeping on a tiny sofa crocheted by its owner by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Rikibeth</a>: liked this. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

17.7.2021 16:10Comment on Ephemera 38 — Cat sleeping on a tiny sofa crocheted by its owner by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Ephemera 38 — Cat sleeping on a tiny sofa crocheted by its owner by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">alone in a technological bubble</a>: liked this. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

17.7.2021 16:10Comment on Ephemera 38 — Cat sleeping on a tiny sofa crocheted by its owner by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Re-reading Stephen King’s “The Shining” by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Charles King</a>: One of @StephenKing's great strengths is writing sympathetic villains. Not villains you love to hate, but villains you genuinely love, who have potential to turn to good, and you’re saddened when they fully embrace evil.… <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

15.7.2021 17:09Comment on Re-reading Stephen King’s “The Shining” by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Republicans could win the California recall even though all their candidates are unpopular by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">John Kusters 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏻🎲🖋</a>: liked this. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

14.7.2021 20:49Comment on Republicans could win the California recall even though all their candidates are unpopular by Mitch Wagner

Comment on “Pulp is the dark matter of fiction….“ by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Anthony Ha</a>: mentioned this in <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">"Pulp is the dark matter of fiction, the uncatalogued depths of the ocean, the darkest recesses of space."</a>. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

13.7.2021 15:03Comment on “Pulp is the dark matter of fiction….“ by Mitch Wagner

Comment on “Pulp is the dark matter of fiction….“ by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Anthony Ha</a>: liked this. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

13.7.2021 15:03Comment on “Pulp is the dark matter of fiction….“ by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Why billionaires won’t be able to escape Earth to live in space — explained by the spouse of a NASA ground controller by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">pimoore</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@AlanGMarz</a> LOL :) Yeah, seems like a lot of effort for very little reward. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

12.7.2021 19:43Comment on Why billionaires won’t be able to escape Earth to live in space — explained by the spouse of a NASA ground controller by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Why billionaires won’t be able to escape Earth to live in space — explained by the spouse of a NASA ground controller by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">AlanGMarz</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@pimoore</a> I can see why Branson only stayed eight minutes. I would want to get back before needing the toilet too. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

12.7.2021 19:28Comment on Why billionaires won’t be able to escape Earth to live in space — explained by the spouse of a NASA ground controller by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Why billionaires won’t be able to escape Earth to live in space — explained by the spouse of a NASA ground controller by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">pimoore</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> If the billionaires <em>really</em> want to contribute something “for humanity” as they so quickly attribute to their space race, they can use their vast wealth to fix this planet they’ve helped to destroy, instead of a petty competition to escape it. And seeing as nobody but the rich will ever be able to afford the privilege of a trip to space, it should read “for the small percentage of humanity”. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

12.7.2021 18:55Comment on Why billionaires won’t be able to escape Earth to live in space — explained by the spouse of a NASA ground controller by Mitch Wagner

Comment on The “Lucky Lotto” method for building resilient teams by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Ray Radlein</a>: liked this. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

12.7.2021 15:17Comment on The “Lucky Lotto” method for building resilient teams by Mitch Wagner

Comment on The “Lucky Lotto” method for building resilient teams by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">John Kusters 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏻🎲🖋</a>: liked this. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

12.7.2021 15:17Comment on The “Lucky Lotto” method for building resilient teams by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Why do we work so damn much by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Sean Kerner</a>: liked this. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

11.7.2021 18:52Comment on Why do we work so damn much by Mitch Wagner

Comment on Trump told his chief of staff that Hitler “did a lot of good things,” according to a new book. by Mitch Wagner


<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">pimoore</a>: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">@MitchWagner</a> I doubt he’s had a thought that he ever reconsidered his whole life. 🤷🏻‍♂️ <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">via</a>

8.7.2021 02:20Comment on Trump told his chief of staff that Hitler “did a lot of good things,” according to a new book. by Mitch Wagner


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