Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy In-person in Fort Worth, TX. Online for all Texas residents schedule appointment (682) 207-2409 You are unique. Your therapy should be, too Let's work together to realize your best hopes Your experiences and challenges are unique to you, and my first goal is to truly understand them. From there,…
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In reply to <a href="">Bill Pearse</a>. Thanks for the feedback, good sir. Yes, I guess it was all there in the writing over time, and plain for me for me to see, but maybe not so plain for others. Interesting to know that some of the dots didn’t feel connected for you until now, but glad they do now. Thank you for the kind words!
4.3.2025 02:50Comment on The Life You Have vs. the Life You Want by Michael McVeyWow Mike I didn’t expect that to take the twists and turns it did but really loved hearing your story here! Didn’t know a lot of that but makes sense and helps me connect a few dots. Alas I’ve made a constellation of you now, and what bright stars I see in you! Thanks for being a light source for others.
2.3.2025 22:19Comment on The Life You Have vs. the Life You Want by Bill PearseThe Unexpected Path to PurposeHow Life’s Twists and Turns Lead Us to Who We’re Meant to Become What did you want to be when you grew up? What did you want to do? Or maybe the better question is, who did you want to be? And are you that person now? You had expectations forContinue reading "The Life You Have vs. the Life You Want"
2.3.2025 03:06The Life You Have vs. the Life You WantIn reply to <a href="">Bill Pearse</a>. Yessir, and thank you. I think we’ve all fallen victim at some point.
11.1.2025 02:38Comment on Brain Rot: The Modern Malady by Michael McVeyBeautifully composed and couldn’t agree more. It’s real and it’s rotten.
11.1.2025 00:50Comment on Brain Rot: The Modern Malady by Bill PearseIt starts innocently. A few videos on TikTok. A quick scroll through the app formerly known as Twitter. One more episode of that show everyone is talking about. Before you know it, the afternoon is gone, and you’re left feeling dull, listless, and weirdly exhausted. Maybe still in bed. Welcome to the club — weContinue reading "Brain Rot: The Modern Malady"
10.1.2025 23:14Brain Rot: The Modern MaladyWhen a relationship gets rocky, couples counseling is often seen as a last resort. But what exactly is this “last resort?” What are couples thinking when they come to counseling? Many see the purpose of couples counseling as to save the marriage, but its scope is far broader. Surely, counseling can be about rekindling aContinue reading "What Path Forward? Save the marriage, separate peacefully, or discern between the two…"
27.11.2024 21:37What Path Forward? Save the marriage, separate peacefully, or discern between the two…Everyone appreciates a good night's sleep, but many people don't realize how critical quality sleep is to our overall health and well-being. I can help you identify and manage stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns that may be disrupting your sleep.
27.11.2024 21:10To Sleep or Not to Sleep? That is the QuestionIn reply to <a href="">Bill Pearse</a>. Thank you sir. And yes, a job is sometimes a loss that must be grieved. Not uncommon to have dreams about still being at work when you no longer work there, just as it’s not uncommon to dream about a lost loved one still being with us, or even coming back.
29.4.2024 03:01Comment on The Wound of Grief & Loss by Michael McVeyNice piece Mike, and cool link/widget to the scheduling tool, well done. Wish I had maybe looked into that 10 years ago when I lost my job at Starbucks ha ha!
27.4.2024 21:35Comment on The Wound of Grief & Loss by Bill PearseWhen we experience loss, whether due to the death of close family member or friend, the loss of a job, or our only child going off to college, we typically experience grief. Grief is an emotional wound. And just like a physical wound will heal over time, so does an emotional wound take time toContinue reading "The Wound of Grief & Loss"
27.4.2024 15:29The Wound of Grief & LossWe enter into marriage with certain expectations. Sometimes we are conscious of them, sometimes not. Sometimes we assume our partner shares them, but sometimes they don't. It's a great idea to spend time early in the relationship to better understand who you are as a couple
23.4.2024 20:48Pre-Marital CounselingAnxiety is not fun. It's also very normal, and a certain amount is necessary. We all experience anxiety from time to time. But sometimes anxiety takes on to much of a role or gains too much influence over us, to the point where it interferes with our day-to-day well-being. If anxiety is an issue for you, here are some ways we can work together.
15.4.2024 12:05Who’s in charge, you or your anxiety?If there is dsyfunction in your family, I’d like to help. Living with strife and confict is no way to live. There’s enough of that outside the home. The home should be a safe haven for everyone, a place of love and support. Family therapy can help restore balance and harmony to your life, home,Continue reading "Family Therapy"
8.4.2024 17:57Family TherapyWhen a plant or a flower in your garden doesn't get the right amount of sunlight or water, or if the soil lacks nutrients, what happens? It withers. Something very similar happens to us, when our needs are not met, and we call it depression.
5.4.2024 15:47Don’t let depression keep you downIt’s easy to fall into the trap of prioritizing work above all else. Our culture teaches us to believe that success is measured by how much we achieve in our careers. As a result, we often find ourselves neglecting other aspects of our lives, including our relationships with our spouses, our children, and most importantly,Continue reading "Flipping Priorities: Why Self-Care Should Come First"
25.3.2024 18:07Flipping Priorities: Why Self-Care Should Come First[…] also help us articulate meaning and purpose. Picking up where mindfulness and meditation leave off, nondual counseling goes far beyond either (see the book Beyond Mindfulness, by Stephan […]
22.11.2023 17:07Comment on What is Nondual Counseling? by 9 Benefits of Spiritual Counseling – Michael D. McVeyIn reply to <a href="">Michael McVey</a>. Yeah, likewise for you in the lone star state, Homer.
5.11.2023 21:43Comment on Introversion or Social Anxiety: What’s the Difference? by Bill PearseIn reply to <a href="">Bill Pearse</a>. Thanks Bill, appreciate the feedback. Hope things are going well for you up there in the PACNW.
5.11.2023 21:38Comment on Introversion or Social Anxiety: What’s the Difference? by Michael McVeyGreat and super clear delineation. I did not know that! Though familiar with both, very helpful Mike. Great to hear from you and see you doing this kind of writing too, love it. Be well.
4.11.2023 03:27Comment on Introversion or Social Anxiety: What’s the Difference? by Bill Pearse