Traveler in L-space ... "One day, with life and heart, Is more than time enough to find a world." J. R. Lowell #hamradio #AI #PatternMining #scienceMapping #enhancedCognition #informationMaps #Search #bibliometrics #heuristics #viziometrics #ergodicLit
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Currently reading "Let's Entertain: Life's Guilty Pleasures." Published on the occasion of the exhibition Let's Entertain, organized by Philippe Vergne for the Walker Art Center and coproduced by the Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris. Edited by Karen Jacobson. This book brings together more than 50 contemporary artists, critics, and theorists whose work engages diverse social phenomena such as the advent of gaming and sports culture, the "celebrification" of politics, the branding of bodies and products, the fantasy associated with themed entertainment destinations .
4.12.2023 03:35Currently reading "Let's Entertain: Life's Guilty Pleasures." Published on the occasion of the exhibition Let's Entertain, organized by Philippe Verg...
Currently reading the graphic novel "Monica" by Daniel Clowes.
2.12.2023 00:30Currently reading the graphic novel "Monica" by Daniel Clowes.
The Pulp Magazine Archive at is really great!
2.12.2023 00:05The Pulp Magazine Archive at is really great!