Melbourne Meeples Inc. is an Australian not for profit incorporated association dedicated to providing opportunities to its members and to the general
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Yes, we have an extra game day in just a couple of weeks to bridge the gap between now and Easter! Come and join us at the Gaming Arena on Sunday 16th February for a fun filled day of games, just for Valentines Day! Choose from a selection from our library or just bring that game you […]
<p>The post Do you love to game? first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
10.2.2025 21:55Do you love to game?On August 3rd, Melbourne Meeples celebrated our tenth birthday. We marked the occasion with a lovely members party at Gaming Arena, with lots and lot of games played and this fabulous cake! One member asked at the event how the tenth birthday of MeepleCon came before that of Melbourne Meeples itself. The first MeepleCon came […]
<p>The post What’s happening in August first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
11.8.2024 00:13What’s happening in AugustThe Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Melbourne Meeples was held online on Monday 8th July at 8pm.
New committee was appointed with Chris Ingold as President, Sonika Balyan as Vice-President, Stuart Bettiss as Secretary, Matt Utting as Treasurer, and Jennie Howard and Francois Grobler as General Committee Members.
The minutes of the meeting are below:
<p>The post 2024/25 Annual General Meeting Minutes first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
25.7.2024 02:342024/25 Annual General Meeting MinutesThe Melbourne Meeples Inc General Annual Meeting is being held online on Monday 15th of July at 8pm. If you would like to nominate for one if the elected positions, discuss the future of the club or get involved, please attend and have your voice heard. Positions are: Nominations will occur on the day, so be […]
<p>The post Annual General Meeting 2024-25 first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
12.6.2024 23:52Annual General Meeting 2024-25We had a fantastic board game market this year with over 900 games in the Bring & Buy and some great publishers and designers. Sadly not all could be there due to COVID and the flu, but we got to see many wonderful games from those that made it. We also had some fantastic feedback […]
<p>The post Melbourne Board Game Market 2024 Recap first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
12.6.2024 04:45Melbourne Board Game Market 2024 RecapYou came, you played, you donated, and just blew our minds. We were thrilled to welcome 60 wonderful participants at the Clyde Hotel on May 4th. The day was filled with laughter, strategic gameplay, and friendly competition as attendees enjoyed a variety of board games. Thanks to the incredible generosity of everyone who joined us, […]
<p>The post Evergreen Games first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
11.6.2024 05:09Evergreen GamesWinter is almost upon us! Brrrrr! But it’s the perfect time to head out and play even more boardgames! Onto our regular events, BitW (Board in the West) will be on Friday June 7th from at 6pm at the Point Cook Community Learning Centre. BitE (Board in the East) is on at the Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre in Chadstone on Friday June 14th from 6pm. June is […]
<p>The post What’s Happening in June first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
31.5.2024 23:06What’s Happening in JuneWe’re welcoming Straight Up Games to the Melbourne Board Game Market. Straight Up Games is a Melbourne based game design duo. After fully funding their first ever card game One Last Score in just 3 days on Kickstarter, Liam and Isaac are bringing it to the people!
<p>The post Melbourne Board Game Market Exhibitor Announcement: Straight Up Games first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
19.5.2024 22:12Melbourne Board Game Market Exhibitor Announcement: Straight Up GamesWe’re welcoming Jet Archer to the Melbourne Board Game Market. Introducing Wrong Answers Only, the ultimate game of wit, creativity, and deception! In this hilarious and competitive card game, players are challenged to make convincing arguments for incorrect answers to a wide variety of questions. From historical figures to pop culture icons, Wrong Answers Only tests […]
<p>The post Melbourne Board Game Market Exhibitor Announcement: Jett Archer first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
19.5.2024 05:05Melbourne Board Game Market Exhibitor Announcement: Jett ArcherWe’re welcoming Lachlan Clews-de Castella to the Melbourne Board Game Market. Hi, I’m Lachlan.I’m a Melbourne artist and designer with a passion for fantasy.I’m hoping to test a game I’ve been working on; Skybound: Legends A Fantasy, Adventure, Cooperative, Competitive dice based board game. A calamity approaches the Skybound islands, will heroes hear the call and […]
<p>The post Melbourne Board Game Market Exhibitor Announcement: Lachlan Clews-de Castella first appeared on Melbourne Meeples.</p>
18.5.2024 15:04Melbourne Board Game Market Exhibitor Announcement: Lachlan Clews-de Castella[…] If you want to know what’s going on with board games in and around Melbourne, check out this calendar. […]
26.5.2015 02:15Comment on Melbourne Meeples Gaming Calendar by The Action Points Podcast! Episode 87: Incubating with Justin Halliday and Stefan Barton-Ross | Action...