Mawson, the Big-hearted Writer-Bear for our Befuddled times Mawson, your furry source of comfort and reassurance, is the soul-searching Writer-Bear of little books with lots of heart. He speaks, as softly as you can imagine, about being your best in an often baffling world. His books are stuffed with happiness for all ages, from grandchildren…
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Welcome back to the adventures of Scotland The Brave. He has at last made it to the very country of 'Scotland The Brave': the land and the spirit and even the song for which this small brown stuffed little bear wearing trews was named.
21.2.2025 06:58Scotland the Brave in the Highlands Of ScotlandLove those low level rainbows! fabulous! Linda xx
19.2.2025 05:57Comment on Bonny Banks and Bonny Braes: Scotland the Brave at Loch Lomond by The Mindful Migraine BlogIn reply to <a href="">Baffled Bear Books</a>.
In reply to <a href="">Priti</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank you. It was a grand day</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
15.2.2025 07:13Comment on Bonny Banks and Bonny Braes: Scotland the Brave at Loch Lomond by Baffled Bear BooksLooking interesting well shared
What fun adventures!
14.2.2025 06:43Comment on Bonny Banks and Bonny Braes: Scotland the Brave at Loch Lomond by Vanya Wryter ConsultingAs the sun tried breaking through the clouds rainbows formed, arcing from the shore across the valleys and into the steeply rising hills. And yes, there really were soft purple hues.
14.2.2025 02:36Bonny Banks and Bonny Braes: Scotland the Brave at Loch LomondNigel is a sad Koala. At school he is teased and called, 'Pongo'. The other kids say that he farts. They tell him that he smells bad and then they run away. I'm sure you will agree that this is not nice at all. No wonder Nigel is sad.
2.2.2025 06:29Pongo: A little sad koala who gets teased at schoolIn reply to <a href="">Baffled Bear Books</a>.
In reply to <a href="">Priti</a>.
Thank you.
Well reviewed. Looking interesting
29.1.2025 16:00Comment on Runaway Weddings: We Dash To Gretna Green by PritiEloping couples made their 'dash' across the Scottish border to reach this very building, often with furious fathers and jilted fiancés in hot pursuit.
25.1.2025 04:16Runaway Weddings: We Dash To Gretna GreenEloping couples made their 'dash' across the Scottish border to reach this very building, often with furious fathers and jilted fiancés in hot pursuit.
24.1.2025 09:00Runaway Weddings: We Dash To Gretna GreenBetween showers of rain he popped out on to the deck and took in the hills and sights all around. He wanted to write a Romantic Poem about it himself. Perhaps he could have sketched the scenery. However, his paws struggle with quills.
3.1.2025 07:32Scotland the Brave Sails On Lake WindermereIt was a fun ride
28.12.2024 11:25Comment on Steam Train Ride in the Lake District, with Scotland the Brave by Baffled Bear BooksMy Grandfather loved steam trains. They are beautiful <3
28.12.2024 10:19Comment on Steam Train Ride in the Lake District, with Scotland the Brave by Lolsy's LibraryAnd then came the steam train returning from Lake Windermere. Oh what a sight. It glistened and click click clanged and whoooooshed and blew a long whistle and steam rose up and smoke streamed. Scotty was delighted. It was all very satisfactory.
28.12.2024 08:05Steam Train Ride in the Lake District, with Scotland the BraveHum along with us, friends, to the famous tune of “Snoopy’s Christmas’* . This song , of course, starred the illustrious Snoopy taking on ‘The Red Baron’. Here we do a version with our own dare devil aviators. BeeBear plays Snoopy’s role and our Flyer Bear has volunteered to be The Ace Baron. SEE SPOTIFYContinue reading "Christmas Bells: BeeBear vs The Ace Baron"
21.12.2024 06:32Christmas Bells: BeeBear vs The Ace BaronIf you like dogs, squirrels, guinea pigs, burgers, and visits to Nanas, you will enjoy reading this tale. (You don't necessarily have to like cabbages.)
8.12.2024 02:18A Nana Scrappy Tale 2, by Ryan Cochrane: Nana’s Household is led to the Meaning of ChristmasHello Fellow Baffled Ones. We are the Professors Bears in Mawson’s House. We feature in Mawson’s book, Dreamy Days and Random Naps. I am Professor Caddy, and I love chocolate. Also, I love large dreams, grand ideas, big ponders, plump possibilities, and incredible inventions. We have high hopes that our inventions will help all ourContinue reading "Meet the stars of ‘Dreamy Days and Random Naps’: The Professors"
27.11.2024 02:48Meet the stars of ‘Dreamy Days and Random Naps’: The Professors