The [url=]#Sustainability[/url] [url=]#Index[/url] - [url=]#Environmental[/url] Blog, News & Guides about sustainable Products, [url=]#Companies[/url] & their impact, [url=]#AI[/url], [url=]#Pacifism[/url], [url=]#AnimalRights[/url], Cleaning up trash in [url=]#nature[/url] 🌲 & [url=]#vegan[/url] / [url=]#vegetarian[/url] topics much more 🌍
Taking from some of the #evil #international #corporations and using their work against them, creating something for the inspiration and amusement of the little man: #Banksy is as close as we can get to a modern day #RobinHood ! 🏹 🥬 🪶
The 2 FCK-Stickers were made by the MI - Team :)