utau/vocaloP | ☸️ | artist | musician | writer | amateur/hobbyist | 30-something boomer | health/fitness propagandist | now also a foss dev | aesthetics enthusiast c# | java | kotlin | html | css | javascript | typescript | php | fkiss ("what the heckie is that") if you're a pedophile/"map" = block, btw also pls don't talk to me about politics, i hate politics please just call me lotte :vee_love: no my name isn't actually stacey boosts local art, unless it's: - porn (non-sexual nudity is ok) - extreme gore (depends) - very depressing i'm very sorry!!!! the admin of this cozy place :veenus: i also mod over at [url=http://the9thcircle.club]the9thcircle.club[/url] let's all be friends and be nice :blobcathug: i don't do commissions, but some of my instance users might all my public text posts are licensed under CC0, archive them all or whatever, i don't care :blobcatdunno:
Tags: aesthetics blobcatdunno commissions enthusiast javascript propagandist the9thcircle typescript