A Christian invitation to engage with the full complexity of faith, life, and people.
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Tags: christian complexity invitation
Thanks for sharing! I’ve had our family copy on the nightstand for several weeks, but I think I’ll take your suggestion to read it this weekend and keep a note pad handy to capture my reflections.
16.8.2024 14:54Comment on The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: A Contemporary Guide to Fuller and Less Rushed Life by dkeating90555a14d1John Mark Comer's conversational book guides its readers back to being rooted in Christ. Does that sound like something you need?
13.8.2024 13:00The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: A Contemporary Guide to Fuller and Less Rushed LifeJudah as Plot Mover If you have spent much time in a church for Sunday sermons, read Bible stories aimed at children, attended a VBS, or have a general knowledge of well-known Hebrew Bible stories; you have heard the story of a man by the name of Joseph. He seems to be cast in the … Continue reading Judah: The Plot Mover
25.6.2024 12:00Judah: The Plot Mover[…] went through some of the specific motivations for this on my other blog, citing certain verses of the Bible as well as a book I’m reading through. Generally, though, […]
1.1.2024 22:36Comment on The Year of Diff by The Year of Diff – Garver the System[…] an example, I recently mentioned 2023 was the year of rest, or sabbath, or the weekend, or work-life-balance for more people than I […]
1.1.2024 14:01Comment on Rushed Family by The Year of Diff – Life in TensionFor 2024, I want to focus my time more intentionally on developing big changes by incremental and daily disciplines. Toward that end, I've picked a theme: "diff", a comparison between two states that may be nearly identical or substantially different.
1.1.2024 14:00The Year of Diff[…] this up in a positive light if I didn’t think it was supported by scripture. Even in my own dalliance with theological anthropology, my conclusion was that people were made for community – togetherness, to support one […]
19.12.2023 16:12Comment on People: An Introduction by Rushed Family – Life in TensionMy coming of age happened just in time for me to vote in 2016. (Can I leave a Yelp review on years?) I was sufficiently disillusioned with the reliability of human goodness that I supported Bernie Sanders as a countercultural candidate – a decision that has haunted me ever since, as there are people in … Continue reading Rushed Family
19.12.2023 14:00Rushed Family[…] are complicated; I put that in the tagline of this blog right alongside life broadly. I’d suggest most of them are just as complicated as you are. Both despite that fact and […]
5.12.2023 14:09Comment on Friend to the Other by The (Implied) Shepherd – Life in Tension[…] woman at the well is an example I’ve used before. To reiterate my point from that discussion, Jesus’ first words to her weren’t “I […]
5.12.2023 14:09Comment on Works-Based Salvation by The (Implied) Shepherd – Life in TensionThere are mantras and truisms aplenty about the difference between actions and words. There’s perhaps one I know of (“the pen is mightier than the sword”) which claims words as the more impactful of the two, though I think only because of the actions brought about by thoughtful writing. Many more speak to the weight … Continue reading The (Implied) Shepherd
5.12.2023 14:00The (Implied) Shepherd[…] it’s likely that together they form a more complete picture. I’ve already written on one example of this, in which a picture of God’s goodness is incomplete unless you consider both His justice and […]
7.11.2023 14:23Comment on Tension in God by A Thesis on Sin’s Motivation – Life in TensionAn exploration of control as a universal motivation for sin, from Genesis onward.
7.11.2023 14:00A Thesis on Sin’s Motivation[…] events. I cannot imagine what I would do in any position of governance in Israel this October. I recently mentioned Dr. Kalantzis, who studied the early church’s view on violence and found a consistent […]
17.10.2023 18:16Comment on The Christian Tradition in Babylon by There Is No Other – Life in Tension[…] my belief: that there is no such thing as “other people”, a point I tried to get at in Friend to the Other. I don’t have enough information to say what any given individual should do, but as a broad […]
17.10.2023 14:16Comment on Friend to the Other by There Is No Other – Life in TensionAs a heads up since I don’t normally talk about recent events, this post is a discussion about the recent conflict in Israel and Gaza. I won’t get into details of the recent or historical events, and I won’t make any declarations about the morality of either or both sides. I write from the incredibly … Continue reading There Is No Other
17.10.2023 13:00There Is No OtherGoing into the last quarter of the year, I think it’s important to talk about one of the most important tensions in our lives as Christians: Advent. The season of Advent is a time of meditation on the fact that we live between Jesus’ first and second coming. Its traditions focus on this tension – … Continue reading Advent
10.10.2023 13:00Advent[…] many devote themselves to one of the issues above. Though well-meaning, their conviction often creates division and strife rather than resolution. Others still follow celebrities with rapt attention to their every move […]
26.9.2023 13:59Comment on Friend to the Other by The Christian Tradition in Babylon – Life in TensionIn The Bible is for Everyone, I spent some time thinking about the long, long history and tradition that a twenty-first century Christian inherits when it comes to the Word of God. However, I think it’s important to recognize some of the other traditions we inherit. For example, one I’ve already touched on is the … Continue reading The Christian Tradition in Babylon
26.9.2023 13:00The Christian Tradition in BabylonI recently mentioned that I find the opening words of the book of Psalms inspiring and instructive: Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his … Continue reading The Bible is for Everyone
5.9.2023 13:00The Bible is for Everyone