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Alex LaFroscia

Hiker, weight lifter, archer, board gamer and cook. Sometimes a programmer, too. Probably walking my dog right now.

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Testing ESLint Rules with Vitest

I recently needed to write a custom lint rule for a project that uses Vitest to run its tests. ESLint provides great tools for testing custom rules through the RuleTester class, but using it directly would mean that this project needed two different test runners to be run all of the tests. This got me thinking: is there a way to run the tests for the lint rule using Vitest?

It turns out, there is! RuleTester is cleverly designed for exactly this purpose. There are three static methods that can be overwritten on the RuleTester class to allow it to integrate with any test runner that you want. In a test helper, I defined a new class like this:

import { describe, it } from "vitest";
import { RuleTester } from "eslint";

export class VitestRuleTester extends RuleTester {
  static describe(message, callback) {
    describe(message, callback);

  static it(message, callback) {
    it(message, callback);

  static itOnly(message, callback) {
    it.only(message, callback);

Now, after generating a lint rule using the typical Yeoman generator, you can replace the import of RuleTester from the eslint module with an import of this subclass that we’ve defined. Voilà! Your ESLint rule tests are now running with Vitest.

For a deeper example of testing an ESLint rule with Vitest, you can check out my example project here.

29.1.2023 00:00Testing ESLint Rules with Vitest

Setting a Request ID in SvelteKit

I have been working on a full-stack application in SvelteKit recently. As the complexity of the application grew, it started getting harder to understand what was happening during each page render. I knew I needed something to help track down what was happening in my application during each request. The solution to my problem was a familiar one: request IDs!

A request ID allows you to have a single, unique value that can be used as part of each log entry that you create during the lifetime of a request. This allows you to find all of the log entries from a given request by searching for entries that contain the request ID. We will also attach the request ID as a header on the response from the server, so that we can access it from the browser when one of our requests fails; this can really aid in debugging problems that your users run into.

Setting up our application this way gives us 3 things we need to do:

  1. Generate a unique identifier
  2. Make it available to each request handler
  3. Assign it as a header

Let’s take a look at how we can do each of these things!

1. Generate a Unique Identifier

There can be a deceptive amount of complexity around creating a string that we can trust to be unique. Since this guarantee is very important to us, it’s a good idea to make use of a shared, trusted implementation for this behavior.

The uuid package on npm is often used for this purpose, but as of version 16.7.0, Node.js can actually do this for us! Since version 16.15.0 is now the LTS release (meaning it’s the recommended version for most users) we can safely choose to use the language’s tools rather than an external package.

Creating a unique identifier in Node.js looks like this; we can import the randomUUID function from the node:-scoped crypto module and call it to create a guaranteed-unique identifier for us to use.

import { randomUUID } from "node:crypto";

const id: string = randomUUID();

This is a code snippet that we will come back to in the next section!

2. Make it available to each request handler

Now that we know how we are going to generate our identifier, we need a way to make it available to our request handler. While we could generate it within each of our SvelteKit endpoints, this ends up being a lot of repeated boilerplate code that it would be nice to avoid. Thankfully, SvelteKit has a mechanism called “locals” that serve exactly this purpose! “Locals” allow us to define additional properties that are attached to the event object that each SvelteKit endpoint receives.

The first step, if you’re using TypeScript, is to tell SvelteKit the type of your new “local”. Skip to the definition for handle below if you’re using JavaScript; otherwise, open up the src/app.d.ts file, which should look something like this:

/// <reference types="@sveltejs/kit" />

// See
// for information about these interfaces
declare namespace App {
  // interface Locals {}
  // interface Platform {}
  // interface Session {}
  // interface Stuff {}

This file contains a few different types that, if defined, will help power autocomplete and type-checking for different SvelteKit APIs that you can define for your application. In this case, we want to define the Locals interface to include our request ID by updating the file like so:

/// <reference types="@sveltejs/kit" />

// See
// for information about these interfaces
declare namespace App {
  interface Locals {
     * The unique identifier for this request
    requestId: string;

  // interface Platform {}
  // interface Session {}
  // interface Stuff {}

Now that we have the type definition in place, we’re ready to actually define our request ID “local”! We can do this by using the handle hook, which allows us to define logic that runs before or after SvelteKit creates the response to a request. Right now we will use it to define our “local” on the event object before SvelteKit creates the response for the request:

// src/hooks.ts
import type { Handle } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { randomUUID } from "node:crypto";

export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
  event.locals.requestId = randomUUID();

  const response = await resolve(event);

  return response;

With that in place, every SvelteKit endpoint that you define can access locals.requestId to retreive our unique identifier!

3. Assign it as a header

The last requirements that we defined earlier was to supply the request ID as a header on the response. Thankfully, our handle hook can help us here too! Since it receives the response from SvelteKit before it is delivered to the browser, we have an opportunity to modify it before it is sent.

// src/hooks.ts
import type { Handle } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { randomUUID } from "node:crypto";

export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
  event.locals.requestId = randomUUID();

  const response = await resolve(event);

  response.headers.set("x-request-id", event.locals.requestId);

  return response;

Here we have followed the convention of calling the header x-request-id, but you can choose any name that makes sense to you!

I hope this post has been useful for learning about request IDs and how you can create them in SvelteKit. If you want to view the source code for a working example app that uses this pattern, you can check out that out here!

30.5.2022 00:00Setting a Request ID in SvelteKit

Writing a local @types Package

I recently worked on a Node.js project in TypeScript that made use of my usual suite of tools:

This all worked great when there was little-to-no tsconfig.json customization present, but I ran into a situation that caused me some trouble.

A third-party package with an npm scope (meaning the name looks something like @organization/package-name) did not come with type definitions, nor were they available from Definitely Typed. I could write a local type definition by extending typeRoots in the TypeScript configuration file, but this didn’t work well for ts-node which, by default, ignores that property. I tried to configure paths instead but could not get that working correctly with the scoped package name. After a lot of back-and-forth over the configuration possibilities, I almost gave up and just avoided trying to add types for this package altogether!

While reflecting on how nice and easy the “just install a @types/ package” approach to third-party type definitions is, it occurred to me that I could probably write my own @types/ package for it within the repo and have my package manager actually install it into node_modules. This would satisfy all of the tools and avoid needing any custom tsconfig.json magic; for all intents and purposes, it would be a “normal” @types/ package that just so happened to come from inside the repo instead!

I was able to achieve this by first creating a package within the repo for the type definitions. Note that this does not need to be a workspace package; it’ll work just fine without that.

mkdir -p types/organization__package-name
echo '{ "name": "@types/organization__package-name" }' > package.json
touch types/organization__package-name/index.d.ts

Then, in the package.json for your project, add the following:

  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/organization__package-name": "file:./types/organization__package-name"

Note that the naming here is important: for scoped npm packages, the expectation for the corresponding @types package (because it, itself, is within the @types scope) is to remove the @ from the name of the scope and join the scope and package name with two underscores in a row. The path on your file system can really be anything; it’s the key in your devDependencies that is actually important for TypeScript to locate the files automatically.

After installing your new dependencies with whichever package manager you prefer, you’re all set to fill out your index.d.ts file with the types for your dependency!

20.1.2022 00:00Writing a local @types Package

Print GitHub CLI Pull Requests Without Paging

I am a big fan of the GitHub Command Line tool, gh. In particular, it’s a great way to list the pull-requests for a repository and then check one out locally for review.

By default, this workflow is a little tricky. When you list your PRs you get a list that is passed automatically through your $PAGER program (probably less). By default, regardless of how much content there is, you have to actively dismiss less to go back to the command line.

Viewing the PR list with the default pager

Once you’ve pressed some key, you end up back at your command line… without the pull requests visible anymore!

Back at the command line after reviewing the list of pull requests

The problem lies with the workflow between listing the pull requests and checking one out. Followed the previous steps, you’ve seen your list and dismissed it. Now, do you remember what the number for the PR you want to check out it? If you’re anything like me, you have probably already forgotten it! It would be great if we could keep the list visible in our shell history rather than having it disappear.

Thankfully, the gh tool allows you to override your $PAGER environment variable and use something else instead. If you configure less with a few particular flags, you can avoid needing to interact with the keyboard to dismiss the list of pull requests and leave them visible in your command line history.

To configure an alternate pager, you can run this:

gh config set pager "less -FX"

With that in place, the list of pull requests no longer needs any kind of interaction to dismiss it.

Listing pull requests with the newly-configured pager

Now it’s much easier to reference the list of pull requests when checking one out!

10.2.2021 00:00Print GitHub CLI Pull Requests Without Paging

Managing Specificity with CSS Variables

A recent project at work had me defining some shared button styles for us to use in conjunction with Tailwind CSS. The styling is much like you might expect; a base button class with some specific “types” of buttons in different styles. For the purpose of illustration, imagine something like this:

.button {
  color: black;

.button.type-plain {
  color: blue;

To render a “plain” button, you use the classes together on an element:

<button class="button type-plain">Click me!</button>

While our design system system dictated that all “plain” buttons use blue text, the reality is that sometimes the buttons need another color. Since we use Tailwind CSS, it would be great if we could one of Tailwind’s text-color helper functions to override the default and provide a custom color.

<button class="button type-plain text-red">Click me!</button>

However, this led to a problem of specificity; The text-red selector has a specificity of 1 and the compound selector .button.type-plain has a specificity of 2, so our button – which should be red – was actually blue!

The problem lies in the fact that we set color directly in a compound selector, which will have a higher specificity than any of our utilities. What if we could avoid setting color in the .button.type-plain selector? If only .button defines the color property, then our utilities will be able to override it again1!

The fix I found is to use a CSS variable to define the color to apply, and only actually set the color property from the .button selector.

.button {
  --button-text-color: black;
  color: var(--button-text-color);

.button.type-plain {
  --button-text-color: blue;

Now, .type-plain will set the color when .button is the class controlling the color. If a utility like text-red is present, though, the color will still be overwritten to our desired value!

  1. This works as long as .text-red is defined after .button in your stylesheet. When two selectors on an element have the same specificity, the latter definition is applied. ↩︎

14.6.2020 00:00Managing Specificity with CSS Variables

Replace an Unused Dependency

I recently ran into a bit of an odd situation regarding a problematic npm dependency. Our app depended on an old version of d3, which had a dependency on an old version of jsdom, which itself depended on contextify. contextify is not supported on modern versions of Node and would fail to install. Upgrading d3 to a modern version without the dependency on jsdom was too hard, but we needed some way to move forward.

As it turns out, jsdom was only a dependency of d3 in order to support a Node environment, which was not necessary for our app’s use case. Could we replace the jsdom entirely with some kind of “dummy” package, since we didn’t need a real, working version of jsdom anyway?

I took to Twitter with the question, and Jan Buschtöns replied with a great suggestion:

@alexlafroscia You could try creating noop package in your repo and reference it in the resolution using the file: protocol.

As our application is already using yarn workspaces, this worked great! We created a package in the monorepo called noop with nothing but a package.json like this:

  "name": "noop",
  "version": "1.0.0"

and then used yarn resolutions to point jsdom to that package. Our “root” package.json got the following

  "resolutions": {
    "**/d3/jsdom": "file:./packages/noop"

which tells yarn to replace the d3 dependency on jsdom with our dummy package.

If you end up in a case like this yourself and don’t have a place to create your own dummy package, you could use something like the none package instead for the same effect!.

7.5.2020 00:00Replace an Unused Dependency

Verifying Changes

Recently, Movable Ink, the company where I work, released our configuration for Tailwind as an open-source project. While it’s only being used internally, making it Open Source has been a motivating factor to keep the code clean and be thoughtful about how we’re maintaining it. Using GitHub Actions has been key in helping us achieve that goal. In this series of posts, I’ll be covering all the ways we’re putting GitHub Actions to work for us.

In this first post we’ll dive into the configuration for our Verify workflow, which runs our tests and makes sure that all of the code is formatted the right way.

Testing and Linting

The testing and linting jobs are almost identical, so we’ll only go in-depth into the test job. Let’s break down the steps to see what’s going on. Below is the “full” definition for the test job in our verify workflow:

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: "12.x"
    - name: Get yarn cache directory path
      id: yarn-cache-dir-path
      run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)"
    - uses: actions/cache@v1
      id: yarn-cache
        path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }}
        key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
        restore-keys: |
          ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-          
    - run: yarn install
    - run: yarn test

The first few lines are pretty typical for all GitHub Actions:

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1

These state that:

That last one might seem a little obvious, but as we’ll see in later posts within this series, you’ll sometimes want some slightly different behavior!

Node Setup

The next few step gives us a Node environment with yarn installed automatically, which is great for our project that uses yarn.

- uses: actions/setup-node@v1
    node-version: "12.x"

The with key is how we can provide input into an action. It can be thought of like providing arguments to a function call. For the actions/setup-node action, we can provide a specific Node version we want to run against. While the action will work without a specific version, I prefer to provide that value to remove some guesswork about the environment we are running inside.

Yarn Caching

The next few steps came directly from the documentation for actions/cache, the Action provided by GitHub for caching files between jobs. In the example below it is used to prime the environment with the yarn cache from our last test run, so that we can avoid the time to download dependencies where possible. This step is entirely optional, but in my experience has shaved at least 30 seconds off the time to run this job, which in my opinion is worth the few extra lines of configuration!

Since they are a little hard to read, let’s break down exactly what’s happening here:

- name: Get yarn cache directory path
  id: yarn-cache-dir-path
  run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)"
- uses: actions/cache@v1
  id: yarn-cache
    path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }}
    key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
    restore-keys: |
      ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-      

The first step sets up a variable that we’ll use in the second step through the output of the step. Actions can have an output that can be referenced later on in your configuration file. Note the id on that step; it’ll be important later on!

Let’s dive into the syntax of the command being run here:

echo  "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)"

We start off by using echo to print something to STDOUT. GitHub Actions looks for this specific ::set-output syntax to find the output from your actions. This whole mechanism is pretty clever, in my opinion, because it means that anything can set output from an action to pass along for later use; all it needs to do is print that line to the console. name=dir specifies how we’ll reference the output. An Action can have as many different outputs as it would like, so they must be named. In this case, we’re naming it dir. The :: is part of the Actions syntax, and is used as a separator between the name of the output and the value.

The next bit here is a bit of bash-foo: $(yarn cache dir) says to run the yarn cache dir command and interpolate the result into the string that it’s found within. The result here is an Action output called dir whose value is the result of yarn cache dir, the location that yarn is configured to cache anything it has downloaded.

All of that gets us through just the first of the two yarn-caching steps, but the latter is somewhat easier to digest. Here we’re using actions/cache to restore the yarn cache between test runs.

- uses: actions/cache@v1
  id: yarn-cache
    path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }}
    key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
    restore-keys: |
      ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-      

The with key here is how we pass input to a GitHub Action. The actions/cache action takes three inputs that we care about for our usage case.

The actions/cache documentation does a great job of giving a deeper description if you want more information.

There is one last step after the cache configuration that’s important:

- run: yarn install

We need to make sure we actually run the yarn install! This takes the files out of the cache and places them into the correct location in your filesystem, as well as downloading any additional dependencies that were added since the cache was created.

Running the Tests

The last step is actually what we want to run in the first place!

- run: yarn test

With our environment ready for us, we can run our test suite. For this library in particular, that means running ava, a simple-to-use test runner for Node projects. The actual tools matter little, as long as you’re writing tests somehow!

Using Pre-Built Actions

While our previous example had us writing a lot of the logic by hand, there are also pre-built actions that bundle up some helpful behavior for us. One great example of this is Percy, which provides a GitHub Action for creating a visual diff test for each of your Storybook stories. You can find that action here.

The definition of the job is identical to our test job, except that instead of running yarn test, we use the Percy-provided action like so:

- name: Percy Test
  uses: percy/storybook-action@v0.1.1
    storybook-flags: "-s dist"
    PERCY_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PERCY_TOKEN }}

This covers the testing configuration for our project. Keep an eye out for future posts on changelog generation, file size reports and deployment!

15.2.2020 08:07Verifying Changes

Converging on a Condition in QUnit

While writing some acceptance tests recently I kept running into slight race conditions between the state my application and an assertion I wanted to make. For example, one of the tests looked something like this:

test("creating a comment", async function (assert) {
  assert.equal(Task.comments.messages.length, 5, "Starts with correct number of comments");

  await Task.comments.input.fillIn("A new comment");
  await Task.comments.send();

  assert.equal(Task.comments.message.length, 6, "Adds a new comment");

How does the test know that the right number of messages should be visible at the point that send() resolves?

Thanks to the smart folks that create the test utilities we have available in Ember, the answer is ✨magic ✨ (sort of). The work to render the new message is scheduled into the Run Loop, and send() resolves once the Run Loop is done with any pending work. You often don’t even need to thinking about the fact that there is probably some time between when the message is created and when it appears on the screen.

This, however, wasn’t always working for me. Specifically, it worked locally but often broke when running the tests in CI – the page would not have the new message visible at the point that we tried to check the updated count. How can we make the test more resilient to this kind of failure?

Wait for the condition

Ember ships with a useful helper function called waitUntil. You can give it a function, and it will create a Promise that resolves once your function returns true. We can use it to make sure that the new message is visible before our assertion is run to make the test a little more reliable.

import { waitUntil } from "@ember/test-helpers";

test("creating a comment", async function (assert) {
  assert.equal(Task.comments.messages.length, 5, "Starts with correct number of comments");

  await Task.comments.input.fillIn("A new comment");
  await Task.comments.send();

  await waitUntil(() => Task.comments.length === 6);

  assert.equal(Task.comments.message.length, 6, "Adds a new comment");

If we never get to a point where 6 comments are visible, an error will be thrown by waitUntil and our tests will fail.

Waiting on the condition and then asserting the same condition introduces some repetition that would be nice to avoid, however. How can we clean this up?

Custom QUnit Assertion

Based around the testing approach that The Frontside has talked about on their podcast (and use within their BigTest testing tools), I packaged the assertion and waiter into a single, custom QUnit assertion. It allows you to “converge” on a condition in your tests — it will continue to try your assertion until it is met and fail if the case is never met.

The above test can be revised using it like so:

test("creating a comment", async function (assert) {
  assert.equal(Task.comments.messages.length, 5, "Starts with correct number of comments");

  await Task.comments.input.fillIn("A new comment");
  await Task.comments.send();

  await assert.convergeOn(() => Task.comments.length === 6, "Adds a new comment");

The same effect is achieved, but without the duplication between the waiter and assertion.

If you want to leverage this pattern in your own tests, you can put the following in your tests/test-helper.js file:

import QUnit from "qunit";
import { waitUntil } from "@ember/test-helpers";

QUnit.extend(QUnit.assert, {
  async convergeOn(condition, message) {
    try {
      await waitUntil(condition);

      this.pushResult({ result: true, message });
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.message === "waitUntil timed out") {
        this.pushResult({ result: false, message });
      } else {
        throw e;

Hopefully this pattern helps you write clear, stable tests!

1.3.2019 08:07Converging on a Condition in QUnit

Observables: A Brief Introduction

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about “pull” and “push” with regard to the way functions interact with each other. Imagine two functions, a and b, where a depends on receiving a value from b. The value is pulled if a determines when the value is delivered; it is pushed if b determines the timing.

Combined with the ability to produce either one or more than one value, you get a total of four possible categories:

What fills in the ??? in the statement above? The answer is an Observable. Let’s walk through how to use them by comparing their behavior to promises. If you aren’t comfortable with your knowledge of promises, take a moment to read through the MDN document on using them before reading more of this post.

What is an Observable?

An Observable can be used to represent a stream of values over time. Much like a promise, you don’t know when you will get a value. They can be used any time you want to represent a series of values from a given source. Some common use cases are:

Let’s dig into some details on what an Observable is and how to use them.

How do you interact with an Observable?

Much like a you call then on a promise to receive a value from it, you can call subscribe on an observable to begin receiving values

const subscription = observable.subscribe((value) => {

The act of subscribing to the observable creates a subscription. The callback passed to subscribe is called an observer, and can also take the form of an object. The following example behaves the exact same way as the one above:

const subscription = observable.subscribe({
  next: (value) => {

Unlike a promise, where your handler is called at most one time, the next callback is invoked for each value that the observable produces.

Since we do not know how many values we will receive or when we will receive them, we may run into a case where we need to signal that we are no longer interested. The subscription allows us to unsubscribe when we no longer want to receive values

const subscription = observable.subscribe((value) => {

// Some time later...

Once you’ve called unsubscribe, your handler function will no longer be run.

Handling Completion and Errors

When dealing with a promise, you can react to an error occurring as well as a value being produced. Similarly, you can also react to errors from an observable.

const subscription = observable.subscribe({
  next: value => {
  error: error => {

While an observable can represent an infinite source of values, it is possible that no more will be produced. In that case, they can signal that they are “complete”.

const subscription = observable.subscribe({
  next: (value) => {
  complete: () => {
    console.log("Done producing values!");

Further Reading

There is more to know about observables, but this is enough to get started. Below are some resources for learning more

Coming soon from me: using observables in Ember.js!

27.1.2019 23:52Observables: A Brief Introduction

Generate an Ember app with the Module Unification layout

Today at EmberConf, Matthew Beale spoke about the new Module Unification directory layout that will be coming to Ember in the near future. If you want to try it out now, you can install the canary version of the Ember CLI and generate a new application.

Thanks to npx, you can do this with a single command:

MODULE_UNIFICATION=true npx ember-cli/ember-cli new __name_of_app__

This avoids needing to globally install the canary version of the Ember CLI but still gives you access to the bleeding-edge features.

Protip: If you want to use yarn, throw --yarn on the end of that command.

13.3.2018 23:06Generate an Ember app with the Module Unification layout

Generate Integration test data with Mirage

If you have an Ember component that requires an Ember Data model as an attribute, you might want to use Mirage to generate the models in the right shape. Thankfully, you can access Ember Data in your test to generate the data, then pass that into the component to test it.

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import setupMirage from 'my-app/tests/helpers/setup-mirage';
import { find, render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { run } from '@ember/runloop';

module('Integration | Components | render-post', function(hooks) {

  hooks.beforeEach(function() { = this.owner.lookup('service:store');

  test('it renders a blog post', async function(assert) {
    const post = this.server.create('post', {
      name: 'Generate Integration test data with Mirage'

    await run(async () => {
      this.set('post', await'post',;

    await render(hbs`{{render-post post}}`);

    const title = await find('h1');
    assert.equal(title.textContent,, 'Rendered the title');

Note: For the setupMirage definition, see my previous blog post about the new QUnit API.

25.2.2018 00:11Generate Integration test data with Mirage

Upgrading an Ember app to the new QUnit API

I recently upgraded a large Ember app to the new API and ran into a few problems along the way. Here’s a few tips for making your transition smoother than mine was.

Update your dependencies

To start off, update to the latest ember-cli-qunit

yarn ember install ember-cli-qunit

Additionally, ember-test-helpers can be removed from your dependencies if you have it listed there, since ember-cli-qunit will bring in ember-qunit, which in turn will bring in the new version of that package, @ember/test-helpers.

yarn remove ember-test-helpers

Migrating the test syntax

Thankfully, there’s an excellent codemod that can look at your tests and convert them to the new syntax. It’s not the only thing that you’ll need to do, but it does get you pretty far.

You can find the repository here, but for a quick one-liner, you can run it like this:

npx jscodeshift -t ./tests/

Updating your test helpers

The tests/helpers/start-app.js and tests/helpers/destory-app.js helpers are no longer used with the new testing API, and the means for creating your application instance has changed as well. If you did any setup of your test environment in start-app.js, you should move that code to tests/test-helper.js. Both of those files can be deleted.

Additionally, you need to call the new setApplication function provided by @ember/test-helpers in your tests/test-helper.js file. Check out the ember-new-output repo for an example of what the file should look like after the change.

Finally, you’ll need to ensure that your application doesn’t start immediately but instead boots when your tests say so. You can configure this in your config/environment.js file like so:

"use strict";

module.exports = function (environment) {
  // ...

  if (environment === "test") {
    // Ensure app doesn't automatically start
    ENV.APP.autoboot = false;

  return ENV;

Handling ember-cli-page-objects

If you use use ember-cli-page-objects, the latest beta release allows it to work with the new @ember/test-helpers changes. This is necessary because the test helpers that used to be injected into the global scope are now imported explicitly. Upgrade to at least version 1.15.0.beta.1 and everything should “just work” (although you may start getting deprecation warnings about a change to the collections API, as I did. I took this opportunity to fix those issues while I was updating everything else.

Making ember-cli-mirage explicit

Tests in the new style won’t automatically start the Mirage server and set up the global server reference (which is probably a good thing!). After updating to Mirage 0.4.2 or later, you explicitly import a helper and pass in the hooks, much like the way you set up an Acceptance or Integration test:

import { module, test } from "qunit";
import { setupApplicationTest } from "ember-qunit";
import setupMirage from "ember-cli-mirage/test-support/setup-mirage";
import { currentRouteName, visit } from "@ember/test-helpers";

module("Acceptance | Projects | Show", function (hooks) {

  test("visiting a project", async function (assert) {
    const project = this.server.create("project");

    await visit(`/project/${}`);

    assert.equal(currentRouteName(), "project");

An added benefit is that setupMirage works in any kind of test, not just Acceptance tests, making Mirage usage more consistent. For more information, check out the 0.4.2 release notes.

Other Improvements

Here’s a few other things that, while not necessary, are good improvement to make to spruce up your tests

Avoiding jQuery in tests

The new @ember/test-helpers provides a great set of jQuery-less test helpers for interacting with the DOM. As Ember moves toward removing jQuery as a dependency, you might want to migrate to these new helpers. Thankfully, there is a codemod that you can find here that transforms test code like this:


Into code like this (which doesn’t require jQuery)

import { click } from "@ember/test-helpers";

await click(".foo");

I hope this was useful guide. If you have any tips of your own or want suggestions on improvements, get in touch!

21.2.2018 10:10Upgrading an Ember app to the new QUnit API

Checking Differences Between Commits in Github

Changes are you use some dependencies that have their source code hosted on Github. It’s useful to be able to check the differences between two commits to see what has changed, especially when determining what breaking changes there might be between two releases. git of course has this functionality, but accessing it through the Github UI is much more convenient. I couldn’t find a nice way to access this feature, though, so I started to do a little digging.

It turns out that it’s actually really easy to create the URL for viewing the differences yourself. For any given project, you can go to the URL that looks like:

to see all of the changes between those two commits. So for example, you could go here:…99b062

to view the most recent change to this blog (at the time of writing).

This works with any commit identier, including branch names and tags (which is great for comparing releases). So, you could go here:…master

to view all of the changes between the most recent commit and the current published version.

20.12.2017 08:07Checking Differences Between Commits in Github

Maintaining aspect ratio in CSS

I had to use a bit of a hack this week to ensure that a box always appeared at a 1:1 aspect ratio. Basically, by doing something like:

.box {
  width: 100%;
  padding-top: 100%;

You can force something to display with the same height and width, since the padding percentage is relative to the width.

However, this is not true of flex children, which this box happened to be. Chrome rendered just fine, but FireFox had different behavior, as documented here (the FireFox behavior might actually be more correct, I have no idea). Flex childrens’ percentage-padding is relative to the flex-parent.

19.7.2017 23:00Maintaining aspect ratio in CSS

Writing JS in Vim

This post was originally published on Medium. You can view that here.

These days, the experience of writing JavaScript is influenced as much by the tools used during development as those used at runtime. Projects exist that can drastically improve your code quality, from basic help like spotting typos to adding full-blown type checking to a dynamically typed language. As great as these tools are on their own, they’re made even more useful when they can be brought directly into your editor. This has given rise to tools like Visual Studio Code with native support for these features. But what is a Vim junky to do?

This post will cover my setup for bringing three core IDE features into Vim:

  1. Linting through ESLint
  2. Code formatting through Prettier
  3. Autocomplete

A few notes on setting up Vim

I personally use Neovim instead of “regular” Vim. If you’re using “regular” Vim, your mileage with these suggestions may vary as some of the plugin features may only be available in Neovim. I highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t already.

This post will mostly cover plugins for Vim; if you’re not familiar with the concept, this gist covers it really well. If you need a TL;DR I highly recommend vim-plug, which is what I use.

Linting in Vim

In general, a linter is a tool that can look at your code and report potential errors without having to run the code. The most popular linter for JavaScript these days is by far ESLint; it has support for modern JS features (including JSX) and is easily extended with additional rules and features.

If you’re not working with ESLint already, getting it installed takes just a few steps (to be run from within an existing JavaScript project):

yarn add -D eslint
yarn eslint -- --init

# Or, if you're using npm

npm install -D eslint
./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init

Installing ESLint into a project through Yarn (or npm)This will install ESLint as a “development dependency” of your project. The initialization will ask how you want to set up your project. This will change based on the specific project you’re working on. If you’re not sure, I suggest trying out one of the popular suggested configurations.

There are many Vim plugins for running linters but the best experience I’ve had comes from using Ale. It has some really neat features that set it apart from other solutions, such as running linters asynchronously to avoid locking up the editor and checking your file as you type without needing to save.

With the plugin installed through your method of choice, you’re on your way to a great linting experience in Vim. It supports ESLint out of the box and should start working without any additional configuration. If you open a file in your JS project that has a linting error, you’ll end up with an experience like this:

Errors appear as I type. At the end, they all end up in the Location List, making them easy to jump between.

Notice the annotations next to erroneous lines, the hint about errors on the current line at the bottom of the screen, and the total number of errors in the bottom-right-hand corner.

Auto-Format through ESLint and Prettier

With powerful tools like ESLint available for checking code style, decisions around the right way to configure them often arise. Coding style is very personal and these discussions, as basic as they may seem, can cause undue tension between team members. This has given rise to tools like Prettier, which aim to reduce this friction by taking an extremely opinionated stance on code style. Ideally, a few keystrokes in your editor render your file perfectly formatted.

Since we’re already working with ESLint, which has its own methods for fixing code (including changes beyond what Prettier would make), we’re going to take a two-step approach to fixing code in Vim:

  1. Configure ESLint to run Prettier automatically
  2. Configure Vim to fix files through ESLint

This will allow Vim to report errors from ESLint and Prettier, and fix both at the same time.

Prettier through ESLint

The first step is to get ESLint reporting about Prettier errors. There is a plugin/configuration pair provided by the Prettier project that allow us to do just that.

To install, run the following:

yarn add -D prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier

# Or, if you're using npm

npm install -D prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier

Then, update your ESLint configuration to look something like the following (it’s in the root of your project, in case you can’t find it):

  “extends”: [
  “plugins”: [
  “rules”: {
    “prettier/prettier”: “error”

Now, running ESLint will report issues from ESLint and Prettier, and fixing ESLint errors will fix Prettier ones too.

ESLint through Vim

The setup for running ESLint’s fixer from within Vim is actually pretty simple, thanks to the ale plugin that we installed earlier. Not only can it report errors, but it can run fixers too! Add the following to your Vim configuration:

let g:ale_fixers = {
  \ ‘javascript’: [‘eslint’]
  \ }

Now, running :ALEFix while editing a JS file will run the fixer on the buffer’s content and write the corrected content back to the buffer. You should see all of the fixable errors automatically go away, leaving you to fix the rest yourself (or save the file and continue working).

If you want to make this a bit easier for yourself, I’d recommend adding a shortcut to run :ALEFix. You can add something like the following to your Vim configuration file

nmap <leader>d <Plug>(ale_fix)

To let <leader>d fix the current file. For me, that means a quick SPACE-d before saving makes sure that everything looks good, but that will depend on what your leader key is.

Running ALEFix fixes all of the formatting errors automatically. The unused variable is still warned about.]


The last piece to a modern JS environment is a good autocomplete experience. Vim comes with some basic functionality through omnicomplete right out of the box, but with tools like TypeScript and Flow, we can get better integration than that.

My go-to plugin for a richer autocomplete experience is deoplete. Deoplete provides an framework for providing autocomplete data to Vim. Some recommended companion plugins are:

Flow provides suggestions on methods and properties as I type

While Vim is certainly usable without this kind of integration, it can be a huge help in preventing runtime errors.

I hope you’ve found these resources useful. For more information on my personal configuration, you can check out my dotfiles or chat with me on Twitter.

21.6.2017 08:07Writing JS in Vim

Finding an Old Commit

If you end up in a situation where you want to grab an old commit (from some other branch, even) but don’t know the commit hash, you want to access the reflog. It allows you to access old commits easily:

git reflog | head -200 | grep TMP

Will show info on all the commits within the last 200 that has a message containing TMP. This is really useful if you’re using some temporary hack that you want to apply/remove repeatedly without keeping it in a branch.

18.10.2016 21:30Finding an Old Commit

Fixing $PATH changes in tmux

I noticed that my $PATH was being set differently between tmux and a regular shell. Specifically, without tmux my Ruby installation from asdf would override the default one but in tmux it would not.

Eventually, I was tipped off by this blog post that the issue might be my /etc/zprofile file, and that was indeed the case; changing the code to this fixed it for me:

if [ -x /usr/libexec/path_helper ]; then
	eval `/usr/libexec/path_helper -s`

Now, the directories that I want on the front of $PATH are consistently placed there.

18.10.2016 21:00Fixing $PATH changes in tmux


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