Defender of freedom / traveller / daydreamer / empathic / free thought. all CC BY-NC-SA
Tags: daydreamer defender empathic traveller
Tant qu’il y a de la lumière, nous sommes en vie.
As long as there is light, we are alive.
Le lourd silence, sous nos pieds, il n’y a plus rien. Ne pas oublier !
The heavy silence, under our feet, there is nothing left. Don't forget!
Fleury-devant-Douaumont - village destroyed because of the First World War.
Childhood memory, I'm walking !
Some necessary break.
Holidays atmosphere.
Jungle urbaine
Urban jungle
Far from home and anxiety
Water, precious power …
Je ne perds pas mon temps je réfléchi.
I'm not wasting my time, I'm thinking.
La vie telle une fenêtre qui s’ouvre, un jour se refermera.
Life like a window that opens, one day will close.