Computer witch, Infosec Miko, Server maid. Basically a construct given emotions she can't handle. Very shy, awkward, and heavily armoured. Failed at applying the "being a functioning adult" patch, stuck in my chūnibyō phase. Half-queen, half-computer, so don't let me make a management decision. A miserable pile of contradictions. Interested in almost everything and to discuss anything. (ADHD Infodump warning) I need to know all the things and do all the things. Powered by 100% free software. Always on verge of tech burnout. (Why did most humans have to make computers terrible ?!) Might be addicted to the [url=]#yuri[/url] genre. Also was/is a furry, even if I do not interact much with the fandom nowadays. [url=]#anime[/url] [url=]#history[/url] [url=]#cats[/url] [url=]#nature[/url] [url=]#cybersecurity[/url] [url=]#SoftwareFreedom[/url] [url=]#privacy[/url] [url=]#OpenSource[/url] [url=]#OpenHardware[/url] [url=]#nobot[/url] [url=]#noindex[/url] [url=]#nobridge[/url] Follow requests are ok. (I will probably accept the request after a vibe check) I do not post much, partly because I am basically invisible. My posts are auto-deleted after a while. I sometimes favorite my own posts to prevent this. CW could be missing for boosts. Also, I might boost or post silly stuff! She / Her 🏳️🌈
Tags: anime cats cybersecurity history nature nobot nobridge noindex openhardware opensource privacy softwarefreedom yuri