Software engineer, pretend musician, occasionally a pretend photographer. Find me elsewhere at [url=][/url] Currently obsessed with a child's toy thermal-printing camera. Old (very old) photo links: * [url=][/url]* [url=][/url]* [url=][/url]
Tags: currently elsewhere engineer keefmarshall mastodon musician obsessed occasionally photographer printing software
The reflected building doubles up as the outside of the fictional "Whitstable Pearl" restaurant in the TV show.
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY
Whitstable Castle?! Yes, Whitstable has a "castle". Of sorts. Although technically it's in Tankerton. Mostly built by an overly-rich bloke called Wynn Ellis for his mistress to live in while his wife stayed in London. Thankfully now owned by the local council, with public access to the gardens and a nice cafe in the orangery.
This technique doesn't work quite so well for images with a lot of detail but I think there's still something in this one.
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY
... and these are the steps down from the previous picture.
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY
The edge of a shelter at the top of the slopes, and a path leading down to the beach.
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY
The ruined church at Reculver. Once used as a landmark for shipping navigation, these ruins sit within a far older Roman fort, half of which has been lost to the sea. You'll probably see more pics of this spot from me, as it's one of my favourite places.
If you look closely there are birds in this picture - a flock of pigeons near the towers, and a cormorant on the marker post at the end of the spit.
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY
Cannon. Not sure where these came from - there's two of them up there on the slopes above the beach.
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY
The industrial side of the harbour.
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY
You don't see many of these any more - it even looks intact!
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY
I love the high dynamic range you can get with this technique - in a "normal" photo the huts would be black silhouettes with no detail. This shot isn't perfect, but the sunburst through the clouds only lasted a few seconds so I had no chance to retry.
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY
Turner Contemporary art gallery.
Taken with a toy camera which has an integrated thermal printer, printed and scanned back in with an Epson V500. Light retouching with Affinity Photo (levels only).
Licence: CC-BY