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Dane and Iowa County ARES and RACES

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Chicago Marathon 2025

This year the Chicago Marathon will be on October 12, 2025. We are looking for a new coordinator to gather the troops to support the event. If you are interested in coordinating the volunteers (it is a small enough group to fit in one car), drop a note to

6.3.2025 01:52Chicago Marathon 2025

Trek 100 – 2025

Trek 100 will be held on June 7, 2025. This ride starts and finishes at TREK Bicycle Corporation Corporate Headquarters, Waterloo, Wisconsin. If you can help with Communications, SAG, Pick up vehicle, sweep radio vehicle, shadow operator and other positions on that day please send an email to John,

6.3.2025 01:44Trek 100 – 2025

Horribly Hilly Hundreds 2025

HHH will be on June 14, 2025. There are opportunities for SAG vehicles, Net Control, Rest Stops and more. This year we are also looking for a new coordinator to wrangle radio volunteers. If you are interested in taking on the role of communications volunteers drop a note to the Dane ARES EC at reading "Horribly Hilly Hundreds 2025"

6.3.2025 01:34Horribly Hilly Hundreds 2025

Dane/Iowa ARES/RACES In-Person Meeting Feb 26

We are meeting in person this week at the Dane County EOC for our monthly in-person meeting. Tom Kucharski, W9TJK, who coordinates Amateur Radio volunteer communicators for the National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan (, WI under whose umbrella we reside, will join us to describe how they work with counties in our area. When reviewing theContinue reading "Dane/Iowa ARES/RACES In-Person Meeting Feb 26"

24.2.2025 16:46Dane/Iowa ARES/RACES In-Person Meeting Feb 26

Dark Skies Severe Weather Seminar – 2025

The Dark Skies Severe Weather Seminar sponsored by the Midwest Severe Storm Tracking/Response Center will be held this year on March 8, 2025 from 0900 CST to 1530 CST at Madison College, 1701 Wright Street, Madison, WI, Room D1630. It looks to be an interesting program including Alex Harington – Chief Meteorologist, WISC Channel3000, someContinue reading "Dark Skies Severe Weather Seminar – 2025"

11.2.2025 19:00Dark Skies Severe Weather Seminar – 2025


This one is just for fun. If you are committee to Wordle you will love this. Each week a new word is chosen. Once you submit your guess on the quarter-hour you will receive your result and you can guess again. See the URL for instructions and scoreboard. To: HAMWORD Subject: Anything you want Body:Continue reading "Hamword"

6.2.2025 16:38Hamword

Florida Winlink Net

Name: Florida Winlink Net To: All information at: W4AKH.NET URL for more information: W4AKH.NET Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: Runs 24/7, but Tuesday 0900 ET is the break-point for the ‘next week’ Additional Notes: All information at: W4AKH.NETRuns 24/7, but Tuesday 0900 ET is the break-point for the ‘next week’They encourage battery or solarContinue reading "Florida Winlink Net"

6.2.2025 16:32Florida Winlink Net

AMLEGNELCO Post 42 Winlink Net

Name: AMLEGNELCO Post 42 Winlink Net To: AMLEGNELCO Subject: AMLEG Post 42 Winlink Check-In (or the subject line generated by the Form) Body: Call Sign, Name, City, County, State or Country (2 Letter abbrev), Band and Mode (See the instructions in the URL) URL for more information: Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: 0001Continue reading "AMLEGNELCO Post 42 Winlink Net"

6.2.2025 16:29AMLEGNELCO Post 42 Winlink Net

Winlink Wednesday

Name: Winlink Wednesday To: KN4LQN Subject: Winlink Wednesday Check-In Body: call sign, first name, city or town, county, state (HF or VHF, etc.) URL for more information: Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: Wednesdays 0000 to 2359ET Additional Notes: Be sure to check the above URL or the reminder notice you will get eachContinue reading "Winlink Wednesday"

6.2.2025 16:12Winlink Wednesday

OH Winlink Net

Name: OH Winlink Net Reminder To: K8EAF Subject: OH Winlink Net Check-in Body: callsign, first name, city, county, state and via what mode/band (VHF, UHF, HF, SHF, TELNET, APRS, AREDN, ARDOP, VARA, VARA FM) Day(s)/Time of Week to check in: You can check-in anytime day or night between Monday and Thursday of each week AdditionalContinue reading "OH Winlink Net"

1.2.2025 02:59OH Winlink Net

Comment on January 2024 Monthly Meeting by No Net Meeting on Jan 24 – Dane and Iowa County ARES and RACES

[…] (and online) on January 24 at the New Dane County EOC (for more information look at this post: therefore there is no Net Meeting this week on Jan 24. If you can’t join us at the EOC and […]

24.1.2024 02:35Comment on January 2024 Monthly Meeting by No Net Meeting on Jan 24 – Dane and Iowa County ARES and RACES

Comment on Current weather forecast through email/winlink by Jeff Fillian

<a href="" rel="ugc">@KB9ORN</a> Ooops. I got the state directory wrong. Instead of cd md (for Maryland) it needs to be cd wi (For Wisconsin)

14.10.2023 21:12Comment on Current weather forecast through email/winlink by Jeff Fillian

Comment on Setting Up Outside Show and Tell by Joe N9TWA

I have a hard hat. Never throught to bring it. I have steel toe boots too which might come in handy. I do have a large amount of equipment to bring, but it often gets trimmed to meet the needs of my role. A list of what to bring for different assignments would be good. I forgot to mention that I also have a pair of FRS radios. Store batteries in a baggie with the light/radio etc., with all of it in a second baggie. This will protect the equipment if the batteries leak. Might come in handy when working with non-hams.

5.9.2023 02:45Comment on Setting Up Outside Show and Tell by Joe N9TWA

Comment on Setting Up Outside Show and Tell by Thomas Pugh W9TDP

Look for Public Safety Library in either the Apple App Store or the Android App Store. From the Library, I have downloaded, 'Wisconsin Interoperable Communications Field Operations Guide', 'National Interoperability Field Operations Guide', and 'Auxillary Communications Field Operations Guide'. aka WI eFOG, eNIFOG, and eAUXFOG. Open each one while you have WiFi access; the files will download and you will have them when you need them in the field.

2.9.2023 18:43Comment on Setting Up Outside Show and Tell by Thomas Pugh W9TDP

Comment on Setting Up Outside Show and Tell by KC9UNZ

Here's my take aways: Put a Hard Hat in my go kit. Make a list of stuff to take with me... I can't set aside stuff just for deployment so I found I forgot obvious stuff for our evening I need to create a go kit list Deployment manuals can be found by installing the Public Safety Library app on Iphone or android. (More on this later) Bring a camp chair WEM Go-Kits can be requested through the county EOC. Everyone should create a Winlink Account. There are two parts to Winlink. You can create an account and install the software and use WinLink WITHOUT a radio. Create an account and get familiar with the software. Once you get that down, then wrestle with doing RF winlink (because wrestle you will!)

2.9.2023 16:46Comment on Setting Up Outside Show and Tell by KC9UNZ


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