Hello and welcome to my website. My name is Jon Sun Tan and I am a sound/energy healer. Although, I do wish to qualify this title by stating that “healer” is quite misleading, for it is the intelligence of the recipient’s own body that does the actual healing. As a “healer” I act merely as…
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Greek god Hermes. Roman god Mercury. Egyptian deity Thoth. Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice great one. The messenger of æther. The creative force of Kundalini and god of fertility. The protector of travelers, merchants and alchemists on the yellow brick road of our wandering vagus nerve. Our great teacher of lucky magical manifestation and holder of […]
21.2.2025 19:46Thoth (The Wizard Of Oz)In the beginning was the word and the word was of GOD and that word was LOVE. And so LOVE is the You•niverse of harmonious oneness. And the frequency of LOVE creates the sound of LOVE that propagates through the æther; a genderless medium giving rise to the polarity of two genders. A polarity of […]
7.2.2025 20:32And The Gods Breathe ÆtherOur mind is our aura; the entirety of the electrical system held within our aura’s membrane (including our thoughts and emotions). Our mind has 2 primary crystal antennas that communicate with our oscillating heart generator (the center of our mind). They are our liquid mind of structured EZ water, that runs intracellularly throughout our fascia […]
25.1.2025 20:49Evolving To CrystallineShamanism is a spiritual practice that involves a practitioner interacting with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness. Cacao is used in shamanic ritual and affects our cultivation of endogenous D M T (E-DMT) on many levels. Chocolate can be acidifying to our body, thus lowering its vitality (voltage). Raw cacao, however, is high […]
7.1.2025 17:28Psychedelic CacaoAll dis•ease, that manifests in our physical body, is rooted in our subtle bodies (emotional, astral, mental and spiritual) and the lessons they teach; lessons of connection to Nature (Spirit) and GOD (Love). Our bodies are electric. Our brain fires synapses. Our spine, skeletal system and pineal gland are piezoelectric. Our nervous system is electric. […]
15.11.2024 20:05Shadow-work 3 6 9Æther is the message of the medium for light. A paradoxical love that reveals mind’s dream of polarity. The dream of below is an electric You•inverse of polarity; our collective dream of division. Our fractal ego, a Sun of God, may only exist in this below that is sometimes referred to as “hell”. Ego is […]
1.11.2024 19:39The Paradox Of FreewillThe eternal vibration of æther is an implicate order of 3 6 9 that manifests as a torus. And so, this toroidal frequency gives rise to magnetism (gravity). Magnetism then gives rise to electrical current of positive and negative charge. And so, in this below, is manifested an electric You•inverse of polarity, where Spirit spirals […]
7.10.2024 18:43The Implicate Order of 3 6 9DMT stands for Dimethyltryptamine. It is the most powerful psychedelic known in the You•inverse. N,N-DMT is known as “The Spirit Molecule”. 5-MEO-DMT is sometimes referred to as “The God Molecule”. N,N-DMT is more closely associated with visuals of intense color and geometry, while 5-MEO-DMT is often described as entering the void of pure potential where […]
1.10.2024 23:58E-DMT, THE ÆTHER MOLECULEThrough the controlled cooperation between chemicals of our nervous and endocrine systems, our neurotransmitters and hormones work together to produce the emotions felt by our avatar’s aura AKA mind. Electric thoughts are not emotions and nor do they cause emotions directly. Instead, these thoughts first affect the internal state of our body, that then change […]
26.9.2024 20:42Love Is The DrugAyahuasca is a hallucinogen commonly made through the prolonged decoction of the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub and the stems of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and . Normally DMT would be degraded by a monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme in the liver when ingested orally. However, ayahuasca allows the DMT, from the Psychotria viridis shrub, […]
18.9.2024 17:52The Healthy Psychedelic MindFasting turns our body away from the material and carnal, allowing for higher states of consciousness. The metabolic stages of fasting include: ketosis, autophagy and apoptosis. Each of these three molecular processes work to ensure cellular homeostasis. Fasting is an ætheric lifestyle practice that corresponds to the fire element and solar plexus chakra. It is […]
4.9.2024 20:48The Fast Track To God<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>very well written and informative thank you.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
28.8.2024 17:41Comment on 10 Spiritual Truths To Help Comfort Us Through The Dark Night Of Our Soul by AmandaSpiritual alchemy is the science of ascension. As we begin to innerstand that which bridges the within and without, we then begin to reactivate our innate spiritual abilities and to experience Heaven on Earth via a heart of gold. “(Jacob) dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the Earth, and the top of it […]
24.8.2024 19:13Secret Of The Perfect LightFor a moment, imagine if you will, Eden, where Eve represents the divine feminine, Adam the divine masculine, the serpent our creative life-force of Kundalini and an apple the perfect material food; offering itself up willingly in order to procreate here upon Earth. Now imagine the luminiferous oneness of the æther. As we travel back […]
18.7.2024 18:18The Frequency Of FoodAccording to Greek poet Hesiod, cyclops’ birth is the result of the primordial union between Gaia (Earth) and Ouranos (Sky). *** *** *** Although, the pineal gland is structured similarly to an eye in many respects, it is the third CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) ventricle, supported by the massa intermedia, that primarily compose the third […]
2.7.2024 21:13In•sight Of The CyclopsShamanismA spiritual practice that involves a practitioner interacting with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness. EndogenousGrowing or originating from within an organism. DMT (dimethyltryptamine)The most powerful psychedelic known. Also referred to as “the Spirit molecule” and “the GOD molecule”. E-DMT (endogenous dimethyltryptamine)Through our production of E-DMT, gamma waves are produced by our brain […]
19.6.2024 17:41E-DMT 369All dis•ease, that manifests in our physical body, is rooted in our subtle bodies (emotional, astral, etc.) and the lessons they teach. Lessons of connection to Nature (Spirit/Æther) and GOD (love). And should we choose to ignore these lessons, in this game of experiences we find our selfs, the voltage (vitality) of our avatar’s aura […]
15.6.2024 19:17The Spiritual Heath JourneyOur bodies are electric. Our brain fires synapses. Our spine, skeletal system and pineal gland are piezoelectric. Our nervous system is electric. Our heart is an oscillator. Our interstitial structured water, or liquid crystal, is charge separated. The term aura refers to our body’s electrical system in its entirety– both the electrical current that runs […]
4.6.2024 22:16Our Liquid Mind<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>the breathe is less frequent in the state of Love…1 or 2 breaths per minute and it is very easy n natural …it is very spacious and the space between breaths deeply meditative - found in profound deep waters n soaring heights - that breathe is the most natural breath that is the core of unity - the absence of limitations fears doubts projections and negative beLIEfs -</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>the breathe of the Cosmic Mother - The breathe is the state of play with the Creator - haha I see that cigarettes are numbing my breath and the Creator gives me free will to avoid feeling because the avoidance and the denial of feeling keep me from the whirlpool of insanity while I ground the high frequencies into a lower vibrational realms - thank you for facilitating my healing Love</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
2.6.2024 18:10Comment on Breathe In The Æther by Euphoria MoonĀnāpānasati is an ancient form of meditation that translates to “mindfulness of breathing”. Breathwork is an ætheric lifestyle practice that corresponds to the air element, the heart chakra and the spiritual ability of clairsentience; the extrasensory perception of clear feeling. Air element’s movement disperses and integrates our innerstanding of love. This love is felt in […]
29.5.2024 19:19Breathe In The ÆtherKarkinoma is a dis•ease of disconnection from Nature (Spirit). Karkinoma is the eventual outcome of mitochondrial dysfunction that impairs metabolism (autophagy/apoptosis) and causes dehydration at the cellular level. The cure for karkinoma is free. When our mitochondria are not producing structured water, with a charged exclusion zone, our body has low vitality (voltage); the communication […]
22.5.2024 19:15Crab Dis•ease ProtocolOur Uni•verse is reciprocal. Above and below. Within and without. A You•niverse of oneness and its reciprocal You•inverse; that of polarity. The eternal now moving through space and its reciprocal dream of space moving through linear time. A combined six dimensions. Four dimensional time-space being three dimensions of time and one dimension of space. An […]
16.5.2024 23:29The You•inverse Is ElectricEach night we create a world of dreams by using our imagination; a world of subconscious and symbolic reflection of one’s self. Although, many of us subconsciously dream in an unconscious state and forget our dreams completely. Yet, through the cultivation of Kundalini (mastery over ego), we are able to naturally increase our production of […]
13.5.2024 17:03The Art Of DyingIn the symbolic dream we may examine the back of our head. And so too do the 7 Essene Mirrors show us, through external events and relationships, who we truly are in the moment. And each mirrors shall become less opaque (a cause for suffering) should we choose to ignore the reflection of self it […]
8.5.2024 17:04I’ll Be Your MirrorA ladder of 33 vertebrae that appears in a desert within a dream and the ladder is the dream revealed. “(Jacob) dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” ~ Genesis 28:10–19 Cosmic energy […]
1.5.2024 17:47A Kiss From The Lips Of RaIn the early 1800s Thomas Young’s famous double-slit experiment demonstrated that consciousness is the substrate of all matter; the logical conclusion being, that we live in a holographic dream to which all is mind. Our ego (avatar) allows us to play The Game Of Experiences within this physical below; a dream of polarity where space […]
21.4.2024 21:38Dream Of The Fountain Of YouthSexual energy is the strongest creative force of our You•inverse; where the third density of space-time is defined by polarity and all things contained therein exhibit principles of gender. White tantra is the magical transmutation of this beautiful life-giving force. As our sexual energy builds and builds, we may choose to wastefully spill it, dangerously […]
16.4.2024 15:54Sun, Moon & SexA breatharian seeks en•lighten•ment through the cultivation of lifeforce energy. This energy is cultivated through a direct communion with Nature (Spirit). Lifeforce (creative force) energy has many names, yet each is nuanced in their meaning. They range from the traditional, to the esoteric, to the newly coined names for æther, created by the very science-without-Spirit […]
7.4.2024 17:10Breatharianism Is Not FastingAlchemy is the relationship between our consciousness and matter and has much more to do with our manifestation of artistic expression, than metallurgy; the transmutation of base metals into gold. In the Game Of Experiences (a dream within a dream), consciousness is the substrate of all matter, where all is mind. The You•inverse experiencing life […]
3.4.2024 17:35Love Over GoldWhen we fast, meditate and practice White Tantra according to Moon’s cycles (in alignment with our Sun sign) our sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight or freeze) becomes engaged to release unwasted Kundalini energy (electricity) up our spine and to produce nitric oxide via our Coccygeal Body. This is known as The Great Regeneration, The Sacred […]
18.3.2024 23:29The Fire Of KundaliniCancer is a dis•ease of disconnection from Nature (Spirit). The cure for cancer is free. Cancer is the eventual outcome of mitochondrial dysfunction that impairs metabolism (autophagy/apoptosis) and causes dehydration at the cellular level. When our mitochondria are not producing structured water, with a charged exclusion zone, our body has low vitality (voltage); the communication […]
5.3.2024 20:45Free Cancer ProtocolDuring the embryonic stage of life our blood flow rate is demonstrably higher than our developing heart is capable of. Red blood cells are much bigger than the capillaries they must fit through during circulation. Thus, our blood pressure would need to be orders of magnitude higher in order to push these cells through. At […]
25.2.2024 22:56Blood Pumps The HeartThe You•niverse is reciprocal; one of time-space (ætheric sound) and conversely of space-time (physical light). The within and without. The ætheric realm is of hyperdimensional oneness consciousness, driven by vibration and torsion. The source. The All. The physical realm, driven by egoic consciousness and light (electricity), is a fragmented holograph. It is best described by […]
22.2.2024 18:30The Firmament & The WombWithin the dualistic 3rd density, the You•niverse is charged polarity, where matter is paired gender; masculine and feminine; electricity and magnetism; thought and emotion. Everything vibrates and all vibration gives rise to sound. The electromagnetic spectrum is made up of waves that vibrate at a continuum of frequencies. Our ears perceive audible sound via air. […]
30.1.2024 20:05Sound Is LightAscension brings with it a transmutation of our entangled liquid crystalline structure. When we connect to Spirit, our mitochondria operate optimally. This ensures that deuterium-depleted water is produced at the 4th step of the electron transport chain. Combined with oxygen and infrared, structured EZ (exclusion zone) water is produced that surrounds each and every biomolecule […]
20.1.2024 21:02The Mechanics Of Ascension1 Heal the world by healing one’s self, for we are all one with Nature. 2 Our body is our teacher. We follow our light to the love to find the stairway to Heaven has 33 vertebrate; health and spirituality are inseparable and are realized only through reverence for our Earthly mother. 3 Knowledge of […]
11.1.2024 20:047 Laws Of Heaven On EarthThe Essenes were not solely a communal Jewish sect. They were a melting pot of culture and race (Jewish, Indian, Iranian, Egyptian, etc.) John the Baptist, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene were Essenes. The Essenes respected their Earthly Mother for they knew, when honored, she would protect her children from all manner of dis•ease. The Essenes […]
20.12.2023 18:45Who are the Essenes?When we fast, meditate and practice white tantra according to Moon’s cycles (in alignment with our birth sign), our sympathetic nervous system becomes engaged to release unwasted Kundalini energy up our spine. Here, gamma brain waves and DMT are produced by our brain and so our inner world becomes more real than our outer world. […]
23.9.2023 19:37The Fire Of KundaliniThe pentagram is a hermetic symbol that descibes the 5 elements where the uppermost point represents the 5th element of aether (connection to Spirit) or Spirit itself. Inverted Spirit, denoted by the inverted pentagram, is the true meaning of Satanism. A disconnection from Nature. De-evolution. Synthetic evolution unfolding alongside organic evolution in our fractal You•niverse. […]
2.8.2023 17:28Organic Vs Synthetic EvolutionThe alchemical wedding occurs when, through increased nitric oxide production, our feminine lunar seed (pituitary) releases oxytocin and reciprocally decreases vasopressin, thus stimulating our masculine solar seed (pineal) to upgrade melatonin to DMT (dimethyltryptamine – the spirit molecule). In this way nitric oxide, DMT and other biochemicals of enlightenment charge our cerebral spinal fluid in […]
18.6.2023 20:52The Alchemical WeddingThe Ætheric Lifestyle is a wholistic lifestyle that focuses on well-being through connection to Nature. It is this connection to Spirit that enables us to attain discernment, increased biophotonic density, homeostasis, food freedom and expansion of our consciousness through the reactivation of our innate spiritual abilities. This spiritual alchemy balances the divine masculine and feminine […]
12.4.2023 18:39The Ætheric Lifestyle (correspondence summary)The vagus (or wandering) nerve is the longest cranial nerve in our body and is the backbone to our brain-heart-gut axis. The vagus nerve is responsible for moving our autonomic nervous system between sympathetic mode (fight, flight or freeze) and parasympathetic mode (rest and digest). The brain, heart and gut operate as a whole to […]
28.3.2023 20:19Thoth, The Wizard Of OzNature is Spirit; the intelligence and sophia that moves chaos to coherence within our fractal Universe, where everything is alive. This is why the spiritual journey and health journey are forever and in all ways inseparable. It is through the Aetheric Lifestyle we come to recognize that all dis•ease is rooted in our disconnection from […]
14.3.2023 18:39Origin Of All Dis•ease & The Lie Of Scarcity5.11.2022 22:0710 Spiritual Truths To Help Comfort Us Through The Dark Night Of Our Soul
The primary principle of Aether Element is that of: connection. Aether corresponds to the chakras of throat, third eye and crown. These 3 upper chakras correspond to the spiritual abilities of clairaudience, clairvoyance and divine intuition (polyvoyance) respectively. Aether, or Quintessence, is the animating force and medium, through which Fire, Water, Air and Earth operate. […]
27.10.2022 00:29Aether Element – Lifestyle PracticesFormed from Celestial Niter, Air Element’s primary force is that of: movement. A volatile masculine force that stokes the spark of Fire’s intent as it descends into the womb of Water, to be manifested as Earth (form). Air Element corresponds to our heart chakra that is located at the center of our chest. The spiritual […]
24.10.2022 00:23Air Element – Lifestyle PracticesLove this work!
20.10.2022 03:52Comment on Water Element – Lifestyle Practices by DavidFire element’s primary principle is that of: transformation. A volatile masculine force that resides at the center of all life, just as life-provider Sun resides at the center of our solar system. And so, fire element corresponds to our solar plexus chakra that is located in our stomach area. The spiritual ability of this lower […]
18.10.2022 18:45Fire Element – Lifestyle PracticesThe water element’s primary principle is that of: womb. And so the water element is the womb of creation through which air and fire forces operate, with Earth element as the receptacle for physical manifestation. Here the masculine conscious spark of intent enters the feminine subconscious womb of creation to create reality in our material dualistic […]
6.10.2022 23:19Water Element – Lifestyle PracticesThe Earth element’s primary principle is that of: form. It is associated with our Root chakra that is located at our perineum. The Earth element contains all other elements manifested in the 3-dimentional dualistic world. We connect to this feminine divine by adhering to her cycles, avoiding the artificial (GMO, nnEMFs, etc.), while following the […]
6.10.2022 23:11Earth Element – Lifestyle Practices감사합니다. 사랑합니다.
29.8.2022 19:58Comment on Alchemy of the Aetheric Lifestyle (Part 1) by Vincent YangAetharianism (recap) Aetharianism is a holistic lifestyle that cultivates energy through a direct connection to and reverence for, nature. This spirit/body connection awakens the energy centers of the aetheric body, to bring about optimal wellbeing and the expansion of consciousness. The aetherian philosophy recognizes that the spiritual journey and the health journey are both integral […]
15.8.2022 21:58Alchemy of the Aetheric Lifestyle (Part 1)Industrialism and transhumanism has led to a disconnect of our collective human consciousness, from that of nature. An illusion that we are somehow separate from nature. This manufactured disconnect has led to the degradation of our ecology and a decline in the health of the human being. It is becoming increasingly apparent that to regain […]
16.7.2022 00:19Self-healing; The Soil and The Human BodyIn 1924, Rudolph Steiner, an Austrian esotericist and clairvoyant presented a series of lectures on what he coined anthroposophic agriculture. These lectures amounted to what is now considered by many as the foundation of the first modern organic agriculture, better known today as “biodynamic”. Biodynamic farming, in short, is a set of principles and practices […]
18.5.2022 22:54What is hermetic farming?“The animal’s suffering enters the body through the memory of water. The fruit’s gift of love enters in the same way.” – Alchemy of the Aetheric Lifestyle What is Veganism? The term vegan points to a moral position, not a form of nourishment. A vegan is someone who believes that animals should not be exploited […]
30.4.2022 23:43The Difference Between Breatharianism and AetharianismThe great third Hermetic principle, as described by the Three Initiates in the book The Kybalion, is that of Vibration. “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” – Three Initiates Later, in the early 20th century, a polymath by the name of Walter Russell went on to describe this motion as spiral by nature. “There exists […]
6.4.2022 16:52Let Energy Be Thy Guide