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Ah, that is much better. Thanks for the visual improvement. Get JetBrains to buy it from you!
17.9.2014 22:54Comment on PhpStorm custom icons by Anaxamaxan (@anaxamaxan)Duuuuuude!! This is perfect. I hadn't had php storm install but an hour when I started looking for an alternative icon and yours is perfect. That burning sensation in my eyes has cleared up, thanks to you.
18.5.2014 22:33Comment on PhpStorm custom icons by Jeremy Vaught[…] Replace the ugly app icon with this. […]
22.4.2014 15:55Comment on PhpStorm custom icons by Giving PHPStorm a Chance | The Reluctant Web DeveloperIn reply to <a href="https://jonathanbardo.com/2014/02/phpstorm-custom-icons/#comment-25">Ahmad Alharbi (@subtik)</a>. My pleasure!
7.4.2014 22:44Comment on PhpStorm custom icons by jbardoThanks a lot man!
6.4.2014 11:42Comment on PhpStorm custom icons by Ahmad Alharbi (@subtik)I stumble upon an excellent icon alternative made by Bernard Kowalski to the boring standard PhpStorm icon. You can download it here 😉 Here are the steps to replace your PhpStorm icon so it shows within the application itself: Right-click on PhpStorm.app and Show Package Contents Navigate to Contents/Resources/ Replace webide.icns with custom icon (making sure the […]
25.2.2014 19:02PhpStorm custom iconsIf you are a WordPress developer/freelancer, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard your client say this more than once. Unfortunately, there is no core user activity log in WordPress and no easy way to tell who broke the site by modifying that “pesky” blog settings. Of course, one could remove admin privileges on the site, but […]
29.12.2013 19:31Why is my site broken?For those who are fans of the Base 16 color syntax for sublime, here is an adapted version for PHPStorm. Enjoy!
17.12.2013 00:57Base 16Read the original article on X-Team.com One pitfall I’ve recently encountered with Vagrant and WP-CLI was the lack of an easy way to use my local WP-CLI installation to send a command to my Vagrant box. X-Team’s Weston Ruter first developed an incredible tool called vassh, which basically removes the pain of having to manually SSH into the […]
14.12.2013 04:17Optimize your Vagrant workflow with WP-CLI SSH